TOA Estimation for IR-UWB Systems
With Different Transceiver Types
Ismail Guvenc, Student Member, IEEE, Zafer Sahinoglu, Member, IEEE
, and
Philip V. Orlik, Member, IEEE
Abstract—In this paper, performances of stored-reference,
transmitted-reference (TR), and energy-detection (ED)-based
time-of-arrival estimation techniques are analyzed for im-
pulse-radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) systems at sub-Nyquist
sampling rates. First, an additive white Gaussian noise channel
is considered to emphasize certain fundamental issues related
to these different transceivers. In particular, energy collection
characteristics and decision statistics are presented. Probability
of accurate peak detection is analyzed for each transceiver, and
receiver operating characteristics for the leading edge are derived.
Effects of number of pulses per symbol and number of averaging
symbols are investigated in detail. Then, realistic multipath chan-
nels are addressed, and various maximum-likelihood estimation
approaches are investigated. A new estimator that jointly exploits
the noise statistics and power delay profile of the channel is pro-
posed, and a Bayesian estimator that (ideally) gives a lower bound
is analyzed. Simulation results show that while ED and TR have
better energy collection capabilities at low-rate sampling, they
suffer from distributing the energy over time.
Index Terms—Energy detector, impulse radio (IR), ranging,
stored-reference (SR), subsampling, time-of-arrival (TOA) esti-
mation, transceivers, transmitted-reference (TR).
LTRA-WIDEBAND (UWB) is a technology that has dis-
tinct features characterized by its extremely wide band-
width. Due to high time resolution, it is arduous but possible to
accurately identify the first arriving signal component. However,
the large bandwidth, which is typically larger than 500 MHz,
makes it difficult and costly to operate receivers at above the
Nyquist rate. Instead, energy can be captured at lower sampling
rates after certain analog front-end processing.
The energy detection (ED) of the signal is achieved by
passing the signal through a square-law device, followed by an
integrator and sampler. Another option is to correlate the signal
with a stored-reference (SR) before an integrate-and-dump
circuitry. The latter is more robust to noise effects due to
the template being noise-free. In order to avoid timing and
pulse-shape mismatch between the template and received
signal, a transmitted-reference (TR) scheme can also be con-
sidered, where a template is transmitted with and matches the
transmitted data signal with a known delay in between. After en-
ergy capturing in ED, SR, and TR via low-rate digital samples,
Manuscript received August 10, 2005; revised January 14, 2006.
I. Guvenc is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
South Florida, Tampa, FL 33613 USA (e-mail: iguvenc@eng.usf.edu).
Z. Sahinoglu and P. V. Orlik are with the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labo-
ratories, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: zafer@merl.com; porlik@merl.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2006.872044
leading edge detection is needed for precision ranging. Apart
from the fact that each receiver type has different captured-en-
ergy statistics, they also have different levels of susceptibilities
to timing mismatches and responses to sub-Nyquist sampling.
Typical approaches for UWB time-of-arrival (TOA) estima-
tion in the literature are based on Nyquist-rate (or near-Nyquist-
rate) sampling of signals [1], [2], using an SR [3], [4], and
an ED [4], [5] receivers. A coarse timing estimate of a signal
can be achieved by maximum energy selection (MES) [3], [5],
[6]–[10]. Some other detection-related work in the literature
includes [11], where detection performances of impulse-radio
UWB (IR-UWB) signals with a square-law device were investi-
gated, and [12], where receiver operating characteristics (ROCs)
for coherent UWB random noise radars have been analyzed. De-
tection performances of weighted square-law and cross-corre-
lation UWB receivers are analyzed in [13]. In [14], an in-depth
analysis of signal acquisition using matched filtering and ED
is carried out. Acquisition is achieved using generalized-likeli-
hood ratio testing (GLRT) and noisy templates in [15] and [16].
On the other hand, a coherent acquisition scheme with low-rate
samples is discussed in [17], which shows that the complexity
can be reduced by subsampling. Once an initial acquisition is
achieved, precise arrival of the leading edge can be estimated
by various thresholding techniques [1], [18], [19]. Tradeoffs be-
tween SR and TR transceiver types for symbol detection are ad-
dressed in [20].
The performance tradeoffs and comparison of different
transceiver types for UWB timing estimation is not available
in the literature to the best of the authors’ knowledge. In this
paper, SR-, TR-, and ED-based receivers and timing estima-
tion schemes operating at sub-Nyquist rates are analyzed and
compared. Our contributions are as follows. First, with the
assumption of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) chan-
nels, statistics and energy collection characteristics of the three
transceiver types are addressed. Then, peak selection error,
leading edge detection error (conditioned on the energy capture
characteristics of the transceivers at low-rate sampling), and
effects of pulse compression (increasing the number of pulses
per symbol) and processing gain achievable from replicate
symbol transmissions are discussed. Afterwards, the TOA esti-
mation performance is analyzed under multipath channels via
likelihood-based estimators. A Bayesian estimator algorithm
that ideally gives a lower bound is presented.
While the transmitted signal structures are the same for SR
and ED receivers, TR includes a delayed version of the same
0018-9480/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE