Table 1: Statistics of training and testing data
data #users #merchants #pairs #positive pairs positive%
train 212,062 1,993 260,864 15,952 6.12%
test 212,108 1,993 261,477 16,037 6.13%
because it is domain-specific, while machine learning algo-
rithms are largely general-purpose. Much t rial and error
can go into feature design, and it is typically where most
of the effort in a machine learning project goes [8]. While
thousands of classification algorithms have been prop osed
and studied in the research community, not much work has
been reported on feature engineering for prediction tasks in
e-commerce. Therefore, in this paper we focus on feature
engineering. We will describe how to generate various types
of features from user activity log data and study the impor-
tance of these features via extensive experiments. The fea-
tures we generated can be used in all kinds of e-commerce
applications, such as customer segmentation, product rec-
ommendation, and customer base augmentation for brands.
We hope that our work can be valuable for data science prac-
titioners, who need to develop solutions for prediction tasks
in e-commerce.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
gives th e problem description. Section 3 describes the fea-
tures we have generated. Model ensemble is briefly d escribed
in Section 4. In Section 5, the importance of features is stud-
ied and top features are listed. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the pap er.
For the repeat buyer prediction competition, the follow-
ing data are provided as shown on the top of Figure 1:
demographic information of users, six months of user ac-
tivity log data prior to the “Double 11” promotion, and
training and testing hnew buyer, merchanti pairs, where the
first purchase of the new buyer from the merchant is on
the “Doub le 11” promotion. User demographic data con-
tains the age and gender of users. The age values are di-
vided into seven ranges. The class label of a training hnew
buyer, m erchanti pair is known, and it indicates whether the
new buyer bought items from the merchant again within six
months after the “Double 11” promotion. The class labels of
testing hnew buyer, merchanti pairs are hidden. The task is
to predict the class labels of th e testing pairs. The compe-
tition was carried out in two stages. In stage 1, all the data
were released to the contestants except for class labels of
testing p airs, which were released after stage 1. Stage 2 ran
on the cloud platform of Alibaba for bigger data, and the
data were not released. Therefore, in this paper, we focus
on the data of stage 1.
Table 1 shows the statistics of the training and testing
data. The set of merchants in training data and that in test-
ing data are the same except for a single merchant. Users in
the training and testing data have no overlap. The second
last column is the number of positive hn ew buyer, merchanti
pairs such that the new buyer bought items from the mer-
chant again within six months. The last column is the per-
centage of such positive pairs. The percentage of positive
pairs is around 6%, which indicates that most of the new
buyers are indeed one-time deal hu nters.
The user activity log data contains the following fields:
id, merchant id, item id, cat id, brand id, action type
Table 2: Statistics of log activity data
#rows #users #merchants #items #categories #brands
54,925,330 424,170 4,995 1,090,390 1,658 8,444
Table 3: Statistics of action types
click add-to-cart purchase add-to-favourite
48,550,713 (88.39%) 76,750 (0.14%) 3,292,144 (5.99%) 3,005,723 (5.47%)
and time stamp. Action type takes four values: 0 for click,
1 for add-to-cart, 2 for purchase and 3 for add-to-favourite.
Products sold in different merchants are assigned different
ids even if the products are exactly the same. Table
2 shows the statistics of the user activity log data. Many
merch ants in the log data do not have new buyers in the
training or testing data. They are included in the log data
because some new buyers visited them. The activities of the
new buyers at these merchants are valuable information for
inferring the preferences and habits of the new buyers.
Table 3 shows the number of the four types of actions.
The m ajority of actions are clicks. The number of add-
to-cart actions is very small, so we merge the ad d-to-cart
actions with click actions.
The user activity log data provided in this competition
are very typical in e-commerce prediction tasks. However,
the log data are not in a form that is amenable to learning.
We need to construct new features from them and then join
the new features with t he training and testing data. In t he
next section, we describe how we d o this.
The user activity log data contain five entities: users, mer-
chants, brands, categories and items. The characteristics of
these entities and their interactions can be predictive of the
class labels. For example, users are more likely to buy again
from a merchant selling snacks than from a merchant sell-
ing electronic products within six months, since snacks are
cheaper and are consumed much faster than electronic prod-
ucts. We generated a large number of features to describe
the characteristics of the five types of entities and their pair-
wise interactions. In the rest of this section, we first give an
overview of all the generated features, and then describe the
features in details.
3.1 Overview of features and profiles
The features we generated range from basic counts to com-
plex features like similarity scores, tren ds, PCA (Principal
Component Analysis) and LDA (Latent Dirichlet allocation)
features. All the features of an entity form the profile of the
entity. We have five entity profiles and five interaction pro-
files as shown at the bottom of Figure 1. Table 4 gives a
summary of the ty pes of features contained in these profiles.
User-merchant interaction is the most important interaction
among the five pairwise interaction profiles as the task is to
predict wheth er a user will return to a merchant to b uy
again. Therefore, user-merchant profile contains more fea-
tures than t he other interaction profiles.
The original training/testing data contain only user
and merchant
ids as shown on the top of Figure 1. We ex-
panded the training/testing data by adding age
range and
gender of users, item id, brand id, an d category id as shown
in the middle of Figure 1, where item id is the id of the item
bought by the user from the merchant on the Double 11 day,