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Chapter 30 Complex Numbers.PDF
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Complex Numbers
Complex numbers are an extension of the ordinary numbers used in everyday math. They have
the unique property of representing and manipulating two variables as a single quantity. This fits
very naturally with Fourier analysis, where the frequency domain is composed of two signals, the
real and the imaginary parts. Complex numbers shorten the equations used in DSP, and enable
techniques that are difficult or impossible with real numbers alone. For instance, the Fast Fourier
Transform is based on complex numbers. Unfortunately, complex techniques are very
mathematical, and it requires a great deal of study and practice to use them effectively. Many
scientists and engineers regard complex techniques as the dividing line between DSP as a tool,
and DSP as a career. In this chapter, we look at the mathematics of complex numbers, and
elementary ways of using them in science and engineering. The following three chapters discuss
important techniques based on complex numbers: the complex Fourier transform, the Laplace
transform, and the z-transform. These complex transforms are the heart of theoretical DSP. Get
ready, here comes the math!
The Complex Number System
To illustrate complex numbers, consider a child throwing a ball into the air.
For example, assume that the ball is thrown straight up, with an initial
velocity of 9.8 meters per second. One second after it leaves the child's
hand, the ball has reached a height of 4.9 meters, and the acceleration of
gravity (9.8 meters per second
) has reduced its velocity to zero. The ball
then accelerates toward the ground, being caught by the child two seconds
after it was thrown. From basic physics equations, the height of the ball at
any instant of time is given by:
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing552
t ' 1± 1&h/4.9
where h is the height above the ground (in meters), g is the acceleration of
gravity (9.8 meters per second
), v is the initial velocity (9.8 meters per
second), and t is the time (in seconds).
Now, suppose we want to know when the ball passes a certain height.
Plugging in the known values and solving for t:
For instance, the ball is at a height of 3 meters twice: (going up)t ' 0.38
and seconds (going down). t ' 1.62
As long as we ask reasonable questions, these equations give reasonable
answers. But what happens when we ask unreasonable questions? For
example: At what time does the ball reach a height of 10 meters? This
question has no answer in reality because the ball never reaches this height.
Nevertheless, plugging the value of into the above equation gives twoh ' 10
answers: and . Both these answers containt ' 1% &1.041 t ' 1& &1.041
the square-root of a negative number, something that does not exist in the world
as we know it. This unusual property of polynomial equations was first used
by the Italian mathematician Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576). Two centuries
later, the great German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)
coined the term complex numbers, and paved the way for the modern
understanding of the field.
Every complex number is the sum of two components: a real part and an
imaginary part. The real part is a real number, one of the ordinary
numbers we all learned in childhood. The imaginary part is an imaginary
number, that is, the square-root of a negative number. To keep things
standardized, the imaginary part is usually reduced to an ordinary number
multiplied by the square-root of negative one. As an example, the complex
number: , is first reduced to: , and then tot ' 1% &1.041 t ' 1% 1.041 &1
the final form: . The real part of this complex number is 1,t ' 1% 1.02 &1
while the imaginary part is . This notation allows the abstract term,1.02 &1
, to be given a special symbol. Mathematicians have long used i to denote
. In comparison, electrical engineers use the symbol, j, because i is used&1
to represent electrical current. Both symbols are common in DSP. In this book
the electrical engineering convention, j, will be used.
For example, all the following are valid complex numbers: , ,1% 2j 1& 2j
, , , etc. All ordinary numbers, such as:&1% 2j 3.14159% 2.7183j (4/3)% (19/2)j
2, 6.34, and -1.414, can be viewed as a complex number with zero for the
imaginary part, i.e., , , and .2% 0j 6.34% 0j &1.414% 0j
Just as real numbers are described as having positions along a number line,
complex numbers are represented by locations in a two-dimensional display
called the complex plane. As shown in Fig. 30-1, the horizontal axis of the
Chapter 30- Complex Numbers 553
Real axis
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 + 6 j
-4 - 1.5 j
3 - 7 j
The complex plane. Every complex number
has a unique location in the complex plane,
as illustrated by the three examples shown
here. The horizontal axis represents the real
part, while the vertical axis represents the
imaginary part.
Imaginary axis
A ' 2 % 6j
B ' &4 & 1.5j
C ' 3 & 7j
Re A = 2 Im A = 6
Re B = -4 Im B = -1.5
Re C = 3 Im C = -7
complex plane is the real part of the complex number, while the vertical axis
is the imaginary part. Since real numbers are those complex numbers that have
an imaginary part equal to zero, the real number line is the same as the x-axis
of the complex plane.
In mathematical equations, a complex number is represented by a single
variable, even though it is composed of two parts. For example, the three
complex variables in Fig. 30-1 could be written:
where A, B, & C are complex variables. This illustrates a strong advantage
and a strong disadvantage of using complex numbers. The advantage is the
inherent shorthand of representing two things by a single symbol. The dis-
advantage is having to remember which variables are complex and which
variables are ordinary numbers.
The mathematical notation for separating a complex number into its real and
imaginary parts uses the operators: and . For example, using theRe( ) Im( )
above complex numbers:
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