This tutorial reference takes the reader from use cases to complete architectures for real-time embedded systems using SysML, UML, and MARTE and shows how to apply the COMET/RTE design method to real-world problems. The author covers key topics such as architectural patterns for distributed and hierarchical real-time control and other real-time software architectures, performance analysis of real-time designs using real-time scheduling, and timing analysis on single and multiple processor systems. Complete case studies illustrating design issues include a light rail control system, a microwave oven control system, and an automated highway toll system. Organized as an introduction followed by several self-contained chapters, the book is perfect for experienced software engineers wanting a quick reference at each stage of the analysis, design, and development of large-scale real-time embedded systems, as well as for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in software engineering, computer engineering, and software design. Table of Contents Part I: Overview Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Overview of UML, SysML, and MARTE Chapter 3. Real-Time Software Design and Architecture Concepts Part II: Real-Time Software Design Method Chapter 4. Overview of Real-Time Software Design Method for Embedded Systems Chapter 5. Structural Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems with SysML and UML Chapter 6. Use Case Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 7. State Machines for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 8. Object and Class Structuring for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 9. Dynamic Interaction Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 10. Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 11. Software Architectural Patterns for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 12. Component-Based Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 13. Concurrent Real-Time Software Task Design Chapter 14. Detailed Real-Time Software Design Chapter 15. Designing Real-Time Software Product Line Architectures Part III: Analysis of Real-Time Software Designs Chapter 16. System and Software Quality Attributes for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 17. Performance Analysis of Real-Time Software Designs Chapter 18. Applying Performance Analysis to Real-Time Software Designs Part IV: Real-Time Software Design Case Studies for Embedded Systems Chapter 19. Microwave Oven Control System Case Study Chapter 20. Railroad Crossing Control System Case Study Chapter 21. Light Rail Control System Case Study Chapter 22. Pump Control System Case Study Chapter 23. Highway Toll Control System Case Study Appendix A. Conventions Used in This Textbook Appendix B. Catalog of Software Architectural Patterns Appendix C. Pseudocode Templates for Concurrent Tasks Appendix D. Teaching Considerations
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