Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for MATLAB, v1.2
Thank you for requesting a copy of the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox.
The Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for MATLAB was developed at the
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering of The
University of Sheffield, UK, in order to make GA's accessible to the
control engineer within the framework of a existing computer-aided
control system design package. The toolbox was written with the
support of a UK SERC grant, and the final version (v1.2) was
completed in 1994.
The Toolbox was originally developed for MATLAB v4.2. It has also
been successfully used with subsequent versions up to and including
For a more detailed introduction to the capabilities and use of the
GA Toolbox, please refer to the two introductory papers and the
Toolbox User's Guide, all of which are available at the GA Toolbox
homepage at http://www.shef.ac.uk/acse/research/ecrg/gat.html.
The GA Toolbox is copyright the original authors and The University
of Sheffield, and is published here under the GNU General Public
License. (See http://www.fsf.org/licenses/licenses.html)
We would be interested to hear of your experiences with, criticisms
of, and enhancements to, the GA Toolbox. Please direct all such
correspondence to ga-toolbox@acse.sheffield.ac.uk.
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