Phase-Detection Probe Simulator for Turbulent Bubbly Flows
This is the repository of the Phase-Detection Probe Simulator for Turbulent Bubbly Flows (pdp-sim-tf) Software.
This repository is structured as follows:
- doc: Any documentation of pdp-sim-tf (development, testing, application, etc.) is collected here.
- dataio: H5 file handling tools (reader/writer).
- schemadef: JSON schemas.
- tests: Unit tests, feature tests, model tests.
- tools: Python scripts for building and testing.
- Pipfile: Definition of the Python environment via pipenv.
- Stochastic Timeseries Generator and Synthetic Signal Generator (STSG-SSG).
- Functions used by the STSG-SSG.
- Multi-Sensor Signal Processing (MSSP).
- Script for running the various steps of a phase-detection probe simulations.
Getting Started
The pdp-sim-tf requires the following dependencies:
- numpy==1.26.1
- pandas==2.1.1
- h5py==3.10.0
- joblib==1.3.2
- jsonschema==4.19.1
- matplotlib==3.8.0
- pathlib==1.0.1
- scipy==1.11.3
To install pdp-sim-tf, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd pdp-sim-tf
We recommend running pdp-sim-tf in a virtual python environment using pipenv. The installation of pipenv is described in the documentation.
Install the required dependencies using pipenv:
pipenv install
Activate the virtual environment:
pipenv shell
You're ready to use pdp-sim-tf!
pdp-sim-tf can be used for simulating phase-detection probe measurements in turbulent bubbly flows.
Running the code
In order to run a simulation of phase-detection probe measurements in turbulent bubbly flows, create a new folder for the simulation and add a JSON configuration file specifying the flow properties, probe characteristics and signal post-processing algorithm. Have a look at the examples under tests for the structure of the configuration file.
pdp-sim-tf is based on a modular workflow. The basic steps of a simulation include:
- Generating a 3-D stochastic velocity time series based on the Langevin equations.
- Generating the synthetic signal by tracking the movement of bubbles with respect to the sensors of the phase-detection probe
- Running a signal processing algorithm to recover flow properties, such as velocities and void fractions.
A detailed description of the workflow can be found in the peer-reviewed publication (tba).
Generating a 3-D stochastic velocity time series
A 3-D stochastic velocity time series can be generated with the Stochastic Time Series Generation and Synthetic Signal Generation (STSG-SSG) Python script
, using the timeseries
keyword for the run
flag (-r). The path to the simulation folder containing the configuration JSON file (config.json) must be provided via command line argument.
python -r timeseries path/to/simulation
Generating the synthetic signal
The synthetic signal can be generated with the Stochastic Time Series Generation and Synthetic Signal Generation (STSG-SSG) Python script
, using the signal
keyword for the run
flag (-r). The path to the simulation folder containing the configuration JSON file (config.json) must be provided via command line argument.
python -r signal path/to/simulation
Processing the synthetic signal
The synthetic signal can be processed with the Multi-Sensor Signal Processing (MSSP) Python script
. The path to the simulation folder containing the configuration JSON file (config.json) must be provided via command line argument.
python path/to/simulation
For support, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue in the issue tracker or contact Matthias Bürgler at
Authors and acknowledgment
This software is developed by Matthias Bürgler in collaboration and under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Valero, Dr. Benjamin Hohermuth, Dr. David F. Vetsch and Prof. Dr. Robert M. Boes. Matthias Bürgler and Dr. Benjamin Hohermuth were supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [grant number 197208]. The code is inspired by previously developed stochastic bubble generators (Bung & Valero, 2017; Valero et al., 2019; Kramer, 2019; Kramer et al., 2019; Bürgler et al., 2022)).
Copyright notice
(c)2024 ETH Zurich, Matthias Bürgler, Daniel Valero, Benjamin Hohermuth, David F. Vetsch, Robert M. Boes, D-BAUG, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
Bung, D. B., & Valero, D. 2017. FlowCV-An open-source toolbox for computer vision applications in turbulent flows. In Proceedings 37th IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 5356-5365.
Bürgler, M., Hohermuth, B., Vetsch, D. F., & Boes, R. M. 2022. Comparison of Signal Processing Algorithms for Multi-Sensor Intrusive Phase-Detection Probes. In Proceedings 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, pp. 5094-5103.
Kramer, M. 2019. Particle size distributions in turbulent air-water flows. In E-Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, pp. 5722-5731.
Kramer, M., Valero, D., Chanson, H., & Bung, D. B. 2019. Towards reliable turbulence estimations with phase-detection probes: an adaptive window cross-correlation technique. Experiments in Fluids, 60(1), 2.
Valero, D., Kramer, M., Bung, D.B., & Chanson, H. 2019. A stochastic bubble generator for air water flow research. In E-Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress. Panama City, Panama, pp. 5714–5721.
If you use this package in academic work, please consider citing our work (tba).