#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// Lattice parameters
const int nx = 64; // number of nodes along x-axis
const int ny = 64; // number of nodes along y-axis
const int nsteps = 20000; // number of time steps
const int noutput = 100; // data output interval (data written to "/data")
const int nfluids = 1; // number of fluid components (choose 1 or 2)
const double tauA = 1; // relaxation time for fluid A
const double tauB = 1; // relaxation time for fluid B (will only be used if nfluids = 2)
// Shan-Chen parameters
const double gA = -4.7; // self-interaction strength of fluid A
const double gB = 0.; // self-interaction strength of fluid B (will only be used if nfluids = 2)
const double gAB = 6.; // interaction strength of fluids A and B (will only be used if nfluids = 2)
const double rho0 = 1.; // reference density for pseudopotential (usually set to 1)
const double rhol = 2.1; // initial liquid density
const double rhog = 0.15; // initial gas density
const double radius = 15.; // initial droplet radius
// Fixed parameters; DO NOT CHANGE
const int npop = 9; // number of populations
const int cx[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1}; // x-components of lattice vectors
const int cy[] = {0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 1, -1,-1}; // y-components of lattice vectors
const double weight[]={4./9., 1./9., 1./9., 1./9., 1./9., 1./36., 1./36., 1./36., 1./36.};
// Arrays
double g[nfluids][nfluids]; // interaction strengths
double rho[nfluids][nx * ny]; // density
double press[nx * ny]; // pressure
double ux[nx * ny]; // x-component of fluid velocity
double uy[nx * ny]; // y-component of fluid velocity
double Fx[nfluids][nx * ny]; // x-component of Shan-Chen force
double Fy[nfluids][nx * ny]; // y-component of Shan-Chen force
double feq[nfluids][npop]; // equilibrium populations
double forcing[nfluids][npop]; // force populations
double tau[nfluids]; // relaxation times
double **f1; // populations (old)
double **f2; // populations (new)
// Compute density everywhere.
void computeDensity(double **pop) {
for (int k = 0; k < nx * ny; k++) {
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
rho[s][k] = pop[s][npop * k] + pop[s][npop * k + 1] + pop[s][npop * k + 2] + pop[s][npop * k + 3] + pop[s][npop * k + 4] + pop[s][npop * k + 5] + pop[s][npop * k + 6] + pop[s][npop * k + 7] + pop[s][npop * k + 8];
// Compute pseudopotential for given density value.
double psi(double dens) {
return rho0 * (1. - exp(-dens / rho0));
// Compute Shan-Chen forces.
void computeSCForces() {
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
const int k = y * nx + x;
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
Fx[s][k] = 0.;
Fy[s][k] = 0.;
for (int ss = 0; ss < nfluids; ss++) {
double fxtemp = 0.;
double fytemp = 0.;
for (int i = 1; i < npop; i++) {
const int x2 = (x + cx[i] + nx) % nx;
const int y2 = (y + cy[i] + ny) % ny;
const double psinb = psi(rho[ss][y2 * nx + x2]);
fxtemp += weight[i] * cx[i] * psinb;
fytemp += weight[i] * cy[i] * psinb;
const double psiloc = psi(rho[s][k]);
fxtemp *= (-g[s][ss] * psiloc);
fytemp *= (-g[s][ss] * psiloc);
Fx[s][k] += fxtemp;
Fy[s][k] += fytemp;
// Calculate total density at given point.
double computeTotalDensity(int k) {
double dens;
if (nfluids == 1) {
dens = rho[0][k];
else if (nfluids == 2) {
dens = rho[0][k] + rho[1][k];
return dens;
// Calculate pressure everywhere.
void computePressure() {
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
const int k = y * nx + x;
press[k] = 0.;
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
press[k] += rho[s][k] / 3.;
for (int ss = 0; ss < nfluids; ss++) {
press[k] += (g[s][ss] * psi(rho[s][k]) * psi(rho[ss][k]) / 6.);
// Calculate barycentric velocity everywhere.
void computeVelocity(double **pop) {
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
const int k = y * nx + x;
ux[k] = 0.;
uy[k] = 0.;
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
ux[k] += (pop[s][npop * k + 1] - pop[s][npop * k + 3] + pop[s][npop * k + 5] - pop[s][npop * k + 6] - pop[s][npop * k + 7] + pop[s][npop * k + 8]);
uy[k] += (pop[s][npop * k + 2] - pop[s][npop * k + 4] + pop[s][npop * k + 5] + pop[s][npop * k + 6] - pop[s][npop * k + 7] - pop[s][npop * k + 8]);
ux[k] += (0.5 * Fx[s][k]);
uy[k] += (0.5 * Fy[s][k]);
const double dens = computeTotalDensity(k);
ux[k] /= dens;
uy[k] /= dens;
// Compute equilibrium distributions for fluid s at point k.
void equilibrium(int s, int k) {
const double dens = rho[s][k];
const double vx = ux[k];
const double vy = uy[k];
const double usq = vx * vx + vy * vy;
feq[s][0] = weight[0] * dens * (1. - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][1] = weight[1] * dens * (1. + 3. * vx + 4.5 * vx * vx - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][2] = weight[2] * dens * (1. + 3. * vy + 4.5 * vy * vy - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][3] = weight[3] * dens * (1. - 3. * vx + 4.5 * vx * vx - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][4] = weight[4] * dens * (1. - 3. * vy + 4.5 * vy * vy - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][5] = weight[5] * dens * (1. + 3. * ( vx + vy) + 4.5 * ( vx + vy) * ( vx + vy) - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][6] = weight[6] * dens * (1. + 3. * (-vx + vy) + 4.5 * (-vx + vy) * (-vx + vy) - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][7] = weight[7] * dens * (1. + 3. * (-vx - vy) + 4.5 * ( vx + vy) * ( vx + vy) - 1.5 * usq);
feq[s][8] = weight[8] * dens * (1. + 3. * ( vx - vy) + 4.5 * ( vx - vy) * ( vx - vy) - 1.5 * usq);
// Initialise simulation
void initialisation(double **f1, double **f2) {
// Set viscosity
tau[0] = tauA;
if (nfluids == 2) {
tau[1] = tauB;
// Set interaction strength
g[0][0] = gA;
if (nfluids == 2) {
g[1][1] = gB;
g[0][1] = g[1][0] = gAB;
// Initialise 1-component system.
// In this case a liquid droplet is created in a gas.
if (nfluids == 1) {
for (int k = 0; k < nx * ny; k++) {
// Set initial density field (liquid density inside, gas density outside)
if ((k / nx - ny / 2.) * (k / nx - ny / 2.) + (k % nx - nx / 2.) * (k % nx - nx / 2.) <= radius * radius) {
rho[0][k] = rhol; // liquid density
else {
rho[0][k] = rhog; // gas density
// Initialise 2-component system.
// In this case a planar interface is created, and the total density is set to unity.
if (nfluids == 2) {
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
const int k = y * nx + x;
if (y < ny / 2.) {
rho[0][k] = 0.1;
rho[1][k] = 0.9;
else {
rho[0][k] = 0.9;
rho[1][k] = 0.1;
// Initialise populations.
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nx * ny; k++) {
// Set initial velocity field (zero velocity everywhere).
ux[k] = uy[k] = 0.;
// Compute equilibrium distributions
equilibrium(s, k);
// Set populations to equilibrium
for (int i = 0; i < npop; i++) {
f1[s][npop * k + i] = feq[s][i];
f2[s][npop * k + i] = feq[s][i];
// LBM: collide and propagate (push).
void push(double **f1, double **f2) {
for (int s = 0; s < nfluids; s++) {
const double omega = 1. / tau[s];
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
const int k = y * nx + x;
// Compute Guo's forcing terms
for (int i = 0; i < npop; i++) {
forcing[s][i] = weight[i] * (1. - 0.5 * omega) * ((3. * (cx[i] - ux[k]) + 9. * cx[
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6