function YY = PCLM_estimate( X, d,p,b, n,c,K, P )
% usage: YY = PCLM_estimate( X, 3,1,2, 30,1,6, 1 );
% PCLM = Principal Components Local Mean spatial clustering
% Performs Principal Curve estimation of 2D,3D point clouds, on the basis
% of Local Means (LM) and principal components (PC) of local Cov Matrices.
% It is a "blurred method" and needs only a FEW iterations to cluster;
% however, standard criteria of convergence are not applicable.
% X = Data matrix Nx4: [x, y, z, w],
% (Longitude, Latitude, Depth, Magnitude),
% (Add columns as [X, ones(N,1)], if necessary)
% d = 2, 3, Space Dimension of the estimates (2D,3D) ... d=2,
% p <= d-1, dimension of the Projection ... p=1,
% (when d=3, p=1 estimates Surfaces /sheets,
% p=2 estimates Curves /snakes ),
% b <= d, dimension of the Neighbors' search ... b=d,
% >= 2, (when d=3, b=2 provides vertical ordering),
% and 3d estimates look like sections
% n = 10, 20 ... number of Nearest neighbors searched ... n=30,
% c = 0, 1, 2: global, local, mixed Covariance matrix ... c=1,
% (use c=0,2 when the curves have the same direction)
% K = maximum number of iterations ... K=10,
% (choose a mild value as the method is blurring)
% P = 1, 0, yes/no plot of the results, P=1,
% YY = a structure array with K estimates Y (Nxd)
% X = [X, ones(length(X),2)]; % if size(X,2)<3;
% YY = PCLM_estimate( X, 2,1,2, 30,1,6, 1 );
% YY = PCLM_estimate( X, 3,2,3, 30,1,6, 1 );
% YY = PCLM_estimate( X, 3,1,2, 30,1,6, 1 );
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% Author: Carlo Grillenzoni (c) (carlog@iuav.it) 2015
% IUAV: Institute of Architecture, University of Venice
% Reference: Smoothing Three-Dimensional Manifold Data,
% with Application to Tectonic Fault Detection,
% Mathematical Geosciences, 48, 2016
% https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11004-015-9630-x
N = size(X,1);
Xx = X(:,1:d);
Y=Xx; Yy=Y*0;
w = X(:,end); m0 = (w'*Xx)/sum(w);
for k=1:K
if P==1, k
[I, D]= knn_search( Y(:,1:b), Y(:,1:b), n);
for i=1:N
yi = Y(i,:);
Yi = [ yi; Y(I(i,:),:) ];
wi = [ w(i); w(I(i,:)) ];
mi = (wi'*Yi)/sum(wi);
Si =(repmat(wi,1,d).*Yi)'*(Yi/sum(wi))-(mi'*mi);
if c==0, S=S0;
elseif c==1, S=Si;
else, S=(S0+Si)/2; end
[V, L] = eig(S);
[ls, is] = sort(diag(L)); % ,'ascend');
Vs = V(:,is); v=Vs(:,1:p); u=Vs(:,p+1:d);
% v=V(:,1:p); u=V(:,p+1:d); % no sort
Yy(i,:) = yi*(u*u') + mi*(v*v') ;
end % i
Y = Yy;
YY{k} = Y;
end % k
if P==1,
if d==2,
if K>3,
for k=1:4
h=k; % round(k*(K/4));
subplot(2,2,k); plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'.b')
hold on; Yk=YY{h}; plot(Yk(:,1),Yk(:,2),'.r')
axis tight; title(sprintf('%d-th iteration',h))
end % K
figure; plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'xb')
hold on; plot(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),'.r')
axis tight; title(sprintf('%d-th iteration',K))
end % d
if d==3,
subplot(221); plot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'.b') % 'xb','MarkerSize',3)
hold on; plot(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),'.r');
axis tight; ax=axis; title('2D view')
subplot(222); plot(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),'.k')
axis(ax); grid on; title('Estimate')
subplot(223); plot3(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),Y(:,3),'.r')
hold on; plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3),'.b')
box on; grid on; axis tight; ; view(-40,60)
title('3D view')
subplot(224); plot3(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),Y(:,3),'.k')
box on; grid on; axis tight; view(-40,60)
figure; plot3(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),Y(:,3),'.r')
hold on; plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3),'.b')
box on; grid on; axis tight; ; view(-40,60)
title('3D view')
end % d
end % P
% pro memoria
% PCLM_estimate( [X, ones(1300,1)], 2,1,2, 35,1,9, 1 ); % simulated
% PCLM_estimate( XX(1:1500,:), 2,1,2, 20,2,9, 1 ); % california
% PCLM_estimate( Xx(1:1500,:), 2,1,2, 40,1,9, 1 ); % minnesota