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The Reflections of Israeli Siege over Economic and Social Indices on Gaza
Abd ElRahman J AlFar
, Samir M Abu Mdallalah and Eman A ALkhoudary
Department of Economics, University of Palestine , Al-Azhar University Gaza, Palestine
author: Abd ElRahman J AlFar, Department of Economics, Economics Lecturer, Al-Azhar University Gaza, Palestinian University, Palestine, Tel:
+970-08-2641885; E-mail: a.alfar@live.com
Rec date: June 21, 2017, Acc date: July 10, 2017, Pub date: July 17, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Alfar AEJ, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
s economy is still suffering from the Israeli blockade and the continued closure policy for a long time which
have become more rigorous since 2000 and increased with the construction of the Apartheid wall in 2002. After the
Israeli retraction from Gaza in 2005, the economic conditions were exacerbated in which Israel continued control
over the air, sea and land private sectors. Moreover, in 2007, the restrictions have increased and switched into
expanded blockade separates Gaza strip from the outside world.
In spite of the mitigations that carried on during 2007-2015 period, represents in increasing the goods quantities
which allowed to enter and exit from Gaza Strip for commercial purposes and the increasing number of Palestinians
who are allowed to leave through Eretz crossing, the siege and its effects still exists till now.
Keywords Economics; Politics; Sectors; Goods; Territories; Natural
resources; GDP; Customs
Part 1: e Siege Concept, Mechanisms and Stages
e concept of siege
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics denes the siege as: “the
aggregate procedures imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities,
which under its direct actions or inuences causing a total or partial
stops to the general movement and the movement of people and goods
between communities in the Palestinian provinces, between the same
provinces, between the Palestinian territory and the outside world and
Israel on the other hand, including the diculties caused by the partial
or total stop to the movement of land crossings, sea or air” [1].
As noted from the denition, it focused only on the movement of
people and goods. So it should distinguish here between the concepts
of siege and closure, in which the siege is broader and wider than the
closure that the closure is one of blockade mechanisms. In regard, the
periods when the crossings were opened included many actions and
complex restrictions that calls for Israel implementation, which leads
to hindering the ow of goods to and from Gaza Strip. us, we agree
ith the overall concept that the blockade means "all actions and
decisions taken by the Israeli authorities against the Palestinian
territories and aect any economic activity” [2].
e mechanisms of siege
e most important mechanisms of the blockade followed by the
sraeli occupation can be summed up in the following points:
A collection of procedures that formed the “quasi-Customs Union”:
were these procedures during the period of the occupation allowed
moving goods and labors between the Palestinian and the Israeli
economy under imposing non-reciprocal restrictions. However, the
imports and exports are knuckle under complex measures as issuing
port and export certicates through military orders, and imposing
limits on the amounts and types of raw materials that allowed to enter
the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and other actions. All these led to the
emergence of unequal business relationships, pressure tax, regulatory
restrictions and reduce the possibilities of access to the natural
resources [3].
Formalize the “quasi-customs union” under the terms of Paris
Economic Protocol, and in fact the Palestinian-Israeli economic
relationship is far from being a customs union, as reinforced control
and dependency relationships [4].
Frequent and inclusive closure: the blockade imposed by Israel on
the Gaza Strip is a widespread blockade (land, air, sea), where Egypt
controls one crossing, Israel controls the other crossings, which
undergo to Israel closure policy for goods, services and the movement
of people [5]. In addition to the construction of the apartheid wall, that
led to the segmentation of west bank and Gaza strip economic, and
reducing the production capacity and capabilities in them [6].
Moreover, it closed the commercial crossings against import and
export movement, and prevented the entry of the necessary raw
materials for industry or construction sector [7].
Reducing the amounts of petrol, diesel, cooking gas and industrial
fuel used in operating the only power plant on the strip (OCHA, 2009,
p. 2), and this reduction in quantities has led to a permanent shortage
of electricity, which has had a negative impact on the population lives
and the function of water and sanitation systems, health and
infrastructure devices at all [8].
Restrictions on transfers the funds to Gaza strip banks, and ban the
entry of the shekel and other currencies with Israeli banks [9].
Revocation on Gaza Strip Customs Code [7]. A tangible reduction
to the shing areas and agricultural land that Palestinians can be
sed [9]. It is estimated about 35% of the restricted border land, is
arable land [10].
ISSN: 2375-4389
Journal of Global Economics
AlFar AEJ, Mdallalah SMA, Alkhoudary EA, J Glob
Econ 2017, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2375-4389.1000252
Research Article OMICS International
J Glob Econ, an open access journal
N: 2375-4389
Volume 5 • Issue 3 • 1000252
- 粉丝: 1039
- 资源: 5444
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