# TopoToolbox - a set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis
<img src="https://github.com/wschwanghart/topotoolbox/blob/master/topotoolbox.jpg" align="center" height="100">
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[TopoToolbox](http://topotoolbox.wordpress.com) provides a set of Matlab functions that support the analysis
of relief and flow pathways in digital elevation models. The major
aim of TopoToolbox is to offer helpful analytical GIS utilities in a
non-GIS environment in order to support the simultaneous application
of GIS-specific and other quantitative methods.
If you have any questions or remarks, please contact the authors:
[Wolfgang Schwanghart](https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/umwelt/institut/alle-mitarbeiterinnen/schwanghart-wolfgang.html)
[Dirk Scherler](https://sites.google.com/site/scherlerdirk/home)
## Requirements
TopoToolbox is plat-form independent and requires
Matlab 2016b or higher and the Image Processing Toolbox. The Mapping
Toolbox is not mandatory, but good to have to facilitate easy data
exchange with GIS software. Some functions support parallelisation using the
Parallel Toolbox. Few functions require the Optimization or Statistics
and Machine Learning Toolbox.
## References
When you use TopoToolbox in your work, please reference following
- Schwanghart, W., Scherler, D. (2014): TopoToolbox 2 – MATLAB-based
software for topographic analysis and modeling in Earth surface sciences.
Earth Surface Dynamics, 2, 1-7. DOI: [10.5194/esurf-2-1-2014](http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/esurf-2-1-2014)
If you are using version 1, then please refer to this publication:
- Schwanghart, W., Kuhn, N.J. (2010): TopoToolbox: a set of MATLAB
functions for topographic analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software,
25, 770-781. DOI: [10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.12.002](http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.12.002)
In addition, various models and algorithms used in TopoToolbox have been published in the following articles.
### DEM preprocessing and carving
- Schwanghart, W., Groom, G.B., Kuhn, N.J., Heckrath, G., 2013: Flow network derivation from a high
resolution DEM in a low relief, agrarian landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38,
1576-1586. DOI: [10.1002/esp.3452](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.3452)
- Schwanghart, W., Scherler, D., 2017. Bumps in river profiles: uncertainty assessment and smoothing
using quantile regression techniques. Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 821-839. DOI: [10.5194/esurf-5-821-2017](https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-5-821-2017)
### TopoToolbox Landscape Evolution Modelling (TTLEM) and HyLands
- Campforts, B., Schwanghart, W., Govers, G. (2017): Accurate simulation of transient
landscape evolution by eliminating numerical diffusion: the TTLEM 1.0 model.
Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 47-66. DOI: [10.5194/esurf-5-47-2017](http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/esurf-5-47-2017)
- HyLands: Campforts B., Shobe M.C., et al. (2020): HyLands 1.0: a Hybrid Landscape
evolution model to simulate the impact of landslides and landslide-derived sediment on landscape evolution.
Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 3863–3886. DOI: [10.5194/gmd-13-3863-2020](http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-3863-2020)
### Excess topography
- Blöthe, J.H., Korup, O., Schwanghart, W., 2015: Large landslides lie low: Excess topography in the Himalaya-Karakorum ranges.
Geology, 43, 523-526. [DOI: 10.1130/G36527.1](https://doi.org/10.1130/G36527.1)
### Knickpointfinder
- Stolle, A., Schwanghart, W., Andermann, C., Bernhardt, A., Fort, M., Jansen, J.D., Wittmann, H., Merchel, S.,
Rugel, G., Adhikari, B.R., Korup, O., 2019. Protracted river response to medieval earthquakes. Earth Surface Processes
and Landforms, 44, 331-341. DOI: [10.1002/esp.4517](https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4517) (The description here is very terse, yet)
### Divide functions
- Scherler, D., Schwanghart, W., 2020. Drainage divide networks – Part 1: Identification and ordering in digital elevation models.
Earth Surface Dynamics, 8, 245–259. [DOI: 10.5194/esurf-8-245-2020](http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/esurf-8-245-2020)
- Scherler, D., Schwanghart, W., 2020. Drainage divide networks – Part 2: Response to perturbations.
Earth Surface Dynamics, 8, 261-274. [DOI: 10.5194/esurf-8-261-2020](http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/esurf-8-261-2020)
### Point patterns on stream networks
- Schwanghart, W., Molkenthin, C., & Scherler, D. (2020). A systematic approach and software for the analysis
of point patterns on river networks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, accepted. [DOI: 10.1002/esp.5127](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.5127)
## Getting started
Before working with TopoToolbox the directories and functions must be on the search
path of Matlab. Enter following code into the command line:
To remove .git-folders from the path, run
To make these paths permanent, use the command
Type `doc` in the command line to open the main documentation page. You'll
find the TopoToolbox documentation in the section Supplemental Software.
The documentation contains several user's guides that will help you
getting started. In addition, TopoToolbox functions have extensive help
sections (e.g. `help gradient8` or `help STREAMobj/modify`. An additional
resource for code and examples is the [TopoToolbox blog](http://topotoolbox.wordpress.com).
## Version History
### pre 2.5
- new function: GRIDobj/randomsample - Create a spatially uniform sample based on a GRIDobj
- new function: tthelp - Search for keywords on the TopoToolbox blog
- new function: meltonruggedness (thanks for pointing out the bug, Kerry Leith!)
- new function: PPS/cdftest
- new function: GRIDobj/evansslope - calculate surface gradient using Evans method
- new function: GRIDobj/GRIDobj2rgb
- new function: getgriddedline(see utilities)
- new function: table2STREAMobj (see IOtools)
### 2.4
- HyLands 1.0 added: see paper: Campforts, B. et al. (2020): HyLands 1.0: a Hybrid Landscape evolution
model to simulate the impact of landslides and landslide-derived sediment on landscape evolution
Geoscientific Model Development. [DOI:10.5194/gmd-13-3863-2020](https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-3863-2020)
- new class: DIVIDEobj [Paper 1 DOI: 10.5194/esurf-8-245-2020](https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-8-245-2020)
[Paper 2 DOI: 10.5194/esurf-8-261-2020](https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-8-261-2020)
- new class: PPS [DOI: 10.1002/esp.5127](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.5127)
- modification: update to ttscm to Scientific Colormaps 7.0
see [Fabio Crameri's website](http://www.fabiocrameri.ch/colourmaps.php)
- new function: FLOWobj/plotdbfringe
- new function: FLOWobj/tfactor
- new function: private in FLOWobj graydistparallel
- new function: GRIDobj/diffusion
- new function: GRIDobj/histogram
- new function: GRIDobj/rand
- new function: PPS/extractvaluesaroundpoints
- new function: STREAMobj/extend2divide
- new function: STREAMobj/binarize
- modification: STREAMobj/modify
- modification: STREAMobj/wmplot
- new function: STREAMobj/loessksn
- new function: STREAMobj/STREAMobj2shape
- new function: STREAMobj/isequal
- new function: STREAMobj/isempty
- new function: STREAMobj/STREAMobj2kml
- new function: STREAMobj/getlocation
- new function: STREAMobj/fastscape
- modification: STREAMobj/smooth
- new function: STREAMobj/mnoptimvar
- modification: STREAMobj/STREAMobj2cell
- modification: STREAMobj/netdist and PPS/netdist
- new function: STREAMobj/istrunk
- modification: STREAMobj/
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TopoToolbox是Wolfgang Schwanghart开发的一套用于构造地貌分析的MATLAB工具箱,其 提供了一组 Matlab 函数, 支持分析数字高程模型中的地形和河流路径。TopoToolbox 的主要目的是在非 GIS 环境中提供有帮助的 GIS 分析实用程序, 以支持同时应用GIS 特定方法和其他定量方法。 这里是2023年最新更新的代码,有些功能需要MATLAB2020及以上版本。
Topotoolbox:基于DEM进行构造地貌研究的MATLAB工具箱 (584个子文件)
lateralDisplacement.asv 3KB
mexGetMats_BC_v1.c 9KB
mexGetMats.c 8KB
steepestneighbor_mex.c 3KB
tsort_mex.c 3KB
UpdateSedFlux.c 2KB
drainagebasins_mex.c 1KB
flowacc_mex.c 1KB
dependencemap_mex.c 1KB
flowacc_mex.c 1KB
_9.cfe 268B
_9.cfs 104KB
TTLEM_usersguide_2_Synthetic_model_run.doc 1.64MB
TTLEM_usersguide_3_Synthetic_Geological_Configuration.doc 1.25MB
usersguide_1_intro.doc 1.23MB
TTLEM_usersguide_1_intro.doc 1.03MB
usersguide_2_ksn.doc 874KB
ttlemset.doc 48KB
segments.gen 20B
tt_gs_2.html 2.16MB
usersguide_1_intro.html 1.94MB
usersguide_3_mfd.html 1.59MB
tt_gs_4.html 1.27MB
tt_gs_1.html 1.03MB
tt_gs_3.html 995KB
usersguide_2_ksn.html 672KB
usersguide_4_modify.html 653KB
tt_product_page.html 651KB
usersguide_5_smoothing.html 234KB
ttfunctions.html 29KB
tt_gs_0.html 4KB
usersguide_0.html 1KB
info 51B
info 39B
Fig_5 Syntehtic DEM.jpg 1.23MB
HyLands.jpg 523KB
topotoolbox.jpg 121KB
functionSignatures.json 4KB
functionSignatures.json 875B
flowpathapp.m 34KB
largestinscribedgrid.m 27KB
FLOWobj.m 26KB
Contents.m 24KB
modify.m 20KB
mnoptimkp.m 19KB
STREAMobj2mapstruct.m 18KB
GRIDobj.m 16KB
STREAMobj.m 16KB
DIVIDEobj.m 16KB
slopeareatool.m 15KB
mappingapp.m 14KB
ScaleBar.m 14KB
imageschs.m 14KB
ginputc.m 14KB
magmacolor.m 14KB
PPS.m 13KB
SWATHobj.m 12KB
crslin.m 12KB
HYLANDS_set.m 12KB
subplotlabel.m 12KB
ttlem.m 12KB
DIVIDEobj2mapstruct.m 12KB
chiplot.m 12KB
fastscape.m 12KB
readopenalti.m 11KB
measure.m 11KB
inpaintnans.m 11KB
plotdzm.m 11KB
STREAMobj2cell.m 11KB
readopentopo.m 11KB
usersguide_1_intro.m 11KB
slopearea.m 11KB
ttlemset.m 10KB
flow_matrix.m 10KB
smooth.m 10KB
plotdz.m 10KB
knickpointfinder.m 10KB
crs.m 9KB
roipicker.m 9KB
crsapp.m 9KB
snap2stream.m 9KB
streamproj.m 8KB
zonalstats.m 8KB
reclassify.m 8KB
flowcolor.m 8KB
ploteffects.m 8KB
TTLEM_usersguide_3_Synthetic_Geological_Configuration.m 8KB
plot.m 8KB
multiFLOWobj.m 7KB
Kfun.m 7KB
GRIDobj2polygon.m 7KB
mnoptim.m 7KB
ttcmap.m 7KB
TTLEM_usersguide_1_intro.m 7KB
fitloglinear.m 7KB
project.m 7KB
demarea.m 7KB
surf.m 7KB
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