function [A,E,Y] = singular_value_rpca( D, lambda, tau, delta, svdMethod, A0)
% Solves the Robust PCA relaxation
% min \tau ( |A|_* + \lambda |E|_1 ) + 1/2 |(A,E)|_F^2
% subj A+E = D
% by iterative thresholding.
% Inputs:
% D -- the data matrix, m x n.
% lambda -- relative weight of sparsity of error
% Optional:
% tau -- magnitude of L2 relaxation of the pure robust PCA SDP,
% higher value is desirable.
% delta -- stepsize, should be in (0,1).
% svdMethod -- SVD routine to be used in each iteration, must be one
% of 'svdlibc', 'propack', or 'svds'. If not any of
% these, default option is MATLAB's svd command. (May
% require additional library dependencies if custom routine is used.)
% A0 -- true low-rank solution, if known, to enable better display of
% progress in each iteration.
% Outputs:
% A -- estimate of the low-rank generating matrix
% E -- estimate of the error or corruption
% Winter '08, John Wright, Shankar Rao. Questions?
% Copyright: Perception and Decision Laboratory
% University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
if nargin < 5, svdMethod = 'svd'; end
if nargin < 4, delta = 0.9; end;
if nargin < 3, tau = 1e4; end;
MAX_ITER = 25000;
[m,n] = size(D);
Y = zeros(m,n); % Lagrange multiplier
A = zeros(m,n); % Structure
E = zeros(m,n); % Error
rankA = 0;
iter = 0;
converged = false;
while ~converged
iter = iter + 1;
switch lower(svdMethod)
case 'svdlibc'
[U diagS V] = svdlibc(Y, rankA+1);
case 'propack'
[U,S,V] = lansvd(Y,rankA+1,'L');
diagS = diag(S);
case 'svds'
[U, S, V] = svds(Y, rankA+1, 'L');
diagS = diag(S);
[U,S,V] = svd(Y,0);
diagS = diag(S);
A = U * diag(pos(diagS-tau)) * V';
E = sign(Y) .* pos( abs(Y) - lambda*tau );
M = D - A - E;
rankA = sum(diagS>tau);
cardE = sum(sum(double(abs(E)>0)));
Y = Y + delta * M;
if VERBOSE > 1 && mod(iter, DISPLAY_EVERY)==0 && nargin>=6,
disp([' Iteration ' num2str(iter) ...
' |A|_F ' num2str(norm(A,'fro')) ...
' rank(A) ' num2str(rankA) ...
' |E|_F ' num2str(norm(E,'fro')) ...
' |E|_0 ' num2str(cardE) ...
' |D-A-E|_F ' num2str(norm(M,'fro')) ...
' |A-A0|_F / |A0|_F ' num2str(norm(A-A0,'fro')/norm(A0,'fro')) ...
' |D-A-E|_1,inf ' num2str(max(max(abs(M)))) ]);
elseif VERBOSE > 0 && mod(iter, DISPLAY_EVERY)==0,
disp([' Iteration ' num2str(iter) ...
' rank(A) ' num2str(rankA) ...
' ||E||_0 ' num2str(cardE) ]);
if ( norm(D-A-E,'fro')/norm(D,'fro') < EPSILON_PRIMAL || iter >= MAX_ITER )
converged = true;
if ( iter >= MAX_ITER )
disp('Maximum number of iterations reached.') ;