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<h3 align="center">SRA Development Board</h3>
<p align="center">
ESP32-based Development Board
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<a href="https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sraboard-hardware-design/tree/master/eagle">EAGLE</a>
<a href="https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sra-board-hardware-design/tree/master/gerber_files">Gerber</a>
<a href="https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sraboard-hardware-design/blob/master/documentation/images/sra_board_images.md#sra-board-2020-images">Images</a>
<a href="https://a360.co/3c1Rjyv">3D Model</a>
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# SRA Board 2022
The SRA board is a development board based on ESP32 with on-board peripherals like programmable LEDs and switches, sensor ports for Line Sensor Array and MPU-6050, protection circuit for over-current and reverse voltage and motor drivers.
## Table of Contents
- [SRA Board 2022](#sra-board-2022)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [About the Project](#about-the-project)
- [Getting Started with a Development Board](#getting-started-with-a-development-board)
- [Major Changes for 2020](#major-changes-for-2020)
- [Notable problems in the SRA Board 2019](#notable-problems-in-the-sra-board-2019)
- [3D Models](#3d-models)
- [Milestones](#milestones)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Acknowledgements and Resources](#acknowledgements-and-resources)
- [License](#license)
## About the Project
- This development board is used for the [Wall-E](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/Wall-E_v2.1) and [MARIO](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/ROS-Workshop-2.1) workshops conducted by [SRA](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI).
- Designed using EAGLE. The schematic and board files are [here](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sraboard-hardware-design/tree/master/eagle).
- Resources for [previous work](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/PCB-Schematics-and-Layouts/tree/master/WallE-2.1%202018%20Dev%20Brd). For more details of the SRA board 2019, checkout this [link](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sraboard-hardware-design/blob/master/documentation/assets/sra-board-2019.pdf).
- The SRA board 2020 images can be found [here](https://github.com/SRA-VJTI/sraboard-hardware-design/blob/master/documentation/images/sra_board_images.md#sra-board-2020-images).
## Getting Started with a Development Board
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<img width="460" height="300" src="/documentation/assets/boards_compare.png">
In general, every development board has the following basic features:
- ### Power Supply Unit
- Microcontrollers (MCUs) usually run on 3.3V or 5V while input to a development board is normally 12V for motor control.
- So, a *power* section which converts this 12V to standard levels like 5V/3.3V for MCU and sensors is present.
- The previous edition of the SRA board (2019) used the LM7805 linear voltage regulator, for stepping down from 12V to 5V; this powered the ESP32.
- Further, this 5V was converted to 3.3V using the LD33 linear voltage regulator, used by the sensor port.
- ### Motor Driver
- Motors usually run on 12V and MCU output is generally 5V/3.3V. So, an external motor driver circuitry is required to control motors according to the MCU input.
- The SRA Board 2019 used the L298N IC for motor-control, which is a BJT-based H-Bridge motor driver.
- ### Sensor Port
- According to the external sensor types, usually development boards have onboard sensor ports where the sensors can be connected easily using FRC connector.
- The SRA Board 2019 had two sensor ports - one for a LSA (line sensor array) and the second for the MPU6050.
- ### Protection against [Reverse Voltage](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjc8aaX1c3rAhXXXSsKHXphBgQQFjABegQICxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ti.com%2Flit%2Fpdf%2Fslva139&usg=AOvVaw0Qbub75JJ986MzLv6FYWKE) and Over Current
- The SRA Board 2019 used diodes for reverse voltage protection in the power-line.
- For the overcurrent protection of MCU and motor driver circuit, fuses of 300mA and 3A were used respectively.
- ### Programmable Switches and LEDs
- Every development board should have some programmable switches and LEDs for testing, control and debugging purposes.
- The previous edition had a pair of programmable switches and programmable LEDs each.
- ### Power Switch
- The SRA Board 2019 had a power switch for the motor driver, using which power supply to the motor driver can be toggled. Similarly, there was a switch for the ESP32 MCU.
> Now that we covered basics of development boards, let us talk about the changes made in the new design.
## Major Changes for 2020
| Feature | SRA Board 2019 | SRA Board 2020|
|:----:|:-------:| :-----: |
|[12V to 5V](#7805-5v-linear-regulator-to-lm2596-buck-convertor) | LM7805 Linear Regulator | LM2596 Buck Convertor |
|[5V to 3.3V](#ld33-33v-to-ams1117)| LD33 | AMS1117 |
|[Reverse Voltage Protection](#reverse-voltage-protection-diodes-to-p-mosfet) | Diodes | P-MOSFET |
|[Motor Driver](#l298n-to-tb6612fng)| L298N| TB6612FNG|
|[No. of Motor Channels](#motor-driver-modes)|2|4|
|[No. of Switches](#moving-back-to-the-vintage-bar-graph-leds-and-more-switches)|2|4|
|[No. of LEDs](#moving-back-to-the-vintage-bar-graph-leds-and-more-switches)|2|8|
- ### **7805 (5V linear regulator) to [LM2596 Buck Convertor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8rK9gU30v4)**
- The greater efficiency, output current and reliability of LM2596 were the reasons for this change.
- The efficiency of LM2596 is up to 92% which is significantly better than 7805. The LM2596 can provide current up to 3A, so the MARIO workshop manipulator can now be run using onboard regulator.
- ### **LD33 (3.3V) to [AMS1117](http://www.advanced-monolithic.com/pdf/ds1117.pdf)**:
- The previous edition used the LD33 IC to step down from 5V to 3.3V; several discussions resulted in the shift to more compact, reliable AMS1117(SOT-23) linear voltage regulator. (_AMS1117 is used in the ESP32-DevKitC V4 module_)
- ### **Reverse voltage protection: Diodes to P-MOSFET**
- Diodes in series to the power line are inefficient as compare to a P-MOSFET. Dut to the usage of high-rated motors, it was difficult to manage the diode size and the current rating. (_As the current rating of diode increases, its size also increases._)
- So, the new edition uses the P-MOSFET instead of a diode, which is more efficient and can handle more current.
- ### **L298N to [TB6612FNG](https://dronebotworkshop.com/tb6612fng-h-bridge/)**
- L298N is a BJT-based H-bridge motor driver but it is less efficient as compared to the new MOS-based TB6612FNG.
- The detailed comparison is shown below. As you can see the efficiency of TB6612FNG can reach up to 91-95% which is significantly higher than the 40-70% efficiency of L298N.
- The only drawback of TB6612FNG is the less continuous current which is equal to 1.2A. So, for higher current capacity motors, two TB6612FNG are given on the board, which can be used in parallel mode to double the current capacity to 2.4A.
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<img width="460" height="300" src="https://i1.wp.com/dronebotworkshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/TB6612-vs-L298N.jpeg?w=768&ssl=1">
- ### **Motor Driver Modes**
- The new edition has 2x TB6612FNG motor drivers which allow a maximum of 4 motors to be controlled. This motor driver is characterized by its
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SRA 板是基于 ESP32 的开发板,带有板载外围设备,如可编程 LED 和开关、用于线传感器阵列和 MPU-6050 的传感器端口、过流和反向电压保护电路以及电机驱动器。 关于该项目 该开发板用于SRA举办的Wall-E和MARIO研讨会。 使用鹰设计。原理图和电路板文件在这里。 以前工作的资源。有关 SRA 板 2019 的更多详细信息,请查看此链接。 SRA board 2020 图片可在此处找到。 一般来说,每款开发板都有以下基本特点: 供电单元 微控制器 (MCU) 通常在 3.3V 或 5V 上运行,而开发板的输入通常为 12V 用于电机控制。 因此,存在将这个 12V 转换为标准电平的电源部分,例如用于 MCU 和传感器的 5V/3.3V。 上一版 SRA 板(2019 年)使用 LM7805 线性稳压器,用于从 12V 降压至 5V;这为 ESP32 供电。 此外,使用传感器端口使用的 LD33 线性稳压器将该 5V 转换为 3.3V。 电机驱动器 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
用于机器人和嵌入式应用的基于 ESP32 的开发板_设计_文档_相关文件_下载
sra_dev_board_2022.cad 140KB
lsa.cad 24KB
mpu.cad 6KB
sra_dev_board_2022-top-pos.csv 5KB
sra_dev_board_2022.csv 4KB
sra_dev_board_2022.csv 4KB
sra_dev_board_2022-all-pos.csv 4KB
lsa-all-pos.csv 1KB
lsa.csv 1KB
sra_dev_board_2022-bottom-pos.csv 35B
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RUEF160.dcm 221B
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lsa.drl 923B
mpu.drl 650B
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fp-lib-table 338B
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sra_dev_board_2022-B_Silkscreen.gbr 770KB
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sra_dev_board_2022-B_Cu.gbr 260KB
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sra_dev_board_2022-drl_map.gbr 117KB
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lsa-B_Silkscreen.gbr 18KB
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sra_dev_board_2022-F_Mask.gbr 13KB
sra_dev_board_2022-B_Mask.gbr 8KB
sra_dev_board_2022-F_Paste.gbr 6KB
lsa-B_Mask.gbr 3KB
lsa-B_Paste.gbr 2KB
lsa-F_Cu.gbr 2KB
lsa-F_Mask.gbr 2KB
mpu-F_Cu.gbr 2KB
sra_dev_board_2022-Edge_Cuts.gbr 1KB
lsa-Edge_Cuts.gbr 1KB
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sra_dev_board_2022-B_Paste.gbr 721B
mpu-B_Silkscreen.gbr 505B
lsa-F_Paste.gbr 504B
mpu-F_Paste.gbr 504B
mpu-B_Paste.gbr 504B
sra_dev_board_2022-job.gbrjob 3KB
lsa-job.gbrjob 3KB
mpu-job.gbrjob 3KB
lsa_reflectivity.gif 51KB
.gitignore 408B
normal_mode.jpeg 139KB
parallel_mode.jpeg 110KB
sra_skull_big.kicad_mod 71KB
sra_skull_small.kicad_mod 71KB
sra_skull_medium.kicad_mod 71KB
ESP32-DEVKITCv4-32D.kicad_mod 71KB
dc_power_jack.kicad_mod 69KB
sra_logo_big_neg.kicad_mod 49KB
sra_logo_smallest_neg.kicad_mod 49KB
sra_logo_smaller_neg.kicad_mod 48KB
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sra_logo_small.kicad_mod 47KB
sra_board_github_qr_code.kicad_mod 32KB
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pcb_power.kicad_mod 30KB
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1X19.kicad_mod 25KB
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1X08.kicad_mod 11KB
dpdt_sw_2x03_tht.kicad_mod 9KB
12V_jack_plug_tht.kicad_mod 6KB
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1X04.kicad_mod 6KB
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TB6612FNG_2.kicad_mod 5KB
SOCKET-14.kicad_mod 4KB
frc-mpu_2x03_tht.kicad_mod 4KB
ams1117-3V3_smd.kicad_mod 4KB
resistor_led_array_1x10_tht.kicad_mod 4KB
resistor_0204_7_tht.kicad_mod 4KB
TB6612FNG.kicad_mod 4KB
1X05.kicad_mod 4KB
1N5399_square_tht.kicad_mod 3KB
1N581_DO41-7.6_tht.kicad_mod 3KB
0.1uF_C5B_2.5_tht.kicad_mod 3KB
100uF_22uF_E2_5-6_tht.kicad_mod 3KB
1X03.kicad_mod 2KB
470uF_E3_5-10_tht.kicad_mod 2KB
button_sw_2x02_tht.kicad_mod 2KB
motor_1x04_tht.kicad_mod 2KB
1N5399_round_tht.kicad_mod 2KB
12V_1x02_tht.kicad_mod 2KB
LM2576_buck_smd.kicad_mod 2KB
SS34.kicad_mod 2KB
RXEF050.kicad_mod 2KB
RUEF160.kicad_mod 2KB
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