# MicroPython I2S Guide and Examples for ESP32
**Deprecation Notice: These examples are associated with a MicroPython PR that is now obsolete. I2S is now supported in official MicroPython builds, since July 5, 2021. Binaries can be downloaded at [MicroPython downloads](https://micropython.org/download/). A [new set of examples](https://github.com/miketeachman/micropython-i2s-examples) is available that works with Pyboards and the ESP32.**
This guide outlines the capabilities of a new MicroPython [I2S](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C2%B2S) class that has been developed for the MicroPython project. The I2S class works on ESP32 processors and is implemented using Espressif's [ESP-IDF API](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/i2s.html). To use I2S with MicroPython you will need to make a custom MicroPython build and integrate a [pull request](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/4471) into the build. Or, download and program your ESP32 board using one of the pre-built [firmware binaries](firmware).
**Example usage - Read audio samples from an I2S microphone module**
from machine import I2S
from machine import Pin
bck_pin = Pin(14) # Bit clock output
ws_pin = Pin(13) # Word clock output
sdin_pin = Pin(12) # Serial data input
audio_in = I2S(I2S.NUM0, # create I2S peripheral to read audio
bck=bck_pin, ws=ws_pin, sdin=sdin_pin, # sample data from an INMP441
standard=I2S.PHILIPS, mode=I2S.MASTER_RX, # microphone module
samples = bytearray(2048) # bytearray to receive audio samples
num_bytes_read = audio_in.readinto(samples) # read audio samples from microphone
# note: blocks until sample array is full
# - see optional timeout argument
# to configure maximum blocking duration
**Example usage - Play audio samples through a speaker using an I2S amplifier module**
from machine import I2S
from machine import Pin
bck_pin = Pin(14) # Bit clock output
ws_pin = Pin(13) # Word clock output
sdout_pin = Pin(12) # Serial data output
audio_out = I2S(I2S.NUM1, # create I2S peripheral to write audio
bck=bck_pin, ws=ws_pin, sdout=sdout_pin, # sample data to an Adafruit I2S Amplifier
standard=I2S.PHILIPS, mode=I2S.MASTER_TX, # breakout board,
dataformat=I2S.B16, # based on MAX98357A device
samples = bytearray(1024) # bytearray containing audio samples to transmit
num_bytes_written = audio_out.write(samples) # write audio samples to amplifier
# note: blocks until sample array is emptied
# - see optional timeout argument
# to configure maximum blocking duration
# class I2S
## Constructor
class machine.I2S(id,
bck, ws, [sdin], [sdout],
[standard=I2S.PHILIPS], mode,
dataformat, channelformat,
[dmacount=16], [dmalen=64],
Construct and return a new I2S object with the given arguments:
* **id** specifies I2S peripheral instance
* **bck** pin object for the bit clock output
* **ws** pin object for the word select output
* **sdin** pin object for the serial data input (optional)
* **sdout** pin object for the serial data output (optional)
* **standard** protocol used by the I2S peripheral (optional)
* **mode** specifies receive or transmit
* **dataformat** number of bits in each sample
* **channelformat** specifies audio format, e.g. stereo, mono
* **samplerate** audio sampling rate (samples/s)
* **dmacount** number of linked DMA buffers (optional)
* **dmalen** length of each DMA buffer (in samples) (optional)
* **apllrate** audio PLL sampling rate (samples/s) (optional)
* **sdin** must be specified for mode = I2S.MASTER_RX
* **sdout** must be specified for mode = I2S.MASTER_TX
* only **one** of **sdin** or **sdout** can be specified
* **apllrate** allows precise specification of the sampling clock rate. **Not needed** for most audio applications. See ESP-IDF docs for usage
## Methods
I2S.init(bck, ...)
Initialize the I2S peripheral with the given arguments:
* see Constructor for argument descriptions
Deinitialize the I2S peripheral
I2S.readinto(buf, [timeout = -1])
Read audio samples from an I2S peripheral with the given arguments:
* **buf** receive buffer. Must support buffer protocol, such as bytearray or array
* **timeout** maximum time to wait for a DMA buffer (in ms).
If no DMA buffer is available in **timeout** ms the method will return. Default = wait forever to fill buf. When timeout=0 the method will return ***immediately*** if there is no data in DMA memory to copy into the supplied buffer. Timeout=0 can be used to create a non-blocking I2S application with uasyncio. This is shown in the [example code](examples). See discussion below on *Understanding the timeout argument*
* method blocks until buf is *completely* filled from DMA memory, unless timeout is specified
* The DMA engine works in the background, filling DMA buffers with audio samples read from the I2S peripheral. The MicroPython runtime is not impacted by this DMA operation.
**Returns** number of bytes read
I2S.write(buf, [timeout = -1])
Write audio samples to an I2S peripheral with the given arguments:
* **buf** transmit buffer. Must support buffer protocol, such as bytearray or array
* **timeout** maximum time to wait for a DMA buffer (in ms). If no DMA buffer is available in **timeout** ms the function will return. Default = wait forever to write buf. When timeout=0 the method will return ***immediately*** if there is no free DMA memory to copy the transmit buffer. Timeout=0 can be used to create a non-blocking I2S application with uasyncio. This is shown in the [example code](examples). See discussion below on *Understanding the timeout argument*
* method blocks until buf is *completely* copied to DMA memory, unless timeout is specified
* The DMA engine works in the background, transfering audio samples from DMA buffers to the I2S peripheral. The MicroPython runtime is not impacted by this DMA operation.
**Returns** number of bytes written
## Constants
**id** of I2S peripheral
**standard** of I2S peripheral
**mode** of I2S peripheral
**dataformat** of I2S peripheral
I2S.B16, I2S.B24, I2S.B32
**channelformat** of I2S peripheral
See section below "Understanding Channel Format"
### ESP32 Development Boards Tested
* Adafruit Huzzah Feather ESP32 with external SD card
* Lolin D32 Pro
* Lolin D32 with external SD card
### I2S Microphone Boards Tested
* INMP441 microphone module available on ebay, aliexpress, amazon
* MSM261S4030H0 microphone module available on ebay, aliexpress, amazon
* Adafruit I2S MEMS Micro
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