This is an extension project for the new Unity UI system which can be found at: [Unity UI Source](https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui)
#[Supporting the UI Extensions project](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=89L8T9N6BR7LJ)#
If you wish to support the Unity UI Extensions project itself, then you can using the PayPal link below.
All funds go to support the project, no matter the amount.
> Donations in code are also extremely welcome :D
(PayPal account not required and you can remain anonymous if you wish)
##[>> Donate <<](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=89L8T9N6BR7LJ)##
For more info, here's a little introduction video for the project:
[![View Intro Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/njoIeE4akq0/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoIeE4akq0 "Unity UI Extensions intro video")
You can follow the UI Extensions team for updates and news on:
### [Twitter](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23unityuiextensions) / [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/UnityUIExtensions/) / [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG3gZOkmL-2rmZat4ufv28Q)###
#[ What is this repository for? ](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/About)#
In this repository is a collection of extension scripts to enhance your Unity UI experience. These scripts have been gathered from many sources and combined and improved over time.
> The majority of the scripts came from the Scripts thread on the [Unity UI forum here](http://bit.ly/UnityUIScriptsForumPost)
You can either download / fork this project to access the scripts, or you can also download these pre-compiled Unity Assets, chock full of goodness for each release:
The asset has been full tested on all current versions of Unity 5 (for versions prior to Unity 5.3, please see the [archive](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Downloads))
* [Unity UI Extensions Asset](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/downloads/UnityUIExtensions.unitypackage)
To view previous releases, visit the [release archive](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Downloads)
#[Getting Started](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/GettingStarted)#
To get started with the project, here's a little guide:
[![View Getting Started Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/sVLeYmsNQAI/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLeYmsNQAI "Unity UI getting started video")
##Update 1.2##
[![View 1.2 update Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/cWv0A6rEEc8/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWv0A6rEEc8 "Update 1.2 for the Unity UI Extensions Project")
###New / updated features###
* Major updates to the Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Snap controls
* Replacement HSV/Color picker control (and new Box Slider control)
* Fixes / updates to the TextPic control
* Updates to SoftAlphaUI script - improved Text / worldspace support
* Updates to Extensions Toggle - Adds ID and event to publish ID on change
* New Gadient control (gradient 2)
* New UI ScrollRect Occlusion utility
* New UI Tween Scale utility
* New UI Infinite ScrollRect
* New Table Layout Group
* New Non Drawing Graphic Control
* H&V Scroll Snap indexing issues
* H&V Scroll Snap performance updates
* H&V Scroll Snap Long swipe behavior updated
* H&V Scroll Snap support for Rect Resizing
* TextPic Set set before draw issues
* HSV picker replaced with more generic color picker
###Known issues###
* The Image_Extended control has been removed due to Unity upgrade issues. Will return in a future update.
##Upgrade Notes##
Although not specifically required, it is recommended to remove the old UI Extensions folder before importing the new asset
The HSS picker especially had a lot of file changes in this update.
>**Note** In Unity 5.5 the particle system was overhauled and several methods were marked for removal. However, the UI Particle System script currently still uses them
> Either ignore these errors or remove the *_UIParticleSystem_* script in the "*Unity UI Extensions / Scripts / Effects*" folder
##Release History##
For the full release history, follow the below link to the full release notes page.
### [Release Notes](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/ReleaseNotes/RELEASENOTES)###
#[Controls and extensions listed in this project](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Controls):#
There are almost 70 extension controls / effect and other utilities in the project which are listed on the following page:
##[UI Extensions controls list](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Controls)##
UI_Knob|TextPic|InputFocus|Box Slider
Horizontal Scroll Snap|Vertical Scroll Snap|Flow Layout Group|Radial Layout|Tile Size Fitter
Scroll Snap (alt implementation)|Reorderable List|UI Vertical Scroller|Curved Layout|Table Layout
Best Fit Outline|Curved Text|Gradient|Gradient2|Letter Spacing|
[VR Components](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Controls#VR)|||||
[Input Modules](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Controls#InputModules)|||||
[Additional Components](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Controls#Additional_Components)|||||
switchToRectTransform|ScrollConflictManager|CLFZ2 (Encryption)|Serialization|DragCorrector
*More to come*
#[ How do I get set up? ](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/GettingStarted)#
Either clone / download this repository to your machine and then copy the scripts in, or use the pre-packaged .UnityPackage for your version of Unity and import it as a custom package in to your project.
#[ Contribution guidelines ](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/ContributionGuidelines)#
Got a script you want added? Then just fork the bitbucket repository and submit a PR. All contributions accepted (including fixes)
Just ensure
* The header of the script matches the standard used in all scripts
* The script uses the **Unity.UI.Extensions** namespace so they do not affect any other developments
* (optional) Add Component and Editor options where possible (editor options are in the Editor\UIExtensionsMenuOptions.cs file)
#[ License ](https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions/wiki/Licen
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
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RabbitSkater 兔子溜冰者跑酷游戏滑冰游戏Unity项目源码C# (2006个子文件)
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