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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
VLSI Design
Volume 2010, Article ID 213043, 11 pages
Research Article
FPGA Implementation of an Amplitude-Modulated
Continuous-Wave Ultrasonic Ranger Using Restructured
Phase-Locking Scheme
P. Sumathi
and P. A. Janakiraman
DA-IICT, Department of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007, India
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chennai 600036, India
Correspondence should be addressed to P. Sumathi, sumichan04@yahoo.co.in
Received 30 May 2009; Revised 9 September 2009; Accepted 8 December 2009
Academic Editor: Ethan Farquhar
Copyright © 2010 P. Sumathi and P. A. Janakiraman. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
An accurate ultrasonic range finder employing Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform (SDFT) based restructured phase-locked loop
(RPLL), which is an improved version of the recently proposed integrated phase-locking scheme (IPLL), has been expounded.
This range finder principally utilizes amplitude-modulated ultrasonic waves assisted by an infrared (IR) pilot signal. The phase
shift between the envelope of the reference IR pilot signal and that of the received ultrasonic signal is proportional to the range.
The extracted envelopes are filtered by SDFT without introducing any additional phase shift. A new RPLL is described in which
the phase error is driven to zero using the quadrature signal derived from the SDFT. Further, the quadrature signal is reinforced
by another cosine signal derived from a lookup table (LUT). The pulse frequency of the numerically controlled oscillator (NCO)
is extremely accurate, enabling fine tuning of the SDFT and RPLL also improves the lock time for the 50 Hz input signal to 0.04 s.
The percentage phase error for the range 0.6 m to 6 m is about 0.2%. The VHDL codes generated for the various signal processing
steps were downloaded into a Cyclone FPGA chip around which the ultrasonic ranger had been built.
1. Introduction
Ultrasonic sensors find applications generally in distance
measurement, indoor mobile robot control, for environment
information, gleaning, localization, and map building, vibra-
tion measurements, and safety systems like intelligent airbag
control [1–4]. Many range-finding techniques are found in
the literature, based on either the time of flight (TOF) or
the continuous wave method [5–7]. A variety of continuous
wave methods have been reported; notable among them
are based on the multifrequency and amplitude-modulated
(AM) schemes [8, 9]. The significant advantages of the AM
continuous-wave method over the TOF were presented in
[10]. The phase shift observed in the ultrasonic wave with
respect to the distance traveled can be used to measure the
range. For a 40 kHz sound wave, the maximum measurable
range using phase shift is only 8.6 mm. In the present
work, to enhance the measurable range to 6.86 m, the
ultrasonic signal is amplitude modulated by a 50 Hz signal,
which is more appropriate for mobile robot localization and
navigation in indoor applications.
In this scheme, a low-frequency-modulated Infrared (IR)
is used as a pilot signal. Another ultrasonic signal (US)
modulated by the same low-frequency signal is utilized for
estimating the range. A novel procedure using Sliding Dis-
crete Fourier transform (SDFT) can be employed to extract
the fundamental component of the envelope of the received
ultrasonic signal [11]. The sampling pulse frequency of the
SDFT block is tuned precisely by an integrated phase-locked
loop so that exactly one full period of the envelope signal
can be accommodated in a window of width 128 [12]. Two
such PLL’s, one for the extraction of the sinusoidal envelope
of the infrared pilot signal, and another for ultrasonic signal
are employed in the range-finding equipment. The PLL is
basically a feedback circuit minimizing the phase error by
correlating the given envelope signal with the quadrature
2 VLSI Design
signal derived from the SDFT block. The envelope of the IR
signal is the reference, against which the phase shift of the
extracted envelope of the amplitude-modulated ultrasonic
signal is compared. The integrated phase-locking scheme
discussed in [12] shows a steady residual error in the NCO
output frequency. The primary focus of the present paper
is to describe the restructured phase-locking scheme, which
makes use of a look up table to assist the quadrature signal
derived from the SDFT block mainly to reduce the residual
phase error. The hardware realization of the restructured
phase-locking scheme which is implemented in an FPGA
chip has also been described. The DSP builder tool, has been
applied extensively for simulation and practical realization of
an ultrasonic range finder.
The restructured phase locking scheme and its com-
ponents have been described in Section 2.Theproposed
ultrasonic range measurement scheme based on RPLL,
built using the DSP builder tool has been explicated in
Section 3. The simulation and experimental results obtained
using Cyclone FPGA have been presented in Section 4 and
Section 5, respectively. The major conclusions are drawn in
Section 6.
The schematic of the proposed ultrasonic range finder
is shown in Figure 1(a). This consists of a transmitter and
a receiver unit. The transmitter unit sends an IR pilot
signal as well as an ultrasonic signal, both simultaneously
modulated by a low-frequency sine wave. The receiver unit
contains an IR receiver and an ultrasonic receiver. On the
transmitter side a 40 kHz signal had been used to generate
the ultrasonic carrier and a 50 Hz sinusoidal signal for
amplitude-modulation. The 50 Hz sine wave is converted
into square wave using a limiter circuit for modulating the
IR pilot signal to serve as the instantaneous reference signal.
An ultrasonic transducer transmits the amplitude modulated
40 kHz signal. Figure 1(b) shows the transmitted reference IR
signal, ultrasonic signal, and the received ultrasonic signal.
On the receiver side, the ultrasonic signal is amplified,
rectified, and processed by an SDFT-based restructured
phase-locking scheme to extract the sinusoidal envelope.
The received reference IR signal is also processed using
another SDFT based RPLL for extracting the fundamental
component of the envelope. The detailed explanation of this
scheme is presented in the next section.
2. Restructured Phase-Locking Scheme
The operation of the restructured phase locked-loop (RPLL)
based on SDFT is briefly explained here. The detailed block
diagram of RPLL scheme is shown in Figure 2.Whena
periodic input signal is passed through a sliding DFT block
tuned to a particular frequency, two distinct output signals
are obtained. The first signal is basically the fundamental
component of the incoming periodic signal, which may,
however, be slightly shifted in phase, whenever the frequency
of the incoming signal deviates from the frequency for which
the SDFT block is tuned [12]. The SDFT block yields another
signal, which is in quadrature with the first output signal.
The correlation between the input signal and the quadrature
Tr an sm i tte r
Time (s)
00.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Received ultrasonic signal
Transmitted ultrasonic signal
IR reference
Phase shift
Figure 1: (a) Schematic of the proposed Ultrasonic Range Finder
and (b) IR reference signal, transmitted ultrasonic signal, and
received ultrasonic signal.
signal from the SDFT can be made use of, for adjusting the
frequency of the numerically controlled oscillator (NCO)
which provides the sampling pulses to the SDFT block,
resulting in the phase lock of the SDFT output [12]. Under
these conditions, the enabling or the sampling frequency
= fN,where f is the cyclic frequency of the periodic input
signal and N is the number of samples per cycle. Small phase
errors may still persist which can be greatly reduced by the
addition of an LUT-based pure quadrature signal. Essentially,
this scheme differs from the simple integrated phase-locking
scheme presented in [12]; in that, the quadrature signal
output of the SDFT block is supplemented by a cosine
wave from a lookup table accessed by an address counter
which in turn is driven by NCO pulses. The added cosine
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