Unzip all files into Matlab current directory and type
"fprec" to start fingerprint image processing.
Type "helpwin fprec" for more detailed informations.
old_version.zip is the previous release (Fingerprint Recognition System 2.0)
% Filterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching (A.K.Jain, S.Prabhakar, L.Hong and S.Pankanti, 2000)
% Abstract
% With identity fraud in our society reaching unprecedented proportions and with an increasing emphasis on
% the emerging automatic personal identification applications, biometrics-based verification, especially
% fingerprint-based identification, is receiving a lot of attention. There are two major shortcomings
% of the traditional approaches to fingerprint representation. For a considerable fraction of population,
% the representations based on explicit detection of complete ridge structures in the fingerprint are
% difficult to extract automatically. The widely used minutiae-based representation does not utilize a
% significant component of the rich discriminatory information available in the fingerprints. Local ridge
% structures cannot be completely characterized by minutiae. Further, minutiae-based matching has difficulty
% in quickly matching two fingerprint images containing different number of unregistered minutiae points.
% The proposed filter-based algorithm uses a bank of Gabor filters to capture both local and global details
% in a fingerprint as a compact fixed length FingerCode. The fingerprint matching is based on the Euclidean
% distance between the two corresponding FingerCodes and hence is extremely fast. We are able to achieve a
% verification accuracy which is only marginally inferior to the best results of minutiae-based algorithms
% published in the open literature. Our system performs better than a state-of-the-art minutiae-based system
% when the performance requirement of the application system does not demand a very low false acceptance rate.
% Finally, we show that the matching performance can be improved by combining the decisions of the matchers
% based on complementary (minutiae-based and filter-based) fingerprint information.
% Index Terms: Biometrics, FingerCode, fingerprints, flow pattern, Gabor filters, matching, texture, verification.
% Type "fprec" on Matlab command window to start image processing.
% This source code provides a new, improved GUI respect to the previous release.
% Simulation parameters can be changed in this file:
% n_bands: the number of concentric bands
% h_bands: the width of each band in pixels
% n_arcs: the number of arcs (each band has exactly n_arcs arcs)
% h_radius: the inner radius in pixel (the central band is not considered
% because it is a too small area)
% num_disk: the number of gabor filters
% n_sectors and h_lato rapresents respectively the total number of sectors
% (the length of the feature vector associated to each filter of filter-bank:
% there are num_disk gabor filters) and the height of the cropped image in pixels.
% N_secors and h_lato should not be changed.
% $Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 2002.10.02 $
% $Revision: 2.0 $ $Date: 2003.11.29 $
% $Revision: 3.0 $ $Date: 2004.06.22 $ by Luigi Rosa
% email: luigi.rosa@tiscali.it
% mobile: +393403463208
% website: http://utenti.lycos.it/matlab
% Modified respect to the previous version:
% - Major bugs fixed
% - New GUI
% - 8 Gabor filters 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 112.5 135 157.5 degree
% - Convolution is performed in frequency domain
% - DataBase
% - Fingerprint matching
% - Error management
% - Complex filtering techniques
% - Improved core point determination
% - Robustness against noise
% - Modifiable simulation parameters
% Input fingerprint should be 256 x 256 image 8-bit grayscale @ 500 dpi.
% If these conditions are not verified some parameters in m-functions
% should be changed in a proper way (such as, for example, Gabor filter
% parameters in gabor2d_sub function). See the cited references for more
% details.
% M-files included:
% -fprec.m: this file. It initializes the entire image processing. The simulation
% parameters can be changed in this main file.
% -centralizing.m: a function which accept an input image and determines the coordinates
% of the core point. The core point is determinated by complex filtering.
% The region of interest is determinated fixing a minimum threshold value
% for the variance. Input image is divided into non-overlapping blocks and
% only blocks with a variance smaller than this threshold value are considered
% background. The logical matrix (associated to the region of interest) is first
% closed (Matlab function imclose), then eroded (Matlab function imerode) with two
% given structuring elements. The image is "mirrored" before convolution with complex
% filter, then it is re-cropped to its original sizes.
% -mirror.m: a function which is used to "mirror" input image in order to avoid undesired
% boundary effects (function used by centralizing.m).
% -recrop.m: a function used to resize the mirrored filtered image (function used by centralizing.m)
% -conv2fft.m: this function performs 2D FFT-based convolution. Type "help conv2fft" on Matlab command
% window for more details.
% -whichsector.m: a function used to determine (for each pixel of the cropped image) the corresponding
% sectors of the concentric bands (function used by sector_norm.m).
% -sector_norm.m: a function used to normalize input image and to calculate the features vector
% -cropping.m: this function is used to cropp the input fingerprint image after the core point is
% determinated.
% -gabor2d_sub.m: a function used to calculate the coefficients of the gabor 2D filters.
% -vedicentro.m: this simple routines uses the M-function centralizing.m and it is used to display
% the core point.
% A crucial step in fingerprint recognition is core point determination.
% If any error occurs while cropping image you can use the auxiliary m-file
% "vedicentro.m": it visualizes the input fingerprint and the core point
% calculated by the m-function "centralizing.m".
% Notes:
% The computational load can be significantly reduced by recursive filtering techniques.
% For a complete publication list of Lucas J. van Vliet please visit the following URL:
% http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/~lucas/publications/papersLJvV.html
% Here you will find articles concernings a recursive implementation of the Gaussian filter,
% of the derivative Gaussian filter and of Gabor filter.
% If you want to optimize the proposed method an excellent article is the following one:
% Erian Bezhani, Dequn Sun, Jean-Luc Nagel, and Sergio Carrato, "Optimized filterbank
% fingerprint recognition", Proc. SPIE Intern. Symp. Electronic Imaging 2003, 20-24
% Jan. 2003, Santa Clara, California.
% This code was developed using:
% MATLAB Version 6.5 and Image Processing Toolbox Version 3.2 (R13)
% Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
% Java VM Version: Java 1.3.1_01 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
% Please contribute if you find this software useful.
% Report bugs to luigi.rosa@tiscali.it
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