A STATCOM-Control Scheme for Grid Connected
Wind Energy System for Power Quality Improvement
Sharad W. Mohod, Member, IEEE, and Mohan V. Aware
Abstract—Injection of the wind power into an electric grid
affects the power quality. The performance of the wind turbine
and thereby power quality are determined on the basis of mea-
surements and the norms followed according to the guideline
specified in International Electro-technical Commission stan-
dard, IEC-61400. The influence of the wind turbine in the grid
system concerning the power quality measurements are-the active
power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics,
and electrical behavior of switching operation and these are
measured according to national/international guidelines. The
paper study demonstrates the power quality problem due to
installation of wind turbine with the grid. In this proposed scheme
STATic COMpensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of
common coupling with a battery energy storage system (BESS) to
mitigate the power quality issues. The battery energy storage is
integrated to sustain the real power source under fluctuating wind
power. The STATCOM control scheme for the grid connected
wind energy generation system for power quality improvement
is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block
set. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme relives the main
supply source from the reactive power demand of the load and the
induction generator. The development of the grid co-ordination
rule and the scheme for improvement in power quality norms as
per IEC-standard on the grid has been presented.
Index Terms—International electro-technical commission (IEC),
power quality, wind generating system (WGS).
O have sustainable growth and social progress, it is nec-
essary to meet the energy need by utilizing the renew-
able energy resources like wind, biomass, hydro, co-genera-
tion, etc In sustainable energy system, energy conservation and
the use of renewable source are the key paradigm. The need
to integrate the renewable energy like wind energy into power
system is to make it possible to minimize the environmental
impact on conventional plant [1]. The integration of wind en-
ergy into existing power system presents a technical challenges
and that requires consideration of voltage regulation, stability,
power quality problems. The power quality is an essential cus-
tomer-focused measure and is greatly affected by the opera-
tion of a distribution and transmission network. The issue of
power quality is of great importance to the wind turbine [2].
Manuscript received December 01, 2009; revised February 02, 2010; ac-
cepted February 02, 2010. Date of publication June 28, 2010; date of current
version September 01, 2010.
The authors are with the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology,
Nagpur, India (e-mail:.sharadmohod@rediffmail.com; mva_win@yahoo.com).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2010.2052943
There has been an extensive growth and quick development in
the exploitation of wind energy in recent years. The individual
units can be of large capacity up to 2 MW, feeding into distri-
bution network, particularly with customers connected in close
proximity [3]. Today, more than 28 000 wind generating turbine
are successfully operating all over the world. In the fixed-speed
wind turbine operation, all the fluctuation in the wind speed are
transmitted as fluctuations in the mechanical torque, electrical
power on the grid and leads to large voltage fluctuations. During
the normal operation, wind turbine produces a continuous vari-
able output power. These power variations are mainly caused
by the effect of turbulence, wind shear, and tower-shadow and
of control system in the power system. Thus, the network needs
to manage for such fluctuations. The power quality issues can
be viewed with respect to the wind generation, transmission
and distribution network, such as voltage sag, swells, flickers,
harmonics etc. However the wind generator introduces distur-
bances into the distribution network. One of the simple methods
of running a wind generating system is to use the induction gen-
erator connected directly to the grid system. The induction gen-
erator has inherent advantages of cost effectiveness and robust-
ness. However; induction generators require reactive power for
magnetization. When the generated active power of an induction
generator is varied due to wind, absorbed reactive power and
terminal voltage of an induction generator can be significantly
affected. A proper control scheme in wind energy generation
system is required under normal operating condition to allow the
proper control over the active power production. In the event of
increasing grid disturbance, a battery energy storage system for
wind energy generating system is generally required to compen-
sate the fluctuation generated by wind turbine. A STATCOM-
based control technology has been proposed for improving the
power quality which can technically manages the power level
associates with the commercial wind turbines. The proposed
STATCOM control scheme for grid connected wind energy gen-
eration for power quality improvement has following objectives.
• Unity power factor at the source side.
• Reactive power support only from STATCOM to wind
Generator and Load.
• Simple bang-bang controller for STATCOM to achieve fast
dynamic response.
The paper is organized as fallows. The Section II introduces
the power quality standards, issues and its consequences of wind
turbine. The Section III introduces the grid coordination rule
for grid quality limits. The Section IV describes the topology
for power quality improvement. The Sections V, VI, VII de-
scribes the control scheme, system performance and conclusion
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