function [vol_tmp,H] = iconebeamdemo2007(dir,flprefix,theta,interp,filter,d,N,step,Ro,range_slices,cut)
% author: Gianni Schena Sept. 2004 ( - I welcome suggestions !)
% Reconstructs image/s for cone beam (CB) geometry according to
% the classical Feldkamp et al. algorithm. Individual slices are stored in a volume
% FDK10_CB reconstructs the 3D volume image vol from planar projection
% data. The routine assumes that the center of rotation
% is the center point of the projections.
% THETA describes the angles (in degrees) at which the projections
% were taken. It it is a vector containing angle between
% projections. THETA is a vector and must contain angles with
% equal spacing between them.
% The routine uses the filtered backprojection.The filter is designed directly
% in the frequency domain and then multiplied by the FFT of the
% projections. The projections are zero-padded to a power of 2
% before filtering to prevent spatial domain aliasing and to
% speed up the FFT.
% INTERP specifies the type of interpolation to use in the
% backprojection. The available options are listed in order
% of increasing accuracy and computational complexity:
% 'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation
% 'linear' - linear interpolation (suggested)
% FILTER specifies the filter to use for frequency domain filtering.
% FILTER is a string that specifies any of the following standard
% filters:
% 'Ram-Lak' The cropped Ram-Lak or ramp filter (default). The
% frequency response of this filter is |f|. Because
% this filter is sensitive to noise in the projections,
% one of the filters listed below may be preferable.
% 'Shepp-Logan' The Shepp-Logan filter multiplies the Ram-Lak
% filter by a sinc function.
% 'Cosine' The cosine filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter
% by a cosine function.
% 'Hamming' The Hamming filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter
% by a Hamming window.
% 'Hann' The Hann filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by
% a Hann window.
% D is a scalar in the range (0,1] that modifies the filter by
% rescaling its frequency axis. The default is 1. If D is less
% than 1, the filter is compressed to fit into the frequency range
% [0,D], in normalized frequencies; all frequencies above D are set
% to 0.
% N is a scalar that specifies the number of rows and columns in the
% reconstructed 2D slice images. If N is not specified, the size is determined
% [vol,H] = FDKX... (...) returns also the frequency response of the filter
% in the vector H.
% Ro is the orbital radius i.e. the distance source to object
% Ds2dct is the distance between source and planar detector
% Ds2dct = Ro + Do2dct = Ds2obj + Do2dct
% pxlsz is the size of the (square) pixel of the detector dct
% Class Support : All input arguments must be of class double.
% The output arguments are of class double.
% References:
% A. C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney, "Principles of Computerized Tomographic
% Imaging", IEEE Press 1988. Chapter 3 (available by downloading)
%[p,theta,filter,d,interp,N] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
theta = pi*theta/180; % from degrees to radiants
A=read_1rad(1.,dir,flprefix); % read in image frame
figure , imshow(A,[]); title(' first projection') % disp first image file
%global flat , global dark
% get size of the data files
[nr_p , nc_p] = size(A) ; % get the number of rows and colums of the data files
range_slices=range_slices(range_slices>-nr_p/2 & range_slices<nr_p/2);
% remove slices out of range
% N is a scalar that specifies the number of rows and columns in the
% reconstructed 2D slice images. If N is not specified, the size is determined
% If the user didn't specify the size of the reconstruction, so
% deduce it from the length of projections
% nr_p; % sinogram size i.e. one size of the projection
if N==0 || isempty(N) % if N is not given then ...
N = 2*floor( nc_p /(2*sqrt(2)) ); % take the default value
imgDiag = 2*ceil(N/sqrt(2))+1; % largest distance through image.
%np = length(theta);
W=pix_weight(nr_p,nc_p,Ro,0,0); % weights to account for a planar detector
% Design the filter H
H = designFilter(filter, len, d);
LH=length(H); % length filter in the line vector H
% Define the x & y axes for the reconstructed image so that the origin
xax = (1:N)-ceil(N/2); x = repmat(xax, N, 1); y= repmat(xax', 1, N);
%y = rot90(x); % x coordinates, the y coordinates are rot90(x)
mask= ((x-0).^2+(y-0).^2) <= (N/2).^2 ; % mask the inner circle of diam N
mask=true(N); % no mask : all the pixels are to be reconstructed
maskV=mask(:); % mask in a vector
costheta = cos(theta); sintheta = sin(theta);
ctrIdx = ceil(len/2); % index of the center of the projections (on the hor axis)
% range slices to be recons
if exist('range_slices','var') & ~isempty(range_slices)
slices=range_slices; % slices to be recons
if isempty( find(slices==0) ) % se non c'e' la slice centrale aggiungila
slices=[slices ,0]; slices=sort(slices) ;
% if no slices then recns the slice z=0 only
slices=[0];% [-floor(nc_p/2):step:+floor(nc_p/2)];
%vol = repmat(0,[N,N,length(slices)]) ;% allocate 3D volume matrix
vol_tmp=repmat(single(0),[(N.^2),length(slices)]); % allocation
szproj=[nr_p,nc_p;]; % size(proj);
% Filtered Back-projection - i.e. from proj pixel (u,v) to voxel (x,y,z)
if strcmp(interp, 'nearest neighbor')
x=x(maskV); y=y(maskV); % mask !
nw_slices = real(sort(complex(slices))) ; % sort and reordering for faster reconstruction
% eg. +5 -5 + 6 -6 allows to change the sign of v rather than recalculating v
ZFlag= abs(nw_slices(2:end)) == nw_slices(1:(end-1)) ; % logical variable
ZFlag=real([0, ZFlag] ); % true if +z is followed by -z and one can exploit symmetry
for ipos=1:length(slices) % right positioning the re-orded slices in the volume
iposz_v(ipos)=find( nw_slices(ipos)== slices) ; % slice correspondence
% data type and array allocation statements
tmp=zeros(nnz(mask),1); tmp2=zeros(N.^2,1); % allocate memory to temporary arrays
% tmp1
v0=zeros([size(x)]); v1=v0; u1=v1; % u=u1; v=u;
good_u=logical(v0); idx=zeros(size(v0)); % allocation
for i=1:length(theta) % loop over the projections
% i
dgri=thetag(i); % theta in degrees
proj=read_1rad(i,dir,flprefix); % read in the i-th radiograph
proj = radio2proj(proj,W,H,len); % tranforms radiog. into projection and multiply by W
proj(:,length(H))=0; % Zero pad projections for
for ir = 1:nr_p; % filtering row by row with row vector H
proj(ir,:)= real (ifft ( fft(proj(ir,:)).*H ) ); % fast frequency domain filtering
proj(:,len+1:end) = [] ; % Truncate the filtered projections
s = x.*costheta(i) + y.*sintheta(i); t = -x.*sintheta(i) + y.*costheta(i); % Goddard & Trepanier
% s = x.*costheta(i) + y.*sintheta(i); % also in matlab iradon
R_s = Ro-s; u=round( Ro*t./(R_s) + ctrIdx) ; % u is the 1st projection pixel coordinate
good_u = (u>0 & u<(nc_p+1)) ; % only valid pixels -i.e. within the projection frame
inv_R_s_quad=1./(R_s(good_u).^2); Ro_dev_R_s=Ro./(R_s(good_u)); % for generally .* is faster than ./
id_1_term=(u1-1)*szproj(1); % does not depend up on v
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