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VDA Recommendation
Interface for the communication between
automated guided vehicles (AGV) and a
master control
VDA 5050
Version 2.1.0, May 2024

VDA 5050 Version 2.1.0, May 2024
Copyright 2024
Definition of a communication interface for driverless transport systems (DTS). This
recommendation describes the communication interface for exchanging order and status data
between a central master control and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for intralogistics
The following explanations serve as an indication for the execution of an interface for
communication between automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and master control and one that
is freely applicable to everyone and is non-binding. Those who apply them shall ensure that
they are applied properly in the specific case.
They shall take into account the state of the art prevailing at the time of each issue. By
applying the proposals, no one is evasive of responsibility for their own actions. The
statements do not claim to be exhaustive or to the exact interpretation of the existing
legislation. They may not replace the study of relevant policies, laws and regulations.
Furthermore, the special features of the respective products as well as their different possible
applications shall be taken into account. Everyone acts at their own risk in this regard.
Liability of the VDA and those involved in the development or application of the proposals is
If you encounter any inaccuracies in the application of the proposals or the possibility of an
incorrect interpretation, please inform the VDA immediately so that any defects can be
Publisher Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) Behrenstraße 35, 10117 Berlin,
Germany www.vda.de
Copyright Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) Reproduction and any other form of
reproduction is only permitted with specification of the source.
The VDA Recommendations are recommendations that may be freely adopted by anyone.
Users are responsible for correct implementation of the recommendations as required on a
case-by-case basis.
The recommendations take into account the prevailing technology at the time of publication.
Use of the VDA Recommendations does not absolve anyone from responsibility for his/her
own actions, and all users act at their own risk. Liability of VDA and those involved in drafting
of VDA Recommendations is excluded.

VDA 5050 Version 2.1.0, May 2024
Copyright 2024
Table of contents
1 Foreword 5
2 Objective of the document 5
3 Scope 6
3.1 Other applicable documents 7
4 Requirements and protocol definition 7
5 Process and content of communication 8
6 Protocol specification 10
6.1 Symbols of the tables and meaning of formatting 10
6.2 MQTT connection handling, security and QoS 11
6.3 MQTT topic levels 11
6.4 Protocol header 12
6.5 Topics for communication 13
6.6 Topic: "order" (from master control to AGV) 14
6.7 Maps 29
6.8 Actions 33
6.9 Topic: "instantActions" (from master to control to AGV) 41
6.10 Topic: "state" (from AGV to master control) 41
6.11 Action states 53
6.12 Action blocking types and sequence 54
6.13 Topic "visualization" 56
6.14 Topic "connection" 56
6.15 Topic "factsheet" 57
7 Best practice 66
7.1 Error reference 66
7.2 Format of parameters 66
8 Glossary 67
8.1 Definition 67

VDA 5050 Version 2.1.0, May 2024
Copyright 2024
List of Figures
Figure 1 Integration of DTS inventory systems ...................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Structure of the Information Flow ............................................................................ 8
Figure 3 Graph representation in master control and graph transmitted in orders .............. 14
Figure 4 Procedure for changing the driving route "Horizon" .............................................. 15
Figure 5 Pseudocode of an order......................................................................................... 16
Figure 6 Pseudocode of an order update. Note the change of the orderUpdateId ........... 16
Figure 7 Regular update process - order extension. ........................................................... 17
Figure 8 The process of accepting an order or order update. ............................................. 18
Figure 9 Expected behavior after a cancelOrder. .............................................................. 20
Figure 10 Edges with a corridor attribute that defines the left and right boundaries within
which a vehicle is allowed to deviate from its predefined trajectory to avoid
obstacles. On the left, the kinematic center defines the allowed deviation, while on
the right, the contour of the vehicle, possibly extended by the load, defines the
allowed deviation. This is defined by the corridorRefPoint parameter. ............ 22
Figure 11 Coordinate system with sample AGV and orientation ........................................... 29
Figure 12 Coordinate systems for map and vehicle .............................................................. 30
Figure 13 Communication required between master control, AGV and map server to
download, enable, and delete a map. .................................................................... 31
Figure 14 Order information provided by the state topic. Only the ID of the last node and the
remaining nodes and edges are transmitted ......................................................... 42
Figure 15 Depiction of nodeStates, edgeStates, actionStates during order handling ........... 43
Figure 16 All possible status transitions for actionStates ...................................................... 54
Figure 17 Handling multiple actions ....................................................................................... 55
List of tables
Table 1 The operating modes and their meaning 53
Table 2 The acceptable values for the actionStatus field 53
Table 3 Action blocking types 54

VDA 5050 Version 2.1.0, May 2024
Copyright 2024
1 Foreword
The interface was established in cooperation between the Verband der Automobilindustrie
e.V. (VDA) and Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. (VDMA). The aim of
both parties is to create a universally applicable interface. Proposals for changes to the
interface shall be submitted to the VDA, are evaluated jointly with the VDMA and adopted into
a new version status in the event of a positive decision. The contribution to this document via
GitHub is greatly appreciated. The repository can be found at the following link:
2 Objective of the document
The objective of the recommendation is to simplify the connection of new vehicles to an
existing master control system and to enable parallel operation with AGVs from different
manufacturers and conventional systems (inventory systems) in the same working
A uniform interface between a master control and AGVs shall be defined. This should be
achieved by the following points:
• Description of a standard for communication between AGV and master control and
thus a basis for the integration of transport systems into a continuous process
automation using co-operating transport vehicles.
• Increase in flexibility through, among other things, increased vehicle autonomy,
process modules and interface, and preferably the separation of a rigid sequence of
event-controlled command chains.
• Reduction of implementation time due to high "Plug & Play" capability, as required
information (e.g., order information) are provided by central services and are
generally valid. Vehicles should be able to be put into operation independently of the
manufacturer with the same implementation effort taking into account the
requirements of occupational safety.
• Complexity reduction and increase of the "Plug & Play" capability of the systems
through the use of uniform, overarching coordination with the corresponding logic for
all transport vehicles, vehicle models and manufacturers.
• Increase in manufacturers' independence using common interfaces between vehicle
control and coordination level.
• Integration of proprietary DTS inventory systems by implementing vertical
communication between the proprietary master control and the superordinate master
control (cf. Figure 1).

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