A Brief Introduction to Boosting
Robert E. Schapire
AT&T Labs, Shannon Laboratory
180 Park Avenue, Room A279, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA
www. research. att .com/~schapire
schapire@research. att. com
Boosting is a general method for improving the
accuracy of any given learning algorithm. This
short paper introduces the boosting algorithm
AdaBoost, and explains the underlying theory
of boosting, including an explanation of why
boosting often does not suffer from overfitting.
Some examples of recent applications of boost-
ing are also described.
Boosting is a general method which attempts to "boost"
the accuracy of any given learning algorithm. Boosting
has its roots in a theoretical framework for studying ma-
chine learning called the "PAC" learning model, due to
Valiant [37]; see Kearns and Vazirani [24] for a good in-
troduction to this model. Kearns and Valiant [22, 23]
were the first to pose the question of whether a "weak"
learning algorithm which performs just slightly bet-
ter than random guessing in the PAC model can be
"boosted" into an arbitrarily accurate "strong" learning
algorithm. Schapire [30] came up with the first prov-
able polynomial-time boosting algorithm in 1989. A
year later, Freund [14] developed a much more efficient
boosting algorithm which, although optimal in a certain
sense, nevertheless suffered from certain practical draw-
backs. The first experiments with these early boosting
algorithms were carried out by Drucker, Schapire and
Simard [13] on an OCR task.
The AdaBoost algorithm, introduced in 1995 by Freund
and Schapire [18], solved many of the practical difficul-
ties of the earlier boosting algorithms, and is the fo-
cus of this paper. Pseudocode for AdaBoost is given
in Fig. 1. The algorithm takes as input a training
set where each belongs to some
domain or instance space X, and each label is in
some label set Y. For most of this paper, we assume
later, we discuss extensions to the multi-
class case. AdaBoost calls a given weak or base learning
algorithm repeatedly in a series of rounds
Train weak learner using distribution D
Get weak hypothesis with error
where Z
is a normalization factor (chosen so that
+1 will be a distribution).
Output the final hypothesis:
Figure 1: The boosting algorithm AdaBoost.
One of the main ideas of the algorithm is to maintain
a distribution or set of weights over the training set.
The weight of this distribution on training example on
round t is denoted Initially, all weights are set
equally, but on each round, the weights of incorrectly
classified examples are increased so that the weak learner
is forced to focus on the hard examples in the training
The weak learner's job is to find a weak hypothesis
appropriate for the distribution D
The goodness of a weak hypothesis is measured by its
Notice that the error is measured with respect to the