Terrain Engine
I started working on a terrain engine around October 2000.
I was deeply moved by screenshots from black and white :)
My intention and main goal was to create something visually stunning.
This meant writing a terrain texture-generator, and working hard to find good textures and blending modes.
The outcome is an engine that hold a (supposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy.
There is no triangle-cutting algorithm employed, simple brute-force. I use a large terrain texture and
a tiling detail texture. There's a skybox and the terrain reflects on the water.
I used OpenGL for this one, employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl-win32 business.
You can move through this world using descent keys (a,z, keypad). use 'w' to switch to wire-frame and 'd' to render without the detail texture.