classdef HelperPathAnalyzer < matlab.System & matlab.system.mixin.Propagates & ...
matlab.system.mixin.SampleTime & matlab.system.mixin.CustomIcon
%HelperPathAnalyzer Provide reference inputs for vehicle controllers.
% HelperPathAnalyzer computes the reference pose and the reference
% velocity based on the current pose of the vehicle.
% pathAnalyzer = HelperPathAnalyzer creates a system object,
% pathAnalyzer, that calculate reference inputs for vehicle controllers.
% pathAnalyzer = HelperPathAnalyzer(Name,Value) creates a system object,
% pathAnalyzer, with additional options specified by one or more
% Name,Value pair arguments:
% 'Wheelbase' Wheelbase of the vehicle
% Default: 2.8 (meters)
% 'RefPoses' A N-by-3 matrix representing the poses of the
% reference path
% 'Directions' A N-by-1 vector representing the driving
% directions at each point on the reference path.
% The vector is composed by possible values: 1
% for forward motion and -1 for reverse motion.
% 'Curvatures' A N-by-1 vector representing the curvature
% of the reference path
% 'SpeedProfile' A N-by-1 vector representing the speeds along
% the reference path (in meters/second)
% Step method syntax:
% [refPose, refVel, direction] = step(pathAnalyzer, currPose, currVel)
% returns the reference pose, refPose, reference velocity, refVel, and
% the driving direction based on the current pose, currPose and the
% current velocity, currVel of the vehicle.
% System objects may be called directly like a function instead of using
% the step method. For example, y = step(obj) and y = obj() are equivalent.
% HelperPathAnalyzer properties:
% Wheelbase - Wheelbase of the vehicle
% RefPoses - Poses of the reference path
% SpeedProfile - Speeds along the reference path
% Directions - Driving directions at each point on the path
% Curvatures - Path curvaturesa at each point on the path
% HelperPathAnalyzer methods:
% step - Compute reference poses, velocity and direction
% release - Allow property value changes
% clone - Create a copy of the object
% isLocked - Locked status (logical)
% See also lateralControllerStanley, HelperLongitudinalController,
% smoothPathSpline, HelperSpeedProfileGenerator
% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Public, non-tunable properties
%Wheelbase Vehicle wheelbase (m)
% A scalar specifying the distance between the front and the rear
% axles.
% Default: 2.8 (m)
Wheelbase = 2.8
% Public properties (Only used in MATLAB)
%RefPoses Vehicle poses along the reference path
%SpeedProfile Speed profile along the reference path
%Directions Driving directions corresponding to RefPoses
%Curvatures Path curvatures
% Public properties (Only used in Simulink)
properties(Nontunable, Logical)
%HasResetOutput Show Reset output port
% Flag indicating if the Reset output port is enabled.
% Default: false
HasResetOutput = false;
properties(Access = private)
%ClosestPointIndex Store the previous projection point index
% to handle encircled path
% Default: 1
ClosestPointIndex = 1
%NumPathSegments Number of segments in a path. When
% Default: 1
NumPathSegments = 1
%CurrentSegmentIndex Index of the current segment
CurrentSegmentIndex = 1
%SegmentStartIndex A vector storing the indices of the starting
% points of all the path segments
%SegmentStartIndex A vector storing the indices of the ending
% points of all the path segments
% The following four properties are used to transfer reference
% data within the system object. Depending on the environment the
% object is executing in, they are assigned either by public
% properties, RefPoses, SpeedProfile, Directions and Curvatures
% in MATLAB, or by the input ports in Simulink. The selection is
% determined by the HasReferenceInports property.
% The following four properties are used to store the last output.
LastRefPoseOutput = [0 0 0]
LastRefVelocityOutput = 0
LastCurvatureOutput = 0
LastDirectionOutput = 1
properties(Access = private, Nontunable, Logical)
%HasReferenceInports Flag indicating if there are refPose, directions
% and speedProfile inputs in stepImp. In MATLAB, all these
% values are set via properties while in Simulink they are
% passed as inputs via input ports.
% Default: false
HasReferenceInports = false
% Setter and constructor
function set.RefPoses(obj, refPoses)
validateattributes(refPoses, {'single', 'double'}, ...
{'nonnan', 'real', 'ncols', 3, 'finite', 'nonempty'}, ...
mfilename, 'RefPoses');
obj.RefPoses = refPoses;
function set.Directions(obj, directions)
validateattributes(directions, {'single', 'double'}, ...
{'nonnan', 'real', 'column', 'finite', 'nonempty'}, ...
mfilename, 'Directions');
obj.Directions = directions;
function set.Curvatures(obj, kappas)
validateattributes(kappas, {'single', 'double'}, ...
{'nonnan', 'real', 'column', 'finite', 'nonempty'}, ...
mfilename, 'SpeedProfile');
obj.Curvatures = kappas;
function set.SpeedProfile(obj, speedProfile)
validateattributes(speedProfile, {'single', 'double'}, ...
{'nonnan', 'real', 'column', 'finite', '>=', 0, 'nonempty'}, ...
mfilename, 'SpeedProfile');
obj.SpeedProfile = speedProfile;
function set.Wheelbase(obj, wheelbase)
validateattributes(wheelbase, {'single', 'double'}, ...
{'nonnan', 'real', 'scalar', 'finite', 'nonempty
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