1. 标价(mark a price/carry a price tag)
- 在外贸交易中,明确标价是基本的商业实践。例如,“每件商品都标明了各自的价格。”(Each of the articles is marked with a different price.)表明商家需要清楚地标注商品的价格以便买家了解。
- 商家也会确保公平对待所有消费者,如“每件商品上都有价格标签,对本地人或游客平等对待。”(You see, every article carries a price tag and it’s the same price for local residents or tourists.)
2. 参考价(reference price/an indication of price)
- 在交易初期,买方可能会要求提供参考价以了解大致范围。例如,“请告知参考价格。”(Please give me a reference price.)
- 卖方可能会先给出一个参考价,如“不过您能否先出一个参考价?”(But could you give us an indication of your price?)这样做可以避免在谈判初期就暴露具体报价。
3. 对商品感兴趣(be interested in some commodities/be of interest to)
- 询盘过程中,买方会询问卖方对哪些商品有兴趣,如“请告知贵方对哪几项货品感兴趣,我们将给您寄去报盘和样品。”(Please let us know which items interest you. We will send you our quotes and samples.)
- 卖方也会主动询问买方的兴趣,如“我公司经营的电子产品种类很多,您对哪些型号最感兴趣呢?”(Our company handles a great variety of electronic products. What particular items are you most interested in?)
4. 询问和表达兴趣的方式
- 买方可以询问卖方对特定商品的兴趣,例如:“李先生,我听说您对我们的机床感兴趣。”(I understand that you are interested in our machine tools, Mr. Li.)
- 卖方则可以通过展示产品目录来吸引买方,如:“请仔细看看目录,找出你方用户感兴趣的品种。”(Please have a careful look at the catalogue and see what will interest your end-users.)
- 同时,双方在交谈中可以提出对对方产品的新认识,如:“顺便提一下,我想您对合成纤维更感兴趣吧。”(By the way, I thought you were more interested in synthetic fibres.)