DFM(Design for Manufacturability)是指在产品设计阶段考虑到制造工艺和生产过程中的可制造性、可装配性、可测试性等因素,以提高产品的制造效率、降低生产成本、提高产品质量。下面是模具DFM常用的中英文对照:
1. 分型面设置:如果在此处设置分型面,模具上将有尖角和刀口,对模具寿命有影响。(Sharp edges if we set the parting line here, it will reduce the tool life.)
2. 材料厚度差异:此处料厚段差很大,成品表面会有应力痕,建议修改如图示。(The thickness is not equal and it will bring the stress lines on the surface, suggest to improve the part as the picture shown.)
3. 模具开合顺序:此大行位上有小行位,开模时小行位需先退,大行位做延时,合模时则相反。(The small slider is inside the big slider, when the mold open, the small slider need to recede first and the big slider have to postpone. When the mold close, it is contrary.)
4. 强顶设计:此处需做强顶。(This position need to force ejection.)
5. 热咀设计:由于此处没有足够空间下热咀,所以需做一个柱子进胶。(This position need to make a pole for gating because there have no enough space for hot sprue.)
6. 产品缺陷分析:
* 高缩水率的产品容易产生缩印,但在浇口附近可以避免。(High shrinkage values could indicate sink marks or voids at gate location.)
* 熔接线在外表面(Welding line on the cosmetic surface)
* 两个香蕉浇口在流动未端熔合。(Two banana gate was to being confluent in the end of melt flow.)
7. 模具设计注意事项:
* 排气镶件处有飞边(Venting insert here has flash)
* 镶件处的排气槽过大(Venting gap between inserts is too big)
* 产品外表面上有压痕(Stress mark on the cosmetic surface)
* 不平均的产品壁厚(Uneven thickness)
* 不合理的产品结构(Unreasonable product structure)
* 注塑压力过高(Injection speed is high)
8. 产品缺陷解决方法:
* 产品外表面上有黑色点(There is black spot on the cosmetic surface)
* 产品有飞边(There is flash on the product)
* 产品外表面上有缩痕(There is sink mark on the cosmetic surface)
* 浇口尺寸不合理(Gate size is not reasonably)
* 这里有亮点(There is argent spot)
* 塑料的第一胶不会有很高的温度。(The plastic of first shot didn't meet high temperature.)
9. 模具设计注意事项:
* 确认 lifter 完全回位时 core 侧浮动板已经复位(Make sure the core float plate was closed before lifter pletely return to correct position)
* 确认顶针系统移动平稳(Make sure the ejector system is smooth)
* 增加先复位机构保护 lifter 回到正确位置(Add early return structure to protect lifter return to correct position)
* 建议增加 slider 的角度和抛光角度(Propose to add draft on slider side wall and draw polish)
10. 产品设计注意事项:
* 该处壁厚过薄而造成很难去填充完整,薄壁将会有产品功能上的风险(It is too thin and very difficult to inject fully, and weakness wall will have risk of the part function)