# ublox
The `ublox` package provides support for [u-blox](http://www.u-blox.com) GPS receivers. Only the _serial_ configuration of the driver is documented here, but TCP communication is also supported by the driver (untested).
The driver was originally written by Johannes Meyer. Changes made later are detailed in the version history below.
## Options
Example .yaml configuration files are included in `ublox_gps/config`. Consult the u-blox documentation for your device for the recommended settings.
The `ublox_gps` node supports the following parameters for all products and firmware versions:
* `device`: Path to the device port. Defaults to `/dev/ttyACM0`.
* `raw_data`: Whether the device is a raw data product. Defaults to false. Firmware <= 7.03 only.
* `load`: Parameters for loading the configuration to non-volatile memory. See `ublox_msgs/CfgCFG.msg`
* `load/mask`: uint32_t. Mask of the configurations to load.
* `load/device`: uint32_t. Mask which selects the devices for the load command.
* `save`: Parameters for saving the configuration to non-volatile memory. See `ublox_msgs/CfgCFG.msg`
* `save/mask`: uint32_t. Mask of the configurations to save.
* `save/device`: uint32_t. Mask which selects the devices for the save command.
* `uart1/baudrate`: Bit rate of the serial communication. Defaults to 9600.
* `uart1/in`: UART1 in communication protocol. Defaults to UBX, NMEA & RTCM. See `CfgPRT` message for possible values.
* `uart1/out`: UART1 out communication protocol. Defaults to UBX, NMEA & RTCM. See `CfgPRT` message for possible values.
* `frame_id`: ROS name prepended to frames produced by the node. Defaults to `gps`.
* `rate`: Rate in Hz of measurements. Defaults to 4.
* `nav_rate`: How often navigation solutions are published in number of measurement cycles. Defaults to 1.
* `enable_ppp`: Enable precise-point-positioning system. Defaults to false.
* `gnss/sbas`: Enable satellite-based augmentation system. Defaults to false.
* `sbas/max`: Maximum number of SBAS channels. Defaults to 0.
* `sbas/usage`: See `CfgSBAS` message for details. Defaults to 0.
* `dynamic_model`: Possible values below. Defaults to `portable`. See u-blox documentation for further description.
* `portable`
* `stationary`
* `pedestrian`
* `automotive`
* `sea`
* `airborne1`: Airborne, max acceleration = 1G
* `airborne2`: Airborne, max acceleration = 2G
* `airborne4`: Airborne, max acceleration = 4G
* `wristwatch`
* `fix_mode`: Type of fixes supported: `2d`, `3d` or `both`.
* `dr_limit`: Max time in seconds to use dead reckoning after signal is lost. Defaults to 0.
* `dat`: Configuring the datum type (optional). See the CfgDAT message.
* `dat/set`: If true, the node will the datum based on the parameters below (required if true). Defaults to false.
* `dat/majA`: Semi-major Axis [m]
* `dat/flat`: 1.0 / Flattening
* `dat/shift`: [X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis] shift [m]
* `dat/rot`: [X, Y, Z] rotation [s]
* `dat/scale`: scale change [ppm]
### For firmware version 6:
* `nmea/set`: If true, the NMEA will be configured with the parameters below.
* `nmea/version`: NMEA version. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/num_sv`: Maximum Number of SVs to report per TalkerId. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/compat`: Enable compatibility mode. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/consider`: Enable considering mode. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/filter`: Namespace for filter flags.
* `nmea/filter/pos`: Disable position filtering. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/msk_pos`: Disable masked position filtering. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/time`: Disable time filtering. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/date`: Disable date filtering. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/sbas`: Enable SBAS filtering. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/track`: Disable track filtering. Defaults to false.
### For devices with firmware >= 7:
* `gnss` parameters:
* `gnss/gps`: Enable GPS receiver. Defaults to true.
* `gnss/glonass`: Enable GLONASS receiver. Defaults to false.
* `gnss/beidou`: Enable BeiDou receiver. Defaults to false.
* `gnss/qzss`: Enable QZSS receiver. Defaults to false.
* `gnss/qzss_sig_cfg`: QZSS signal configuration. Defaults to L1CA. See `CfgGNSS` message for constants.
* `nmea` parameters:
* `nmea/set`: If true, the NMEA will be configured.
* `nmea/version`: NMEA version. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/num_sv`: Maximum Number of SVs to report per TalkerId. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/sv_numbering`: Configures the display of satellites that do not have an NMEA-defined value. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/compat`: Enable compatibility mode. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/consider`: Enable considering mode. Must be set if `nmea/set` is true.
* `nmea/limit82`: Enable strict limit to 82 characters maximum. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/high_prec`: Enable high precision mode. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter`: Namespace for filter flags.
* `nmea/filter/pos`: Enable position output for failed or invalid fixes. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/msk_pos`: Enable position output for invalid fixes. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/time`: Enable time output for invalid times. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/date`: Enable date output for invalid dates. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/gps_only`: Restrict output to GPS satellites only. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/filter/track`: Enable COG output even if COG is frozen. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt`: Filters out satellites based on their GNSS.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt/gps`: Disable reporting of GPS satellites. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt/sbas`: Disable reporting of SBAS satellites. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt/qzss`: Disable reporting of QZSS satellites. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt/glonass`: Disable reporting of GLONASS satellites. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/gnssToFilt/beidou`: Disable reporting of BeiDou satellites. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/main_talker_id`: This field enables the main Talker ID to be overridden. Defaults to 0.
* `nmea/gsv_talker_id`: This field enables the GSV Talker ID to be overridden. Defaults to [0, 0].
### For devices with firmware >= 8:
* `save_on_shutdown`: If true, the node will send a `UBX-UPD-SOS` command to save the BBR to flash memory on shutdown. Defaults to false.
* `clear_bbr`: If true, the node will send a `UBX-UPD-SOS` command to clear the flash memory during configuration. Defaults to false.
* Additional `gnss` params
* `gnss/galileo`: Enable Galileo receiver. Defaults to false.
* `gnss/imes`: Enable IMES receiver. Defaults to false.
* `nmea/bds_talker_id`: (See other NMEA configuration parameters above) Sets the two characters that should be used for the BeiDou Talker ID.
### For UDR/ADR devices:
* `use_adr`: Enable ADR/UDR. Defaults to true.
* `nav_rate` should be set to 1 Hz.
### For HPG Reference devices:
* `tmode3`: Time Mode. Required. See CfgTMODE3 for constants.
* `arp/lla_flag`: True if the Fixed position is in Lat, Lon, Alt coordinates. False if ECEF. Required if `tmode3` is set to fixed.
* `arp/position`: Antenna Reference Point position in [m] or [deg]. Required if `tmode3` is set to fixed.
* `arp/position_hp`: Antenna Reference Point High Precision position in [0.1 mm] or [deg * 1e-9]. Required if tmode3 is set to fixed.
* `arp/acc`: Fixed position accuracy in [m]. Required if `tmode3` is set to fixed.
* `sv_in/reset`: Whether or not to reset the survey in upon initialization. If false, it will only reset if the TMODE is disabled. Defaults to true.
* `sv_in/min_dur`: The minimum Survey-In Duration time in seconds. Required tmode3 is set to survey in.
* `sv_in/acc_lim`: The minimum accuracy level of the survey in position in meter
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基于ROS Melodic在双螺旋桨差速驱动的无人艇上实现多点巡航项目源码.zip (2000个子文件)
AVR_GY-26_IIC._c 2KB
ublox_msgs-msg.asd 9KB
learning_service-srv.asd 258B
learning_topic-msg.asd 256B
local_setup.bash 283B
setup.bash 260B
feature_tests.bin 12KB
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.built_by 11B
CMakeCCompilerId.c 18KB
CMakeCCompilerId.c 18KB
mkgmtime.c 6KB
mkgmtime.c 6KB
feature_tests.c 688B
feature_tests.c 688B
.catkin 30B
cmake.check_cache 85B
Makefile.cmake 27KB
ublox_serializationConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_serviceConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_serviceConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_topicConfig.cmake 9KB
ublox_msgsConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_parameterConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_parameterConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_launchConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_launchConfig.cmake 9KB
ublox_gpsConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_service-genmsg.cmake 9KB
centre_controlConfig.cmake 9KB
centre_controlConfig.cmake 9KB
serial_portConfig.cmake 9KB
learning_tfConfig.cmake 9KB
sensor_imuConfig.cmake 9KB
sensor_subConfig.cmake 9KB
sensor_subConfig.cmake 9KB
compassConfig.cmake 9KB
testConfig.cmake 8KB
cmake_install.cmake 7KB
ublox_msgs-msg-extras.cmake 5KB
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake 5KB
cmake_install.cmake 4KB
CMakeCCompiler.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 2KB
package.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
cmake_install.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1022B
DependInfo.cmake 974B
DependInfo.cmake 971B
DependInfo.cmake 968B
DependInfo.cmake 965B
DependInfo.cmake 935B
package.cmake 931B
DependInfo.cmake 923B
DependInfo.cmake 911B
DependInfo.cmake 910B
DependInfo.cmake 908B
DependInfo.cmake 896B
DependInfo.cmake 890B
DependInfo.cmake 887B
DependInfo.cmake 884B
DependInfo.cmake 805B
package.cmake 750B
package.cmake 748B
package.cmake 680B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
package.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 638B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 627B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 627B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 627B
cmake_clean.cmake 451B
cmake_clean.cmake 443B
learning_serviceConfig-version.cmake 426B
centre_controlConfig-version.cmake 426B
ublox_gpsConfig-version.cmake 426B
ublox_serializationConfig-version.cmake 426B
learning_parameterConfig-version.cmake 426B
sensor_subConfig-version.cmake 426B
learning_topicConfig-version.cmake 426B
learning_launchConfig-version.cmake 426B
sensor_imuConfig-version.cmake 426B
ublox_msgsConfig-version.cmake 426B
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