# YOLO detector and SOTA Multi-object tracker Toolbox
## ââImportant Notes
Compared to the previous version, this is an ***entirely new version (branch v2)***!!!
**Please use this version directly, as I have almost rewritten all the code to ensure better readability and improved results, as well as to correct some errors in the past code.**
git clone https://github.com/JackWoo0831/Yolov7-tracker.git
git checkout v2 # change to v2 branch !!
ð ***If you have any suggestions for adding trackers***, please leave a comment in the Issues section with the paper title or link! Everyone is welcome to contribute to making this repo better.
<div align="center">
**Language**: English | [ç®ä½ä¸æ](README_CN.md)
## ðºï¸ Latest News
- ***2024.10.24*** Add Hybrid SORT and fix some errors and bugs of OC-SORT.
## â¤ï¸ Introduction
This repo is a toolbox that implements the **tracking-by-detection paradigm multi-object tracker**. The detector supports:
- YOLO v7
- YOLO v8,
and the tracker supports:
- DeepSORT
- ByteTrack ([ECCV2022](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.06864))
- Bot-SORT ([arxiv2206](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.14651.pdf))
- OCSORT ([CVPR2023](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/papers/Cao_Observation-Centric_SORT_Rethinking_SORT_for_Robust_Multi-Object_Tracking_CVPR_2023_paper.pdf))
- C_BIoU Track ([arxiv2211](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2211.14317v2.pdf))
- Strong SORT ([IEEE TMM 2023](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.13514))
- Sparse Track ([arxiv 2306](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.05238))
- UCMC Track ([AAAI 2024](http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.08952))
- Hybrid SORT([AAAI 2024](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/28471))
and the reid model supports:
- OSNet
- Extractor from DeepSort
The highlights are:
- Supporting more trackers than MMTracking
- Rewrite multiple trackers with a ***unified code style***, without the need to configure multiple environments for each tracker
- Modular design, which ***decouples*** the detector, tracker, reid model and Kalman filter for easy conducting experiments
## ð¨ Installation
The basic env is:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Pythonï¼3.9, Pytorch: 1.12
Run following commond to install other packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
### ð Detector installation
The version of YOLOX is **0.1.0 (same as ByteTrack)**. To install it, you can clone the ByteTrack repo somewhere, and run:
``` bash
python3 setup.py develop
2. YOLO v7:
There is no need to execute addtional steps as the repo itself is based on YOLOv7.
3. YOLO v8:
Please run:
pip3 install ultralytics==8.0.94
### ð Data preparation
***If you do not want to test on the specific dataset, instead, you only want to run demos, please skip this section.***
***No matter what dataset you want to test, please organize it in the following way (YOLO style):***
|---000002.jpg ...
|---val ...
|---test ...
You can refer to the codes in `./tools` to see how to organize the datasets.
***Then, you need to prepare a `yaml` file to indicate the path so that the code can find the images.***
Some examples are in `tracker/config_files`. The important keys are:
DATASET_ROOT: '/data/xxxx/datasets/MOT17' # your dataset root
SPLIT: test # train, test or val
CATEGORY_NAMES: # same in YOLO training
- 'pedestrian'
0: 'pedestrian'
## ð Practice
### ð Training
Trackers generally do not require parameters to be trained. Please refer to the training methods of different detectors to train YOLOs.
Some references may help you:
- YOLOX: `tracker/yolox_utils/train_yolox.py`
- YOLO v7:
python train_aux.py --dataset visdrone --workers 8 --device <$GPU_id$> --batch-size 16 --data data/visdrone_all.yaml --img 1280 1280 --cfg cfg/training/yolov7-w6.yaml --weights <$YOLO v7 pretrained model path$> --name yolov7-w6-custom --hyp data/hyp.scratch.custom.yaml
- YOLO v8: `tracker/yolov8_utils/train_yolov8.py`
### ð Tracking !
If you only want to run a demo:
python tracker/track_demo.py --obj ${video path or images folder path} --detector ${yolox, yolov8 or yolov7} --tracker ${tracker name} --kalman_format ${kalman format, sort, byte, ...} --detector_model_path ${detector weight path} --save_images
For example:
python tracker/track_demo.py --obj M0203.mp4 --detector yolov8 --tracker deepsort --kalman_format byte --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt --save_images
If you want to run trackers on dataset:
python tracker/track.py --dataset ${dataset name, related with the yaml file} --detector ${yolox, yolov8 or yolov7} --tracker ${tracker name} --kalman_format ${kalman format, sort, byte, ...} --detector_model_path ${detector weight path}
For example:
- SORT: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov8 --tracker sort --kalman_format sort --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt `
- DeepSORT: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov7 --tracker deepsort --kalman_format byte --detector_model_path weights/yolov7_UAVDT_35epochs_20230507.pt`
- ByteTrack: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov8 --tracker bytetrack --kalman_format byte --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt`
- OCSort: `python tracker/track.py --dataset mot17 --detector yolox --tracker ocsort --kalman_format ocsort --detector_model_path weights/bytetrack_m_mot17.pth.tar`
- C-BIoU Track: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov8 --tracker c_bioutrack --kalman_format bot --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt`
- BoT-SORT: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolox --tracker botsort --kalman_format bot --detector_model_path weights/yolox_m_uavdt_50epochs.pth.tar`
- Strong SORT: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov8 --tracker strongsort --kalman_format strongsort --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt`
- Sparse Track: `python tracker/track.py --dataset uavdt --detector yolov8 --tracker sparsetrack --kalman_format bot --detector_model_path weights/yolov8l_UAVDT_60epochs_20230509.pt`
- UCMC Track: `python tracker/track.py --dataset mot17 --detector yolox --tracker ucmctrack --kalman_format ucmc --detector_model_path weights/bytetrack_m_mot17.pth.tar --camera_parameter_folder ./tracker/cam_param_files`
- Hybrid SORT: `python tracker/track.py --dataset mot17 --detector yolox --tracker hybridsort --kalman_format hybridsort --detector_model_path weights/bytetrack_m_mot17.pth.tar --save_images`
> **Important notes for UCMC Track:**
> 1. Camera parameters. The UCMC Track need the intrinsic and extrinsic parameter of camera. Please organize like the format of `tracker/cam_param_files/uavdt/M0101.txt`. One video sequence corresponds to one txt file. If you do not have the labelled parameters, you can refer to the estimating toolbox in original repo ([https://github.com/corfyi/UCMCTrack](https://github.com/corfyi/UCMCTrack)).
> 2. The code does not contain the camera motion compensation part between every two frame, please refer to [https://github.com/corfyi/UCMCTrack/issues/12](https://github.com/corfyi/UCMCTrack/issues/12). From my perspective, since the algorithm name is 'uniform', the update of compensation between every two frames is not necessary.
### â
Coming Soon. As an alternative, after obtaining the result txt file, you can use the [Easier to use TrackEval repo](https://github.com/JackWoo0831/Easier_To_Use_TrackEval).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
python设计源码之yolov7目标跟踪项目 (194个子文件)
Dockerfile 821B
demo.gif 11.58MB
.gitignore 3KB
reparameterization.ipynb 28KB
horses_prediction.jpg 151KB
horses.jpg 130KB
tao_categories.json 198KB
pose.png 347KB
performance.png 165KB
mask.png 102KB
DHN.pth 15.62MB
osnet_x0_25.pth 2.92MB
common.py 82KB
loss.py 73KB
datasets.py 61KB
train.py 36KB
train_aux.py 36KB
burst_ow_base.py 34KB
tao_ow.py 33KB
general.py 32KB
burst_base.py 30KB
tao.py 29KB
rob_mots.py 27KB
yolo.py 25KB
person_path_22.py 24KB
head_tracking_challenge.py 24KB
visdrone.py 24KB
mot_challenge_2d_box.py 23KB
mots_challenge.py 23KB
tracklet.py 23KB
kitti_mots.py 22KB
kitti_2d_box.py 21KB
track_map.py 20KB
youtube_vis.py 19KB
plots.py 18KB
matching.py 18KB
test.py 17KB
OSNet.py 17KB
_base_dataset.py 17KB
bdd100k.py 16KB
wandb_utils.py 16KB
torch_utils.py 15KB
davis.py 14KB
j_and_f.py 13KB
sparse_tracker.py 13KB
baseline_utils.py 12KB
eval.py 12KB
format_converter.py 12KB
deepsort_tracker.py 11KB
botsort_tracker.py 11KB
track.py 11KB
strongsort_tracker.py 11KB
ucmc_tracker.py 11KB
hota.py 10KB
camera_motion_compensation.py 10KB
hybridsort_tracker.py 9KB
ocsort_tracker.py 9KB
track_demo.py 9KB
clear.py 9KB
metrics.py 9KB
detect.py 9KB
pascal_colormap.py 9KB
plotting.py 8KB
load_model_tools.py 8KB
tracker_dataloader.py 8KB
convert_VisDrone_to_yolo.py 8KB
convert_MOT17_to_yolo.py 7KB
c_biou_tracker.py 7KB
convert_VisDrone_to_yolov2.py 7KB
byte_tracker.py 7KB
autoanchor.py 7KB
identity.py 6KB
stp.py 6KB
convert_UAVDT_to_yolo.py 6KB
vace.py 6KB
sort_tracker.py 6KB
run_rob_mots.py 6KB
utils.py 6KB
ideucl.py 5KB
mot_dataset.py 5KB
_base_metric.py 5KB
deepsort_reid.py 5KB
google_utils.py 5KB
yolox_m.py 5KB
yolox_x.py 4KB
hybridsort_kalman.py 4KB
ocsort_kalman.py 4KB
export.py 4KB
experimental.py 4KB
hubconf.py 3KB
train_yolox.py 3KB
vizualize.py 3KB
non_overlap.py 3KB
burst_ow.py 3KB
thresholder.py 3KB
basetrack.py 3KB
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