Read_Me: Instructions for setting up matlab speech processing exercises.
Step 1: create directory for loading all necessary file folders from MATLAB speech processing exercises (e.g., we create the directory �matlab_central_speech�); we define the full path to the chosen directory), e.g.,
path-to-speech= 'C:\data\matlab_central_speech'
Step 2: follow the instructions from the Read_Me file which is included within the folder for each of the speech processing exercises)
Step 3: do the following:
download (from Matlab Central File Exchange) and extract the following code folders and data folders into the directory of Step 1, using the following:
-go to Matlab Central
-click on File Exchange
-type speech processing exercises in the search region
- extract to the directory of Step 1 the following folders:
- functions_lrr
- speech_files
- highpass_filter_signal
- VQ
- cepstral coefficients
- isolated_digit_files
- GUI Lite v2.6 (soon to be available)
Step 4: download (from Matlab Central File Exchange) any or all of the folders for the set of speech processing exercises:
-go to Matlab Central
-click on File Exchange
-type speech processing exercises in search menu
-find any or all of the current set of 58 speech processing exercises and download them (one-at-a-time) to the directory of Step 1
Step 5: edit the file 'pathnew_matlab_central'
-change the path-to-speech directory name to the one selected in Step 1
-run the resulting pathnew_matlab_central file (this file must be run each time you log into Matlab)
The resulting 'pathnew_matlab_central' should look like the following (for a starting directory of �C:\data\matlab_central_speech'):
% pathnew_matlab_central
% path-to-speech: starting directory definition
% paths to GUI toolkit
path(strcat(path-to-speech,'\gui_lite_2.6\GUI Lite v2.6'),path);
% paths to speech toolkit
% path to highpass filter mat files
% path to cepstral coefficient training files
% path to cepstral coefficients
path(strcat(path-to-speech,'\cepstral coefficients'),path);
% path to lrr isolated digit files set for training and testing
path(strcat(path-to-speech,'\isolated_digit_files\testing set'),path);
path(strcat(path-to-speech,'\isolated_digit_files\training set'),path);