This is Quandl's MATLAB Package
License: MIT
For more information please contact
## Installation ##
Download the folder "+Quandl" into the directory of your choice. Then within MATLAB go to file >> Set path... and add the directory containing "+Quandl" to the list (if it isn't already). That's it.
Two things to note, the '+' in "+Quandl" is important in the folder name. It tells Matlab to recognize get.m and auth.m as part of the Quandl package. Secondly, make sure you don't add the "+Quandl" folder in set path. You should be adding the folder that contains it.
### Dependencies ###
This package now REQUIRES urlread2. It can be found [here](
Unzip the package and place it in the same directory as +Quandl in the folder +urlread2.
## Usage ##
Once you've found the data you'd like to load into MATLAB on Quandl, copy the Quandl code from the description box and past it into the function.
>> data = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL');
To extend your access to the Quandl API, use your api key. To do this sign into your account (or create one) and go to [account settings page]( Then copy your api key next time you call the function:
>> Quandl.api_key('yourauthenticationtoken');
Subsequently when you call:
>> data = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL');
MATLAB will remember your authentication token for the remainder of the session.
### Parameters ###
* Date truncation: `mydata = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL', 'start_date','yyyy-mm-dd','end_date','yyyy-mm-dd');`
* Frequency Change: `mydata = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL", 'collapse','annual');` ("weekly"|"monthly"|"quarterly"|"annual")
* Transformations: `mydata: = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','transformation','rdiff');` ("diff"|"rdiff"|"normalize"|"cumulative")
* Return only n number of rows: `mydata = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','rows',5);`
## Available Data Types ##
There are four options for which datatype you would like your data returned as, you choose your type as follows:
* **Timeseries (default)**: returns a timeseries if only 1 column in data, tscollection if more. `('type','ts')`
* **Financial timeseries** :`('type','fints')`
* **CSV string**: `('type','ASCII')`
* **DataMatrix**: `('type','data')`
* **Cell Strings**: `('type','cellstr')`
As well a cell string array is returned with the headers. The syntax is as follows:
output = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','type','fints')
[output headers] = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','type','fints')
## Examples ##
>> data = Quandl.get('NSE/OIL','collapse','monthly');
>> ts = data.Open;
>> ts.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm';
>> plot(ts);
## Datatables ##
To access datatables from the datatables api, you can use the Quandl.datatables function:
data = Quandl.datatable('ZACKS/EE')
It returns data in a table.
### Parameters ###
Parameters are specific to each datatable. This datatable's filter parameters are `ticker`, `per_type`, `per_end_date` and `qopts.columns`. The following function call returns the columns, per_end_date, per_type and eps_meant_est for all rows which ticker = AAPL.
data = Quandl.datatable('ZACKS/EE', 'ticker', 'AAPL', 'qopts.columns', {'per_end_date', 'per_type', 'eps_mean_est'})
This call returns all data for Apple and Microsoft:
data = Quandl.datatable('ZACKS/EE', 'ticker', {'AAPL', 'MSFT'})
## ALPHA ##
You can now search inside the Matlab Console
>>'crude oil');
>>'crude oil', 'results', 10, 'page', 3);
It is currently in **ALPHA** and only returns an xml object to the top node of the query results.
## Additional Resources ##
More help can be found at [Quandl]( in our [API]( docs.
- 粉丝: 8373
- 资源: 1469
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