• 光学镜头结构

    Abstract : Intellect ualized design system for st ructural design of optical lens is developed , which a2 chieves t he integration of optical and st ruct ural design sof tware. Mainly based on black box compo2 nent met hod , t he development of optical and st ruct ural design sof tware is completed using VC + + language. The integration and link of sof tware and AutoCAD/ Auto IS is realized t hrough exploitation of interface f unction provided by AutoCAD/ Auto IS. By using the multiple data base t ransmission technology , t he data t ransimssion between data tables is achieved. A design experiment is given to test the effectivity of such a system. The development of t his system realized paramet rization , autom2 atization , intellect ualization of t he st ruct ure of optical lenses. Key words : optical lens ; st ruct ure ; intellect ualized design ; systemic integration

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