• Actionscript Bible 第2版 2010版

    之前有过一个actionscript bible 2007版,这个是最新版第二版 2010版 ISBN:9780470525234

  • Actionscript Essential Trainning

    ActionScript 精髓,在当当网,卓越网,china-pub上都有影印版卖 买了一本,相当不错

  • C Primer Plus 5th edition PDF

    从chm转换过来,将多个html合并成一个文件,并用htmldoc转换成pdf,取消了多余的空白页与上一页,下一页等html链接,完成后814页 大小7.8M

  • vim 高级实例技巧

    VIM 实例技巧 英文版的,页数不多,但看完后,VIM/VI使用将大有长进 不是基础教程,如果不知道VI是什么,怎么复制,粘贴,删除,移动光标还是不要看好 适用于熟悉VI并想进一步提高的朋友们

  • VIM 高级教程 (Hacking Vim A cookbook to get the most out of the latest Vim editor)

    VIM linux 下vi的加强版,支持N多功能,此为高级技巧,全英文,喜欢的朋友可以看看 英文原名:Hacking Vim A cookbook to get the most out of the latest Vim editor

  • TCP/IP Sockets in C 2rd Edition

    TCP/IP Sockets In C 第二版 英文版 Changes from the First Edition We have updated and considerably expanded most of the material, having added two chapters. Major changes from the first edition include:  IP version 6 coverage. We now include three kinds of code: IPv4-specific, IPv6-specific, and generic. The code in the later chapters is designed to work with either protocol version on dual-stack machines.  An additional chapter on socket programming in C++ (contributed by David B. Sturgill). The PracticalSocket library provides wrappers for basic socket functionality. These allow an instructor to teach socket programming to students without C programming back- ground by giving them a library and then gradually peeling back the layers. Students can start developing immediately after understanding addresses/ports and client/server. Later they can be shown the details of socket programming by peeking inside the wrapper code. Those teaching a subject that uses networking (e.g., OS) can use the library and only selectively peel back the cover.  Enhanced coverage of data representation issues and strategies for organizing code that sends and receives messages. In our instructional experience, we find that students have less and less understanding of how data is actually stored in memory, 1 so we have attempted to compensate with more discussion of this important issue. At the same time, internationalization will only increase in importance, and thus we have included basic coverage of wide characters and encodings.  Omission of the reference section. The descriptions of most of the functions that make up the Sockets API have been collected into the early chapters. However, with so many online sources of reference information—including “man pages”—available, we chose to leave out the complete listing of the API in favor of more code illustrations.  Highlighting important but subtle facts and caveats. Typographical devices call out important concepts and information that might otherwise be missed on first reading. Although the scope of the book has expanded, we have not included everything that we might have (or even that we were asked to include); examples of topics left for more comprehensive texts (or the next edition) are raw sockets and programming with WinSock.

  • Object.Oriented.JavaScript.Jul.2008

    Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications,and libraries 创建具有兼容性,重用性,高质量Javascript程序与类的必备图书。教你如何写jquery一样的js类的书,一本javascript高级技巧的书。

  • The C Programming Language 第二版 英文版

    The C programming Language 第二版英文版 內容列表 Table of Contents Preface.......................................................... Preface to the first edition..................................... Introduction..................................................... Chapter 1 - A Tutorial Introduction.............................. 1.1 Getting Started................................ 1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expressions........... 1.3 The for statement.............................. 1.4 Symbolic Constants............................. 1.5 Character Input and Output..................... 1.5.1 File Copying.......................... 1.5.2 Character Counting.................... 1.5.3 Line Counting......................... 1.5.4 Word Counting......................... 1.6 Arrays......................................... 1.7 Functions...................................... 1.8 Arguments - Call by Value...................... 1.9 Character Arrays............................... 1.10 External Variables and Scope.................. Chapter 2 - Types, Operators and Expressions..................... 2.1 Variable Names................................. 2.2 Data Types and Sizes........................... 2.3 Constants...................................... 2.4 Declarations................................... 2.5 Arithmetic Operators........................... 2.6 Relational and Logical Operators............... 2.7 Type Conversions............................... 2.8 Increment and Decrement Operators.............. 2.9 Bitwise Operators.............................. 2.10 Assignment Operators and Expressions.......... 2.11 Conditional Expressions....................... 2.12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation............ Chapter 3 - Control Flow......................................... 3.1 Statements and Blocks.......................... 3.2 If-Else........................................ 3.3 Else-If........................................ 3.4 Switch......................................... 3.5 Loops - While and For.......................... 3.6 Loops - Do-While............................... 3.7 Break and Continue............................. 3.8 Goto and labels................................ Chapter 4 - Functions and Program Structure...................... 4.1 Basics of Functions............................ 4.2 Functions Returning Non-integers............... 4.3 External Variables............................. 4.4 Scope Rules.................................... 4.5 Header Files................................... 4.6 Static Variables................................ 4.7 Register Variables.............................. 4.8 Block Structure................................. 4.9 Initialization.................................. 4.10 Recursion...................................... 4.11 The C Preprocessor............................. 4.11.1 File Inclusion........................ 4.11.2 Macro Substitution.................... 4.11.3 Conditional Inclusion................. Chapter 5 - Pointers and Arrays.................................. 5.1 Pointers and Addresses......................... 5.2 Pointers and Function Arguments................ 5.3 Pointers and Arrays............................ 5.4 Address Arithmetic............................. 5.5 Character Pointers and Functions............... 5.6 Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers........... 5.7 Multi-dimensional Arrays....................... 5.8 Initialization of Pointer Arrays............... 5.9 Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays.......... 5.10 Command-line Arguments........................ 5.11 Pointers to Functions......................... 5.12 Complicated Declarations...................... Chapter 6 - Structures........................................... 6.1 Basics of Structures........................... 6.2 Structures and Functions....................... 6.3 Arrays of Structures........................... 6.4 Pointers to Structures......................... 6.5 Self-referential Structures.................... 6.6 Table Lookup................................... 6.7 Typedef........................................ 6.8 Unions......................................... 6.9 Bit-fields..................................... Chapter 7 - Input and Output..................................... 7.1 Standard Input and Output....................... 7.2 Formatted Output - printf....................... 7.3 Variable-length Argument Lists.................. 7.4 Formatted Input - Scanf......................... 7.5 File Access..................................... 7.6 Error Handling - Stderr and Exit................ 7.7 Line Input and Output........................... 7.8 Miscellaneous Functions......................... 7.8.1 String Operations...................... 7.8.2 Character Class Testing and Conversion. 7.8.3 Ungetc................................. 7.8.4 Command Execution...................... 7.8.5 Storage Management..................... 7.8.6 Mathematical Functions................. 7.8.7 Random Number generation............... Chapter 8 - The UNIX System Interface............................ 8.1 File Descriptors............................... 8.2 Low Level I/O - Read and Write................. 8.3 Open, Creat, Close, Unlink..................... 8.4 Random Access - Lseek.......................... 8.5 Example - An implementation of Fopen and Getc.. 8.6 Example - Listing Directories.................. 8.7 Example - A Storage Allocator.................. Appendix A - Reference Manual.................................... A.1 Introduction................................... A.2 Lexical Conventions............................ A.2.1 Tokens................................ A.2.2 Comments.............................. A.2.3 Identifiers........................... A.2.4 Keywords.............................. A.2.5 Constants............................. A.2.6 String Literals....................... A.3 Syntax Notation................................ A.4 Meaning of Identifiers......................... A.4.1 Storage Class......................... A.4.2 Basic Types........................... A.4.3 Derived types......................... A.4.4 Type Qualifiers....................... A.5 Objects and Lvalues............................ A.6 Conversions.................................... A.6.1 Integral Promotion.................... A.6.2 Integral Conversions.................. A.6.3 Integer and Floating.................. A.6.4 Floating Types........................ A.6.5 Arithmetic Conversions................ A.6.6 Pointers and Integers................. A.6.7 Void.................................. A.6.8 Pointers to Void...................... A.7 Expressions.................................... A.7.1 Pointer Conversion.................... A.7.2 Primary Expressions................... A.7.3 Postfix Expressions................... A.7.4 Unary Operators....................... A.7.5 Casts................................. A.7.6 Multiplicative Operators.............. A.7.7 Additive Operators.................... A.7.8 Shift Operators....................... A.7.9 Relational Operators.................. A.7.10 Equality Operators................... A.7.11 Bitwise AND Operator................. A.7.12 Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator........ A.7.13 Bitwise Inclusive OR Operator........ A.7.14 Logical AND Operator................. A.7.15 Logical OR Operator.................. A.7.16 Conditional Operator................. A.7.17 Assignment Expressions............... A.7.18 Comma Operator.......................... A.7.19 Constant Expressions.................... A.8 Declarations..................................... A.8.1 Storage Class Specifiers................. A.8.2 Type Specifiers.......................... A.8.3 Structure and Union Declarations......... A.8.4 Enumerations............................. A.8.5 Declarators.............................. A.8.6 Meaning of Declarators................... A.8.7 Initialization........................... A.8.8 Type names............................... A.8.9 Typedef.................................. A.8.10 Type Equivalence........................ A.9 Statements....................................... A.9.1 Labeled Statements....................... A.9.2 Expression Statement..................... A.9.3 Compound Statement....................... A.9.4 Selection Statements..................... A.9.5 Iteration Statements..................... A.9.6 Jump statements.......................... A.10 External Declarations........................... A.10.1 Function Definitions.................... A.10.2 External Declarations................... A.11 Scope and Linkage............................... A.11.1 Lexical Scope........................... A.11.2 Linkage................................. A.12 Preprocessing................................... A.12.1 Trigraph Sequences...................... A.12.2 Line Splicing........................... A.12.3 Macro Definition and Expansion.......... A.12.4 File Inclusion.......................... A.12.5 Conditional Compilation................. A.12.6 Line Control............................ A.12.7 Error Generation........................ A.12.8 Pragmas................................. A.12.9 Null directive.......................... A.12.10 Predefined names....................... A.13 Grammar......................................... Appendix B - Standard Library.................................... B.1.1 File Operations................................ B.1.2 Formatted Output......................... B.1.3 Formatted Input.......................... B.1.4 Character Input and Output Functions..... B.1.5 Direct Input and Output Functions........ B.1.6 File Positioning Functions............... B.1.7 Error Functions.......................... B.2 Character Class Tests: <ctype.h>................. B.3 String Functions: <string.h>..................... B.4 Mathematical Functions: <math.h>................. B.5 Utility Functions: <stdlib.h>....................

  • XPath and Xpointer

    语言:English 页数:197 出版日期:2002年第一版 出版社:Oreilly 格式:PDF 标签:XPath,XPointer,XML 概要:学习xslt时,必须要看到的东西。另外也是Xquery的基础.希望对在学习Xslt,XML的朋友们有用。 适合人群:Presumably, if you're browsing a book like this, you already know the rudiments of XML itself. You may have experimented with XSLT but, if so, haven't completely mastered it. (You can't do much in XSLT without first becoming comfortable with at least the basics of XPath.) Similarly, you may have experimented with XLinks; in this case, you've probably focused on linking to entire documents other than the one containing the link. XPointer will be your tool of choice for linking to portions of documents — external to or within the document where the XLink reference is made. As support for XPath is integrated into the Document Object Model (DOM), DOM developers may also find XPath a convenient alternative to walking through document trees. Finally, developers interested in hypertext and other applications where references may have to cross node boundaries will find a thorough explanation of XPointer, the leading technology for creating those references. 。。。。。

  • JavaScript 高级程序设计 -英文版

    英文全名:Pro JavaScript For Web Developers<br><br>ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-7908-0<br>ISBN-10: 0-7645-7908-8<br>http://club.book.csdn.net/book/110554.html<br>这里很火的这本的英文原版,但个人觉得还是javascript bible gold edition 更好一点。

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