• Python Machine Learning


  • Java Web典型模块与项目实战大全

    《Java Web典型模块与项目实战大全》以JavaWeb项目开发为主线,为大家介绍了Web项目开发中的三大部分内容,即典型模块篇、项目实战篇与环境搭建篇。 典型模块篇包括系统登录与注册模块、心之语许愿墙、电子通讯录、青匆校园留言板、自动建站模块、碧蓝晴空聊天室、搜索引擎模块、雨晨网络相册、购物车模块、在线支付模块、在线投票统计、备忘录模块、文件上传与下载等13个模块,每个模块都分步进行详细介绍,关键技术重点讲解。 项目实战篇包括天下淘网络商城、都市供求信息网、物流配货网、图书馆管理系统4个完整项目,每个项目都从软件工程的角度出发,从开发背景、需求分析、系统功能分析、数据库分析、数据库结构、系统开发到系统的编译发行,每一过程都进行了详细的讲解。 环境搭建篇包括JDK的下载与安装、Eclipse的下载与使用、Tomcat的下载与配置、MySQL及其工具的下载与安装、SQLServer2008数据库安装,主要对开发环境的搭建及程序开发前的必备基础知识进行了讲解。 《Java Web典型模块与项目实战大全》配套光盘提供了书中所有案例的全部源代码,所有源代码都经过精心调试,在WindowsXP、Windows7和Windows2008下全部通过,保证能够正常运行。

  • Packtpub.Instant.Firebug.Starter.Jan.2013.pdf

    With the advent of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), most web pages are driven by a combination of JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, and so on. It is difficult for front end and web developers to debug and fix issues that crop up on client machines. Firebug helps to solve this; it is a wonderful toolkit to help identify and fix issues that would ordinarily take much longer to find and fix. Instant Firebug Starter is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises to help you take advantage of the full power that Firebug offers. This book will give you a great grounding in using Firebug to debug, fix, and optimize your web pages. From installation to navigating the various panels to edit, inspect, and modify your webpages, this practical guide will help you through the wilds of Firebug without a single bite. A step-by-step description of key features is provided with the help of simple and concise examples. Each chapter will help you understand the key features of Firebug with tips and tricks that will become the foundation of your knowledge in the future. The Instant Firebug Starter can be used as an end-to-end guide or as a desk reference with sections that deal with all the key aspects of web development like CSS, Javascript, and AJAX. This Instant Firebug Starter guides you through the basics of Firebug and contains years’ worth of industry knowledge and expertise. This knowledge has been stripped back to 60 pages of useful insights, tips, tricks, and the latest techniques that will get you up to speed in no time. What you will learn from this book Get to grips with the basics of Firebug’s panels and their functions. Inspect, edit and play with HTML sources. Discover various ways to analyze the performance of your web application on the browser. Track XmlHttpRequest and XmlHttpResponse as well as monitoring AJAX calls. Explore the value of properties and constants of any DOM object. Monitor, edit, and remove cookies from Firebug. Approach Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This easy to understand Starter guide will get you up to speed with Firebug quickly and with little effort. Hands-on and practical examples allow you to get a feel for the tool and get used to using it on a day-to-day basis. Who this book is written for If you are just starting out with web development and looking to improve your site with Firebug, then this guide is for you. If you have a basic understanding of web development then this guide is easy to follow and will benefit your site no end.

  • JMS规范教程

    JMS 为Java程序提供了一种创建、发送、接收和读取企业消息系统中消息的通用方法。企业消息产品(有时也被称为面向消息的中间件MOM-Message Oriented Middleware),正成为一种用来整合公司内部操作的重要组件。它们使得分离的业务组件变成可靠而又灵活性的系统。Java语言编写的客户端以及中间层服务必须能够访问这些系统,JMS 为java语言访问这些消息系统提供了一种通用的方法。JMS是一系列的接口及相关语义的集合,通过这些接口和语义定义了JMS客户端如何去访问消息系统。

  • Instant.Oracle.Database.and.PowerShell.How-to

    Book Description In Detail PowerShell provides a rich, object-oriented scripting language that can be used to perform a number of Oracle database tasks. It can be harnessed to automate manual tasks in graphical database management systems or go beyond what can be done in Oracle-only command line shells. Oracle and PowerShell will walk you through scripting a number of common Oracle database tasks with real-world code examples and detailed explanations so you can automate operations without manual labor or writing custom utility applications. This book will start with accessing Oracle and retrieving and modifying data, and will build up to more involved operations, building a reusable script library along the way. You will also see how to execute and modify database procedures from PowerShell, run unattended, scheduled scripts, and automate database deployments using Oracle command line tools from PowerShell. Finally you will learn how to tap into a powerful library in Oracle's Developer Tools and visualize Oracle data using Microsoft's Charting library. In the Oracle Database and PowerShell How-to you'll learn all the major building blocks for automating Oracle database tasks using Microsoft's rich scripting language. Approach Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. This How-To guide is full of hands-on examples to get your databases automated in no time, with easy to follow code that will prove useful time and time again. Who this book is for If you are a .NET developer using an Oracle Database or a regular Oracle Database user this book is full of helpful hints and tricks to automate Oracle Databases with Powershell.

  • My Drivers 5

    My Drivers enables easy and fast detection, backup and restore of all hardware device drivers currently on your system. Also, you can even find the latest drivers for your hardware and install them onto your computer. With just one or two mouse button clicks, you will have all your hardware devices extracted and backed-up to any folder you want. When you reinstall or upgrade your system, you can restore all drivers by clicking a button. Once after a reboot, all the drivers will be re-installed and will function well. You may also choose to backup a particular driver or all the drivers with an EXE automatic installer. If you have a particular item of hardware that is troublesome, just remove the driver with this software.
