• 新版 NGUI Next-Gen UI v2018.3 (December 13, 2018)

    Unity 必备插件 官网地址: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/ngui-next-gen-ui-2413 2018.3.0 - NEW: As the name suggests, support for Unity 2018.3 and its new prefab workflow. Still supports previous versions, including Unity 5.6. - NEW: NGUI's atlases and fonts are now saved as ScriptableObjects instead of prefabs. To upgrade, select any old prefab-based atlas or font, and the Upgrade button will show up. BACK UP FIRST just in case! After the new asset gets created, the old atlas or font will be changed to Reference type, pointing to it. You can use the new asset directly, of course -- and if you are Unity savvy enough, you can swap their GUIDs from the meta files, effectively removing the need for the reference asset altogether. - NEW: Added a new widget type: Sprite Collection. It can be used to efficiently add thousands of sprites without the overhead of creating game objects. This is meant to be used from code by programmers, but can speed up the creation and modification of sprites by several orders of magnitude. In Sightseer it allowed the world map creation to go from 3348 ms down to 22 ms, for example. - NEW: Added UITweener.Finish() to immediately finish the tween, skipping to the end. - FIX: Some fixes for key binding text form serialization.

  • 逆向工程权威指南(英文版)

    逆向工程是一种分析目标系统的过程。 本书专注于软件逆向工程,即研究编译后的可执行程序。本书是写给初学者 的一本经典指南。全书共分为12个部分,共102章,涉及软件逆向工程相关 的众多技术话题,堪称是逆向工程技术百科全书。全书讲解详细,附带丰富 的代码示例,还给出了很多习题来帮助读者巩固所学的知识,附录部分给出 了习题的解答。 本书适合对逆向工程技术、操作系统底层技术、程序分析技术感兴趣的读者 阅读,也适合专业的程序开发人员参考。

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