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- “Microsoft’s newest version of Exchange provides push email capability as a standard feature. However, its limited security and management capabilities require that companies add-on to the out-of-the-box functionality to meet minimum requirements for safely handling sensitive company data….. For many companies, it may be easier and more cost effective to forgo MSCMDM and add a third party solution that is optimized for the needs of safely and securely handing wireless push email in an easily deployed environment and scaled for small businesses… We believe BlackBerry Professional Software provides a compelling alternative…”0 84浏览会员免费
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- QDB is a small-footprint, embeddable SQL database server that supports most SQL-92 syntax. It is designed as an easy-to-configure Neutrino resource manager. QDB is based on the SQLite project (http://www.sqlite.org), and inherits many of SQLite’s features.0 146浏览会员免费
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- BlackBerry devices and applications are selling by the millions. As a BlackBerry developer, you need an advanced skill set to successfully exploit the most compelling features of the platform. This book will help you develop that skill set and teach you how to create the most sophisticated BlackBerry programs possible.0 59浏览会员免费