- just a ppt about how to be a foreign person0 61浏览免费
- Ultrasound Imaging Overview0 100浏览免费
- 计算机冬季运行0 56浏览免费
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- Starting with SharePoint 2013, we are beginning to go down the path of reducing our reliance on Alternate Access Mappings, or AAM. It is still available, but our suggestion is that you try and model your farm designs first as a single web application and then use host header site collections in it. This is the model that we’ve put a lot of energy into making “just work”, because it is the same model that we use in Office 365. We’ve also added new features for host header site collections in this release so you can functional parity with alternate access mappings. One of the big things we did is to allow you to associate multiple Urls with the same site collection. This only works for host header sites, but as you can see from the PowerShell here, we’ve added commands that let you use multiple Urls with a site, the same way in which you would create multiple Urls with zones when using AAM. We still support zones as well, so for the same reasons you might have used zones previously – like you wanted to configure different authentication methods for a site – you can use that same approach with host header sites in SharePoint 2013.0 119浏览会员免费
- Sharing has always been one of the strong points about SharePoint, but even with that there were some challenges with doing it as quickly and easily as we would have liked in SharePoint 2010. Some of the things we wanted to improve up included granting access to a site. Some of the problems here are that most end users wouldn’t know what rights to grant to someone if they could, and most users can’t see what other users have access to a site or library or list anyways. There were also sometimes problems when a user that did have rights to grant access to others would not completely understand what rights were associated with different SharePoint groups and so they would grant different rights than they really intended.0 70浏览免费
- 数学模型姜启源0 53浏览免费
- 通过举例,详细讲解了sqlserver的数据查询语句及使用,包括插入、删除、查询、授权等语句。轻松掌握sql语句的用法。0 54浏览免费
- 检索每学期每门课的学生排名情况(空表),输出学期,课程号,学号, 总评成绩,排名;按学期降序,相同按课程号升序,课程相同按排名从高到低。0 547浏览免费
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- 实验课需要,上传到其他地方0 28浏览免费