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- 本文详细讲述了openldap的配置方法及如何初始化openldap0 207浏览会员免费
- 韩国精品_PPT模板,非常精美的PPT模版,希望大家喜欢!!0 112浏览会员免费
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- 此文档包含了计算机存储系统的基本工作原理0 218浏览会员免费
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- 很好的资源,应该能帮助大家理解计算机组成及其原理,了解其会怎样出题并解决难题0 60浏览会员免费
- 配置VMware虚拟机 这里介绍在一台计算机上安装一套操作系统,然后利用工具软件再虚拟一套操作为网络安全的攻击对象。0 109浏览会员免费
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- 为了帮助用户提高文档的编辑效率,创建有特殊效果的文档,Word 2003提供了一些高级格式设置功能来优化文档的格式编排,如可以应用模板对文档进行快速的格式应用,可以利用“样式”任务窗格创建、查看、选择、应用甚至清除文本中的格式,还可以利用特殊的排版方式设置文档效果。0 144浏览会员免费
- 计算机组成关于memory的课件,如何将两块存储芯片改进成一个0 114浏览会员免费
- MTM的全称是Microsoft Test Manager,它是微软公司提供给测试人员的一个非常强大的工具。通过它可以创建测试计划、修改和添加测试用例,同时还可以执行手动或者自动测试。0 104浏览会员免费
- 对技术爱好者很有帮助,自己打开看,觉对不是垃圾内容0 179浏览会员免费
- Excel的使用方法与技巧让你快速学会使用Excel,从基础知识起到深入的学习。0 47浏览会员免费
- bmp文件格式介绍。详细介绍了bmp图像格式的数据结构,非常好的资源。0 145浏览会员免费
- SharePoint 2013 introduces a new distributed cache service based on Windows Server AppFabric distributed caching. The distributed cache is used in features like authentication, to cache FedAuth cookies, and social feeds in My Sites. This caching services uses features that are not available in Windows Azure Cache, so you cannot substitute Azure cache for the distributed cache service. One other thing that’s important to remember is that SharePoint only supports the version of caching that we ship with SharePoint. If an upgrade becomes available for Windows Server AppFabric caching you cannot apply that your SharePoint servers running the distributed cache service – only updates distributed by SharePoint can be applied.0 124浏览会员免费
- Starting with SharePoint 2013, we are beginning to go down the path of reducing our reliance on Alternate Access Mappings, or AAM. It is still available, but our suggestion is that you try and model your farm designs first as a single web application and then use host header site collections in it. This is the model that we’ve put a lot of energy into making “just work”, because it is the same model that we use in Office 365. We’ve also added new features for host header site collections in this release so you can functional parity with alternate access mappings. One of the big things we did is to allow you to associate multiple Urls with the same site collection. This only works for host header sites, but as you can see from the PowerShell here, we’ve added commands that let you use multiple Urls with a site, the same way in which you would create multiple Urls with zones when using AAM. We still support zones as well, so for the same reasons you might have used zones previously – like you wanted to configure different authentication methods for a site – you can use that same approach with host header sites in SharePoint 2013.0 119浏览会员免费
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