Ch12p1_SimpleWater.cpp: a program that demonstrates the water algorithm,
without any annoying bells and/or whistles.
// include files ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define STRICT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <D3DX8.h>
#include "D3DApp.h"
#include "D3DFile.h"
#include "D3DFont.h"
#include "D3DUtil.h"
#include "DXUtil.h"
#include "D3DHelperFuncs.h"
#include "Ch12p1_resource.h"
#include "CommonFuncs.h"
// A structure for our custom vertex type.
D3DXVECTOR3 position; // The position
D3DCOLOR color; // The color
FLOAT tu, tv; // The texture coordinates
const int TEXTURESIZE = 256; // size of the fire texture
// Our custom FVF, which describes our custom vertex structure
// Name: class CMyD3DApplication
// Desc: Application class. The base class (CD3DApplication) provides the
// generic functionality needed in all Direct3D samples. CMyD3DApplication
// adds functionality specific to this sample program.
class CMyD3DApplication : public CD3DApplication
// Font for drawing text
CD3DFont* m_pFont;
CD3DFont* m_pFontSmall;
// Scene
DWORD m_dwNumVertices;
// Texture
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 m_pImageTex; // this texture will go "underwater"...
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 m_pWaterTex; // ... and will appear on this texture.
// Texture Palette
char m_strTextureSurfFormat[256];
int m_iWaterField[TEXTURESIZE*TEXTURESIZE]; // first water array
int m_iWaterField2[TEXTURESIZE*TEXTURESIZE]; // second water array
int *m_pWaterActive; // we use these two pointers to flip
int *m_pWaterScratch; // the active water array back and forth.
char m_lutDisplacement[512]; // displacement lookup table (to optimize calculations)
HRESULT OneTimeSceneInit();
HRESULT InitDeviceObjects();
HRESULT RestoreDeviceObjects();
HRESULT InvalidateDeviceObjects();
HRESULT DeleteDeviceObjects();
HRESULT FinalCleanup();
HRESULT Render();
HRESULT FrameMove();
HRESULT ConfirmDevice( D3DCAPS8* pCaps, DWORD dwBehavior, D3DFORMAT Format );
LRESULT MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
// Name: WinMain()
// Desc: Entry point to the program. Initializes everything, and goes into a
// message-processing loop. Idle time is used to render the scene.
CMyD3DApplication d3dApp;
if( FAILED( d3dApp.Create( hInst ) ) )
return 0;
return d3dApp.Run();
// Name: CMyD3DApplication()
// Desc: Application constructor. Sets attributes for the app.
m_strWindowTitle = _T("Ch12p1_SimpleWater");
m_bUseDepthBuffer = TRUE;
m_pFont = new CD3DFont( _T("Arial"), 12, D3DFONT_BOLD );
m_pFontSmall = new CD3DFont( _T("Arial"), 9, D3DFONT_BOLD );
m_pVB = NULL;
m_dwNumVertices = 6;
m_pImageTex = NULL;
m_pWaterTex = NULL;
MakeDisplacementLookupTable: populates our m_cDisplacement map with valid
values based on a refraction index. The refraction index of water is 2.0.
void MakeDisplacementLookupTable(char *pDisplacement, int iArraySize,
float fRefractionIndex,
float fDepth)
for (int i=-iArraySize/2; i < (iArraySize/2)-1; i++) {
float heightdiff = i*fDepth;
// the angle is the arctan of the height difference
float angle = (float)atan(heightdiff);
// now, calculate the angle of the refracted beam.
float beamangle = (float)asin(sin(angle) / fRefractionIndex);
// finally, calculate the displacement, based on the refracted beam
// and the height difference.
pDisplacement[i+(iArraySize/2)] = (int)(tan(beamangle) * heightdiff);
ProcessWater: this function processes our water. It takes two input buffers,
the water dimensions, and the cooling amount. It calculates the new water
values from waterfield1 and puts them into waterfield2.
void ProcessWater(int *oldwater, int *newwater,
int iWaterWidth, int iWaterHeight, float fDampValue)
// loop through all the water values...
for (int y=0; y < iWaterHeight; y++) {
for (int x=0; x < iWaterWidth; x++) {
// add up the values of all the neighboring water values...
int value;
int xminus1 = x-1; if (xminus1 < 0) xminus1 = 0;
int xminus2 = x-2; if (xminus2 < 0) xminus2 = 0;
int yminus1 = y-1; if (yminus1 < 0) yminus1 = 0;
int yminus2 = y-2; if (yminus2 < 0) yminus2 = 0;
int xplus1 = x+1; if (xplus1 >= iWaterWidth) xplus1 = iWaterWidth-1;
int xplus2 = x+2; if (xplus2 >= iWaterWidth) xplus2 = iWaterWidth-1;
int yplus1 = y+1; if (yplus1 >= iWaterHeight) yplus1 = iWaterHeight-1;
int yplus2 = y+2; if (yplus2 >= iWaterHeight) yplus2 = iWaterHeight-1;
// Blending methods: uncomment one of these two methods.
// Method 1: Slower but yields slightly better looking water
value = (float)oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xminus1];
value += (float)oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xminus2];
value += (float)oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xplus1];
value += (float)oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xplus2];
value += (float)oldwater[((yminus1)*iWaterWidth)+x];
value += (float)oldwater[((yminus2)*iWaterWidth)+x];
value += (float)oldwater[((yplus1) *iWaterWidth)+x];
value += (float)oldwater[((yplus2) *iWaterWidth)+x];
value += (float)oldwater[((yminus1)*iWaterWidth)+xminus1];
value += (float)oldwater[((yminus1)*iWaterWidth)+xplus1];
value += (float)oldwater[((yplus1) *iWaterWidth)+xminus1];
value += (float)oldwater[((yplus1) *iWaterWidth)+xplus1];
// average them
value /= 6;
// Method 2: This method is faster but doesn't look as good (IMHO)
value = oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xminus1];
value += oldwater[((y) *iWaterWidth)+xplus1];
value += oldwater[((yminus1)*iWaterWidth)+x];
value += oldwater[((yplus1) *iWaterWidth)+x];
// average them (/4) then multiply by two
// so they don't die off as quickly.
value /= 2;
// regardless of the blending method we choose, we still must
// do this stuff.
// subtract the previous water value
value -= newwater[(y*iWaterWidth)+x];
// dam