While the primary intention of this pretty printing implementation is
to provide what Qt Creator needs, it can be used in a plain GDB and LLDB
session, too.
python sys.path.insert(1, '<path/to/qtcreator>/share/qtcreator/debugger/')
python from gdbbridge import *
in .gdbinit there is a new "GDB command", called "pp".
With code like
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString ss = "Hello";
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// break here
the "pp" command can be used as follows:
(gdb) pp app
app =
<QGuiApplication> = {"Hello"}
staticMetaObject = <QMetaObject> = {""}
[parent] = <QObject *> = {"0x0"}
[children] = <QObjectList> = {"<3 items>"}
[properties] = "<>0 items>"
[methods] = "<6 items>"
[signals] = "<1 items>"
],<QApplication> = {"Hello"}
(gdb) pp app [properties],[children]
app =
<QGuiApplication> = {"Hello"}
staticMetaObject = <QMetaObject> = {""}
[parent] = <QObject *> = {"0x0"}
[children] = [
<QObject> = {""}
<QObject> = {""}
<QObject> = {"fusion"}
],<QObjectList> = {"<3 items>"}
[properties] = [
windowIcon = <QVariant (QIcon)> = {""}
cursorFlashTime = <QVariant (int)> = {"1000"}
doubleClickInterval = <QVariant (int)> = {"400"}
keyboardInputInterval = <QVariant (int)> = {"400"}
wheelScrollLines = <QVariant (int)> = {"3"}
globalStrut = <QVariant (QSize)> = {"(0, 0)"}
startDragTime = <QVariant (int)> = {"500"}
startDragDistance = <QVariant (int)> = {"10"}
styleSheet = <QVariant (QString)> = {""}
autoSipEnabled = <QVariant (bool)> = {"true"}
],"<10 items>"
[methods] = "<6 items>"
[signals] = "<1 items>"
],<QApplication> = {"Hello"}
(gdb) pp ss
ss =
<QString> = {"Hello"}
Or for LLDB (.lldbinit or directly in the LLDB interpreter):
command script import <path/to/qtcreator>/share/qtcreator/debugger/lldbbridge.py
This will add LLDB summary providers for all the Qt types in a new type category named 'Qt'.
In order to hook a new debugger backend into this "common pretty printing system",
the backend should expose a Python API containing at least the following:
class Value:
name() -> string # Name of this thing or None
type() -> Type # Type of this value
asBytes() -> bytes # Memory contents of this object, or None
address() -> int # Address of this object, or None
dereference() -> Value # Dereference if value is pointer,
# remove reference if value is reference.
hasChildren() -> bool # Whether this object has subobjects.
expand() -> bool # Make sure that children are accessible.
nativeDebuggerValue() -> string # Dumper value returned from the debugger
childFromName(string name) -> Value # (optional)
childFromField(Field field) -> Value # (optional)
childFromIndex(int position) -> Value # (optional)
class Type:
name() -> string # Full name of this type
bitsize() -> int # Size of type in bits
code() -> TypeCodeTypedef
| TypeCodeStruct
| TypeCodeVoid
| TypeCodeIntegral
| TypeCodeFloat
| TypeCodeEnum
| TypeCodePointer
| TypeCodeArray
| TypeCodeComplex
| TypeCodeReference
| TypeCodeFunction
| TypeCodeMemberPointer
| TypeCodeUnresolvable
unqualified() -> Type # Type without const/volatile
target() -> Type # Type dereferenced if it is a pointer type, element if array etc
stripTypedef() -> Type # Type with typedefs removed
fields() -> [ Fields ] # List of fields (member and base classes) of this type
templateArgument(int pos, bool numeric) -> Type or int # (optional)
class Field:
name() -> string # Name of member, None for anonymous items
isBaseClass() -> bool # Whether this is a base class or normal member
type() -> Type # Type of this member
parentType() -> Type # Type of class this member belongs to
bitsize() -> int # Size of member in bits
bitpos() -> int # Offset of member in parent type in bits
parseAndEvaluate(string: expr) -> Value # or None if not possible.
lookupType(string: name) -> Type # or None if not possible.
listOfLocals() -> [ Value ] # List of items currently in scope.
readRawMemory(ULONG64 address, ULONG size) -> bytes # Read a block of data from the virtual address space