(c) SYSTEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz, August-Bebel-Str. 29
openPOWERLINK - Quick Start Guide
1. Documentation
* The documentation of the openPOWERLINK protocol stack can be found in the
subdirectory "Documenation".
* Further documentation can be downloaded from
It contains an introduction and a reference manual. A free registration
is required for downloading.
* The openPOWERLINK LiveCD with a ready-to-run Managing Node reference application
is available as pre-configured ISO image from
* Update Guide for necessary changes to your application project, if you update
from a previous version of openPOWERLINK, can be found in file update.txt.
* License: Please refer to the file "license.txt" for information about
the license of the source code.
2. Generic Requirements for all demo applications
- POWERLINK network:
* one or more POWERLINK I/O devices according device profile CiA-401
(i.e. Controlled Nodes) with the following PDO mapping:
RPDO (PollRequest from MN): length = 1 or 2 Bytes
containing the values for the digital outputs
PDO version = 0
TPDO (PollResponse): length = min. 1 Byte
containing the values from the digital inputs
PDO version = 0
* Node-IDs of the Controlled Nodes (CN): 1, 32 or 110
* CAT5 cables to connect the POWERLINK devices with the demo application
- openPOWERLINK demo application with node-ID 240/0xF0.
When the demo application runs as MN (node-ID 240/0xF0) it drives a running light
on the CNs. Otherwise it just behaves as CiA-401 I/O device.
3. Available demo applications
X86 PC and Linux operating system
There are several demo applications available for Linux. Detailed documentation
is located in Documentation/linux-x86.txt
X86 PC with Microsoft Windows operating system (2000, XP or newer)
and WinPcap driver installed:
* simple MN demo for Microsoft Visual C 2005:
= Examples\X86\Windows\VC8\demo_pcap
* simple MN demo for Microsoft Visual C 2008:
= Examples\X86\Windows\VC9\demo_pcap
* MN demo with Configuration Manager (CFM) for Microsoft Visual C 2005:
= Examples\X86\Windows\VC8\demo_cfm_pcap
Freescale ColdFire MCF5484 (SYSTEC Development Board for ECUcore-5484)
with Linux operating system (see section 3.2 for requirements)
* simple CN demo which controls the LEDs and reads the pushbuttons on the devboard:
= Examples\PLCcore-CF54\Linux\gnu\demo_cn_kernel
* simple CN and MN demo which controls the LEDs and reads the pushbuttons on the devboard
and drives a running light on other CNs if running as MN (node-ID 240/0xF0):
= Examples\PLCcore-CF54\Linux\gnu\demo_mn_kernel
Hilscher netX-500 (Evaluation board Hilscher NXEB 500-HMI)
= GPL-Addon Package: Examples\netx500\Linux\gnu\demo_mn_kernel
Atmel AT91RM9200 with Davicom DM9003 under Linux
= Examples\at91rm9200\Linux\gnu\demo_mn_dm9003_kernel
Altera Cyclone III on EBV DBC3C40 Development Board or SYS TEC ECUcore-EP3C Development Board
with Nios II Soft-CPU and openMAC
* CN demo which controls the LEDs and reads the pushbuttons on the devboard:
= Examples\altera_nios2\no_os\gnu\demo_cn_3r1tpdo
3.3. Requirements for X86 Linux demos
Detailed documentation is located in Documentation/linux-x86.txt
3.3. Requirements for ColdFire MCF5484 demo
- Linux-BSP and toolchain for ColdFire MCF5484
- SYSTEC Developmentboard for ECUcore-5484
- Host PC with Linux
3.4. Steps to build and execute the demo application for the MCF5484
1. Setup build environment on the host computer
(e.g. install Linux-BSP and toolchain for ColdFire MCF5484)
2. Compile the sample application,
e.g. for ColdFire MCF5484 with Linux execute the following commands
$ cd Examples/PLCcore-CF54/Linux/gnu/demo_mn_kernel
$ make
3. Copy the built sample application (i.e. the Linux kernel object epl.ko) to
the target (e.g. via FTP or NFS) and run it.
$ insmod epl.ko
With an additional parameter 'nodeid' the node-ID can be set manually.
It overwrites any hardware settings.
$ insmod epl.ko nodeid=240
4. Now you may modify the sources to your needs and restart from 2.
(e.g. change the cycle length and the network configuration in demo_main.c)
4. It does not work
1. Check the kernel log
$ dmesg
2. Make a trace with Wireshark on another PC that is connected to the
POWERLINK network (www.wireshark.org)
3. Study the output of
$ cat /proc/epl
4. Try to reset the NMT state machine with
$ echo > /proc/epl
(Hint: /proc/epl executes the NMT events defined in enum tEplNmtEvent in
file Include/EplNmt.h like
$ echo 0x13 > /proc/epl
for NMT Reset Configuration)
5. If TCP/IP communication over the POWERLINK network does not work
check the configuration of the virtual network interface and the routing
$ ifconfig epl
$ netstat -r