#----------------------------------- 1.1.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] exception edge case when saving / deleting index-only columns with a
unique constraint and no relevant data.
#----------------------------------- 1.1.0 -----------------------------------
[added] UnsafeColumns(); used for direct access to Redis structures per entity,
which are deleted on entity deletion.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.7 -----------------------------------
[fixed] searching by unique indexonly columns; previously would try to use the
useless "to_redis" on the column type, which returns none.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.6 -----------------------------------
[added] IndexOnly columns can now have unique indexes generated via keygen.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.5 -----------------------------------
Re-release for git tags
#----------------------------------- 1.0.4 -----------------------------------
[added] dockerfiles + docker-compose yamls for testing.
[updated] Python version compatability.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.3 -----------------------------------
[fix] explicitly added support for Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 that were already
being tested in travis, but which we missed. Thanks to github user
https://github.com/Frank5000 for the bug report. Also removed extra-old and
generally unsupported Python 2.6 and 3.3 from the list. If you *need*
support for these, please contact me about a support license.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.2 -----------------------------------
[fix] thanks to bug report by github user https://github.com/Goury, fixed old
bug with rebuilding indexes via scan.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.1 -----------------------------------
[fix] thanks to bug report and instructions from github user
https://github.com/mshalom-meta, I have fixed rom to be compatible with
Redis connections having `decode_responses=True` set.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.0 -----------------------------------
[WARNING] data indexed in this version is NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with data indexed
save, and older clients saving may not update indexes properly.
[future change] At some point, we'll stop supporting Python 2.7. I don't know
when that is, but it will be soon-ish.
[changed] data storage for "old" indexed data (so we can delete items) has
changed to reduce the number of big keys.
[changed] If you previously used no-filter model.query.count() without a primary
index, that previously worked. That will now return a lie, in order to be
fast. Sorry.
[added] You can now transfer value from one entity to another, marking success
in a 3rd "transfer" entity in a single Redis round-trip. Added from an
inbound email + self-answered StackOverflow answer. Check the new test for
how one might use that + indexes + json in order to handle the 1) payment,
and 2) item transfer for purchaseable items in a market. Thanks to Roman V
for the question / feature request.
[added] You can now iterate over all entities that do not match a given set of
prefixes or suffixes on a known prefix/suffix column. Thanks to github user
https://github.com/bgervan for the feature request.
[fixed] upstream travis config; Redis 3.2 and 4.0 were removed from Docker repo
[fixed] Thanks to github user https://github.com/cdessez for the bug report and
PR to not pass None to a Lua script. Had to fix upstream Travis CI
[added] Utility function to refresh all indexes, while showing progress.
#---------------------------------- 0.42.6 -----------------------------------
[added] get related model from relationship columns thanks to PR from github
user https://github.com/Aimage ; MyModel.column_name.get_related_model()
#---------------------------------- 0.42.5 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Odd indexing and query edge cases that would make some 3.6 String
(bytes) indexes not usable when Text (unicode) was passed. Reindexing
should fix the issue.
#---------------------------------- 0.42.4 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Thanks to github user https://github.com/stacywsmith for the bug
report and PR for fixing the Redis client compatability edge case due to
the Redis Python client upgrades
[changed] Upgraded machines, so upgraded sphinx, so docs got mangled, huge
changelog for what amounts to a few lines of library code change
#---------------------------------- 0.42.3 -----------------------------------
[fixed] IndexOnly() columns no longer accept the unique parameter (was ignored
in effect, anyway)
[added] IndexOnly() columns now take a keygen2 parameter in lieu of the column
+ keygen argument.
[fixed] Some links in the docs
#---------------------------------- 0.42.2 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Model.query.select().limit() will now honor the passed-in limit. Thanks
to Github user https://github.com/healiseu for the bug report
[fixed] Model.query.select() will now no longer pollute non-null session objects
with partial / broken objects. Thanks to Github user
https://github.com/healiseu for the bug report
#---------------------------------- 0.42.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Session object wasn't always initialized correctly. Bug report thanks to
github user https://github.com/cdessez .
#---------------------------------- 0.42.0 -----------------------------------
[changed] Attributes passed on object creation that don't exist will now raise
an exception, unless you explicitly pass _extra_ok=True.
[fixed] a fix from bugs 108/109 where objects wouldn't be added to the session
when they should be, and would when they shouldn't be.
[fixed] potential issue when using select and order_by; could have returned
model entities instead of columns selected.
[fixed] issue with iterators over select queries possibly returning bad data
silently (columns would all be 'False').
[fixed] issue with entities going into the session during arbitrary queries
where they shouldn't have.
[fixed] hopefully got sphinx docs to generate consistent order, so subsequent
commits don't result in rewriting it all for every commit :/
#---------------------------------- 0.41.2 -----------------------------------
[added] Model.update(*args, **kwargs) as a convenience method per requset from
github user https://github.com/61t
[fixed] multi-subclassed models may have raised a duplicate PrimaryKey error
on initialization.
[fixed] small issue with over-writing values on IndexOnly() columns not
raising an exception.
#---------------------------------- 0.41.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] pythonhosted.org is not going to be hosting docs forever, this moves
the docs to github pages and updates references.
#---------------------------------- 0.41.0 -----------------------------------
[fixed] in some cases, bad column metadata could get left in the foreign key
column metadata in rom internals. Shouldn't have affected anything, except
some extra memory being used unnecessarily.
[added] Model.query.delete(blocksize=100) - for deleting models that match a
query. Requires that the model not have any ManyToOne, OneToMany, or
OneToOne columns or other foreign-key relationships. This should speed up
common deletion/cleanup tasks.
[added] util.session.delete(...) - for deleting a list of arbitrary models in
one round trip to Redis, if possible (if all entites are of one type, and
you haven't done anything strange with per-entity connections). Same no
foreign-key relationships limitation exists here.
[fixed] a few misspellings in the docs (there are probably more).
[added] columns.IndexOnly() - allowing multiple indexes and index types over
columns, without explic
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Python 的 Redis 对象映射器Rom——Python 的 Redis 对象映射器版权所有 2013-2023 Josiah Carlson根据 LGPL 许可证版本 2.1 和版本 3 发布(您可以选择受哪个许可证约束)。提供赞助不喜欢 LGPL?赞助该项目并获得您想要的几乎任何许可证。该项目部分由 structd.com 赞助。从历史上看,rom 曾用于帮助支持 chownow.com 配送数百万份食品订单,并被用作多家初创公司的主要后端和原型,这些公司已一路挺进 A 轮融资。感谢我们的赞助商和使用我们服务的人。欢迎您光临,我们将提供优质的服务。您的公司链接在此。文档可以找到更新的文档https //josiahcarlson.github.io/rom/什么Rom 是一个包,其目的是通过 Python 在 Redis 中提供活动记录样式的数据建模,类似于 Django ORM、SQLAlchemy、Google 的 Appengine 数据存储区等的语义。为什么我正在构建一个个人项目,想使用 Redis 来存储我的
Python 的 Redis 对象映射器.zip (113个子文件)
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query.html 36KB
model.html 34KB
indexm.html 25KB
genindex.html 21KB
index.html 19KB
exceptions.html 15KB
py-modindex.html 5KB
modules.html 3KB
search.html 3KB
tox.ini 67B
objects.inv 1KB
jquery-3.6.0.js 282KB
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up-pressed.png 214B
up.png 203B
down.png 202B
plus.png 90B
minus.png 90B
test_rom.py 73KB
model.py 45KB
columns.py 39KB
util.py 38KB
query.py 28KB
index.py 19KB
__init__.py 8KB
conf.py 8KB
exceptions.py 2KB
setup.py 1KB
index.rst 529B
rom.rst 223B
exceptions.rst 140B
columns.rst 131B
model.rst 125B
indexm.rst 125B
query.rst 125B
util.rst 122B
changelog.txt 38KB
资源内容.txt 1KB
index.rst.txt 529B
index.txt 484B
rom.txt 345B
rom.rst.txt 223B
exceptions.rst.txt 140B
columns.rst.txt 131B
query.rst.txt 125B
model.rst.txt 125B
indexm.rst.txt 125B
util.rst.txt 122B
requirements.36.txt 52B
modules.txt 46B
requirements.txt 9B
标签.txt 5B
modules.rst.txt 0B
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