#----------------------------------- 1.1.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] exception edge case when saving / deleting index-only columns with a
unique constraint and no relevant data.
#----------------------------------- 1.1.0 -----------------------------------
[added] UnsafeColumns(); used for direct access to Redis structures per entity,
which are deleted on entity deletion.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.7 -----------------------------------
[fixed] searching by unique indexonly columns; previously would try to use the
useless "to_redis" on the column type, which returns none.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.6 -----------------------------------
[added] IndexOnly columns can now have unique indexes generated via keygen.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.5 -----------------------------------
Re-release for git tags
#----------------------------------- 1.0.4 -----------------------------------
[added] dockerfiles + docker-compose yamls for testing.
[updated] Python version compatability.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.3 -----------------------------------
[fix] explicitly added support for Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 that were already
being tested in travis, but which we missed. Thanks to github user
https://github.com/Frank5000 for the bug report. Also removed extra-old and
generally unsupported Python 2.6 and 3.3 from the list. If you *need*
support for these, please contact me about a support license.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.2 -----------------------------------
[fix] thanks to bug report by github user https://github.com/Goury, fixed old
bug with rebuilding indexes via scan.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.1 -----------------------------------
[fix] thanks to bug report and instructions from github user
https://github.com/mshalom-meta, I have fixed rom to be compatible with
Redis connections having `decode_responses=True` set.
#----------------------------------- 1.0.0 -----------------------------------
[WARNING] data indexed in this version is NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with data indexed
save, and older clients saving may not update indexes properly.
[future change] At some point, we'll stop supporting Python 2.7. I don't know
when that is, but it will be soon-ish.
[changed] data storage for "old" indexed data (so we can delete items) has
changed to reduce the number of big keys.
[changed] If you previously used no-filter model.query.count() without a primary
index, that previously worked. That will now return a lie, in order to be
fast. Sorry.
[added] You can now transfer value from one entity to another, marking success
in a 3rd "transfer" entity in a single Redis round-trip. Added from an
inbound email + self-answered StackOverflow answer. Check the new test for
how one might use that + indexes + json in order to handle the 1) payment,
and 2) item transfer for purchaseable items in a market. Thanks to Roman V
for the question / feature request.
[added] You can now iterate over all entities that do not match a given set of
prefixes or suffixes on a known prefix/suffix column. Thanks to github user
https://github.com/bgervan for the feature request.
[fixed] upstream travis config; Redis 3.2 and 4.0 were removed from Docker repo
[fixed] Thanks to github user https://github.com/cdessez for the bug report and
PR to not pass None to a Lua script. Had to fix upstream Travis CI
[added] Utility function to refresh all indexes, while showing progress.
#---------------------------------- 0.42.6 -----------------------------------
[added] get related model from relationship columns thanks to PR from github
user https://github.com/Aimage ; MyModel.column_name.get_related_model()
#---------------------------------- 0.42.5 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Odd indexing and query edge cases that would make some 3.6 String
(bytes) indexes not usable when Text (unicode) was passed. Reindexing
should fix the issue.
#---------------------------------- 0.42.4 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Thanks to github user https://github.com/stacywsmith for the bug
report and PR for fixing the Redis client compatability edge case due to
the Redis Python client upgrades
[changed] Upgraded machines, so upgraded sphinx, so docs got mangled, huge
changelog for what amounts to a few lines of library code change
#---------------------------------- 0.42.3 -----------------------------------
[fixed] IndexOnly() columns no longer accept the unique parameter (was ignored
in effect, anyway)
[added] IndexOnly() columns now take a keygen2 parameter in lieu of the column
+ keygen argument.
[fixed] Some links in the docs
#---------------------------------- 0.42.2 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Model.query.select().limit() will now honor the passed-in limit. Thanks
to Github user https://github.com/healiseu for the bug report
[fixed] Model.query.select() will now no longer pollute non-null session objects
with partial / broken objects. Thanks to Github user
https://github.com/healiseu for the bug report
#---------------------------------- 0.42.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] Session object wasn't always initialized correctly. Bug report thanks to
github user https://github.com/cdessez .
#---------------------------------- 0.42.0 -----------------------------------
[changed] Attributes passed on object creation that don't exist will now raise
an exception, unless you explicitly pass _extra_ok=True.
[fixed] a fix from bugs 108/109 where objects wouldn't be added to the session
when they should be, and would when they shouldn't be.
[fixed] potential issue when using select and order_by; could have returned
model entities instead of columns selected.
[fixed] issue with iterators over select queries possibly returning bad data
silently (columns would all be 'False').
[fixed] issue with entities going into the session during arbitrary queries
where they shouldn't have.
[fixed] hopefully got sphinx docs to generate consistent order, so subsequent
commits don't result in rewriting it all for every commit :/
#---------------------------------- 0.41.2 -----------------------------------
[added] Model.update(*args, **kwargs) as a convenience method per requset from
github user https://github.com/61t
[fixed] multi-subclassed models may have raised a duplicate PrimaryKey error
on initialization.
[fixed] small issue with over-writing values on IndexOnly() columns not
raising an exception.
#---------------------------------- 0.41.1 -----------------------------------
[fixed] pythonhosted.org is not going to be hosting docs forever, this moves
the docs to github pages and updates references.
#---------------------------------- 0.41.0 -----------------------------------
[fixed] in some cases, bad column metadata could get left in the foreign key
column metadata in rom internals. Shouldn't have affected anything, except
some extra memory being used unnecessarily.
[added] Model.query.delete(blocksize=100) - for deleting models that match a
query. Requires that the model not have any ManyToOne, OneToMany, or
OneToOne columns or other foreign-key relationships. This should speed up
common deletion/cleanup tasks.
[added] util.session.delete(...) - for deleting a list of arbitrary models in
one round trip to Redis, if possible (if all entites are of one type, and
you haven't done anything strange with per-entity connections). Same no
foreign-key relationships limitation exists here.
[fixed] a few misspellings in the docs (there are probably more).
[added] columns.IndexOnly() - allowing multiple indexes and index types over
columns, without explic
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