# redis-rb [![Build Status][gh-actions-image]][gh-actions-link] [![Inline docs][rdoc-master-image]][rdoc-master-link]
A Ruby client that tries to match [Redis][redis-home]' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface.
See [RubyDoc.info][rubydoc] for the API docs of the latest published gem.
## Getting started
Install with:
$ gem install redis
You can connect to Redis by instantiating the `Redis` class:
require "redis"
redis = Redis.new
This assumes Redis was started with a default configuration, and is
listening on `localhost`, port 6379. If you need to connect to a remote
server or a different port, try:
redis = Redis.new(host: "", port: 6380, db: 15)
You can also specify connection options as a [`redis://` URL][redis-url]:
redis = Redis.new(url: "redis://:p4ssw0rd@")
The client expects passwords with special characters to be URL-encoded (i.e.
To connect to Redis listening on a Unix socket, try:
redis = Redis.new(path: "/tmp/redis.sock")
To connect to a password protected Redis instance, use:
redis = Redis.new(password: "mysecret")
To connect a Redis instance using [ACL](https://redis.io/topics/acl), use:
redis = Redis.new(username: 'myname', password: 'mysecret')
The Redis class exports methods that are named identical to the commands
they execute. The arguments these methods accept are often identical to
the arguments specified on the [Redis website][redis-commands]. For
instance, the `SET` and `GET` commands can be called like this:
redis.set("mykey", "hello world")
# => "OK"
# => "hello world"
All commands, their arguments, and return values are documented and
available on [RubyDoc.info][rubydoc].
## Connection Pooling and Thread safety
The client does not provide connection pooling. Each `Redis` instance
has one and only one connection to the server, and use of this connection
is protected by a mutex.
As such it is heavily recommended to use the [`connection_pool` gem](https://github.com/mperham/connection_pool), e.g.:
module MyApp
def self.redis
@redis ||= ConnectionPool::Wrapper.new do
Redis.new(url: ENV["REDIS_URL"])
## Sentinel support
The client is able to perform automatic failover by using [Redis
Sentinel](http://redis.io/topics/sentinel). Make sure to run Redis 2.8+
if you want to use this feature.
To connect using Sentinel, use:
SENTINELS = [{ host: "", port: 26380 },
{ host: "", port: 26381 }]
redis = Redis.new(name: "mymaster", sentinels: SENTINELS, role: :master)
* The master name identifies a group of Redis instances composed of a master
and one or more slaves (`mymaster` in the example).
* It is possible to optionally provide a role. The allowed roles are `master`
and `slave`. When the role is `slave`, the client will try to connect to a
random slave of the specified master. If a role is not specified, the client
will connect to the master.
* When using the Sentinel support you need to specify a list of sentinels to
connect to. The list does not need to enumerate all your Sentinel instances,
but a few so that if one is down the client will try the next one. The client
is able to remember the last Sentinel that was able to reply correctly and will
use it for the next requests.
To [authenticate](https://redis.io/docs/management/sentinel/#configuring-sentinel-instances-with-authentication) Sentinel itself, you can specify the `sentinel_username` and `sentinel_password`. Exclude the `sentinel_username` option if you're using password-only authentication.
SENTINELS = [{ host: '', port: 26380},
{ host: '', port: 26381}]
redis = Redis.new(name: 'mymaster', sentinels: SENTINELS, sentinel_username: 'appuser', sentinel_password: 'mysecret', role: :master)
If you specify a username and/or password at the top level for your main Redis instance, Sentinel *will not* using thouse credentials
# Use 'mysecret' to authenticate against the mymaster instance, but skip authentication for the sentinels:
SENTINELS = [{ host: '', port: 26380 },
{ host: '', port: 26381 }]
redis = Redis.new(name: 'mymaster', sentinels: SENTINELS, role: :master, password: 'mysecret')
So you have to provide Sentinel credential and Redis explicitly even they are the same
# Use 'mysecret' to authenticate against the mymaster instance and sentinel
SENTINELS = [{ host: '', port: 26380 },
{ host: '', port: 26381 }]
redis = Redis.new(name: 'mymaster', sentinels: SENTINELS, role: :master, password: 'mysecret', sentinel_password: 'mysecret')
Also the `name`, `password`, `username` and `db` for Redis instance can be passed as an url:
redis = Redis.new(url: "redis://appuser:mysecret@mymaster/10", sentinels: SENTINELS, role: :master)
## Cluster support
[Clustering](https://redis.io/topics/cluster-spec). is supported via the [`redis-clustering` gem](cluster/).
## Pipelining
When multiple commands are executed sequentially, but are not dependent,
the calls can be *pipelined*. This means that the client doesn't wait
for reply of the first command before sending the next command. The
advantage is that multiple commands are sent at once, resulting in
faster overall execution.
The client can be instructed to pipeline commands by using the
`#pipelined` method. After the block is executed, the client sends all
commands to Redis and gathers their replies. These replies are returned
by the `#pipelined` method.
redis.pipelined do |pipeline|
pipeline.set "foo", "bar"
pipeline.incr "baz"
# => ["OK", 1]
Commands must be called on the yielded objects. If you call methods
on the original client objects from inside a pipeline, they will be sent immediately:
redis.pipelined do |pipeline|
pipeline.set "foo", "bar"
redis.incr "baz" # => 1
# => ["OK"]
### Exception management
The `exception` flag in the `#pipelined` is a feature that modifies the pipeline execution behavior. When set
to `false`, it doesn't raise an exception when a command error occurs. Instead, it allows the pipeline to execute all
commands, and any failed command will be available in the returned array. (Defaults to `true`)
results = redis.pipelined(exception: false) do |pipeline|
pipeline.set('key1', 'value1')
pipeline.lpush('key1', 'something') # This will fail
pipeline.set('key2', 'value2')
# results => ["OK", #<RedisClient::WrongTypeError: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value>, "OK"]
results.each do |result|
if result.is_a?(Redis::CommandError)
# Do something with the failed result
### Executing commands atomically
You can use `MULTI/EXEC` to run a number of commands in an atomic
fashion. This is similar to executing a pipeline, but the commands are
preceded by a call to `MULTI`, and followed by a call to `EXEC`. Like
the regular pipeline, the replies to the commands are returned by the
`#multi` method.
redis.multi do |transaction|
transaction.set "foo", "bar"
transaction.incr "baz"
# => ["OK", 1]
### Futures
Replies to commands in a pipeline can be accessed via the *futures* they
emit. All calls on the pipeline object return a
`Future` object, which responds to the `#value` method. When the
pipeline has successfully executed, all futures are assigned their
respective replies and can be used.
set = incr = nil
redis.pipelined do |pipeline|
set = pipeline.set "foo", "bar"
incr = pipeline.incr "baz"
# => "OK"
# => 1
## Error Handling
In general, if something goes wrong you'll get an exception. For example, if
it can't connect to the server a `Redis::CannotConnectError` erro
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Redis 的 Ruby 客户端库redis-rb Ruby 客户端尝试与Redis的 API 一对一匹配,同时仍提供惯用的接口。请参阅RubyDoc.info了解最新发布的 gem 的 API 文档。入门安装方式$ gem install redis您可以通过实例化类来连接到 Redis Redisrequire "redis"redis = Redis.new假设 Redis 以默认配置启动,并且正在监听localhost端口 6379。如果您需要连接到远程服务器或其他端口,请尝试redis = Redis.new(host: "", port: 6380, db: 15)您还可以将连接选项指定为redis://URLredis = Redis.new(url: "redis://:p4ssw0rd@")客户端希望带有特殊字符的密码进行URL编码(即 CGI.escape(password))。要连接到在 Unix 套接字上监听的 Redis,请尝试redis = Red
Redis 的 Ruby 客户端库.zip (170个子文件)
build 2KB
cluster_creator 363B
sentinel.conf 325B
redis-7.0.conf 47B
redis-7.2.conf 47B
redis-5.0.conf 22B
redis-6.2.conf 22B
redis-6.0.conf 22B
console 157B
console 148B
untrusted-cert.crt 5KB
trusted-cert.crt 4KB
untrusted-ca.crt 1KB
trusted-ca.crt 1KB
test.conf.erb 179B
Gemfile 187B
Gemfile 158B
redis-clustering.gemspec 1KB
redis.gemspec 1KB
.gitignore 250B
.gitkeep 0B
trusted-cert.key 2KB
trusted-ca.key 2KB
untrusted-cert.key 2KB
untrusted-ca.key 2KB
makefile 4KB
Rakefile 1004B
sorted_sets.rb 33KB
streams.rb 30KB
distributed.rb 30KB
sorted_sets.rb 26KB
streams.rb 18KB
keys.rb 16KB
sentinel_test.rb 13KB
lists.rb 13KB
strings.rb 10KB
strings.rb 9KB
scanning_test.rb 8KB
publish_subscribe_test.rb 8KB
internals_test.rb 8KB
hashes.rb 8KB
sets.rb 8KB
orchestrator.rb 8KB
transactions_test.rb 7KB
value_types.rb 7KB
sets.rb 7KB
pipelining_commands_test.rb 7KB
lists.rb 6KB
commands.rb 6KB
helper.rb 6KB
hashes.rb 5KB
redis.rb 5KB
blocking_commands.rb 5KB
commands_on_cluster_test.rb 5KB
server.rb 5KB
commands_on_value_types_test.rb 5KB
cluster.rb 5KB
commands_on_server_test.rb 5KB
commands_requiring_clustering_test.rb 5KB
client.rb 4KB
helper.rb 4KB
commands_on_keys_test.rb 4KB
scripting.rb 4KB
consistency.rb 4KB
geo.rb 3KB
commands_on_geo_test.rb 3KB
redis_mock.rb 3KB
connection_handling_test.rb 3KB
transactions.rb 3KB
client.rb 3KB
url_param_test.rb 3KB
pubsub.rb 3KB
client_transactions_test.rb 3KB
remote_server_control_commands_test.rb 3KB
subscribe.rb 3KB
commands_on_pub_sub_test.rb 3KB
bitmaps.rb 3KB
pipeline.rb 3KB
connection_test.rb 3KB
commands_on_value_types_test.rb 2KB
transaction_adapter.rb 2KB
scripting_test.rb 2KB
internals_test.rb 2KB
client_pipelining_test.rb 2KB
hash_ring.rb 2KB
commands_on_sets_test.rb 2KB
commands_on_sorted_sets_test.rb 2KB
commands_on_geo_test.rb 2KB
scripting_test.rb 2KB
publish_subscribe_test.rb 2KB
ssl_test.rb 2KB
commands_on_transactions_test.rb 2KB
client_internals_test.rb 2KB
sentinel_command_test.rb 2KB
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