Advances in natural
language processing
Julia Hirschberg
* and Christopher D. Manning
Natural language processing emplo y s computational techniques for the purpose of learning,
understanding, and producing human language content. Early computational approaches to
language resear ch focused on automating the analysis of the linguistic structur e of language
and developing basic technologies such as machine translation, speech recognition, and speech
synthesis. Today’s researcher s refine and make use of such tools in real-world applications,
creating spok en dialogue systems and speech-to-speech translation engines, mining social
media for information about health or finance, and identifying sentiment and emotion towar d
products and services. We describe successes and challenges in this rapidly advancing ar ea.
ver the past 20 years, computational lin-
guistics has grown into both an exciting
area of scientific research and a practical
technology that is increasingly being in-
corporated into consumer products (for
example, in applications such as Apple’sSiriand
Skype Translator). Four key factors enabled these
developments: (i) a vast increase in computing
power , (ii) the availability of very large amounts
of linguistic data, (iii) the development of highly
successful machine learning (ML) methods, and
(iv) a much richer understanding of the structure
of human language and its deployment in social
contexts. In this Review, we describe some cur-
rent application areas of interest in language
research. These efforts illustrate computational
approaches to big data, based on current cut ting-
edge methodologies that combine statistical anal-
ysis and ML with knowledge of language.
Computational linguistics, also known as nat-
ural language processing (NLP), is the subfield
of computer science concerned with using com-
putational techniques to learn, understand, and
produce human language content. C omputation-
al linguistic systems can have multiple purposes:
The goal can be aiding human-human commu-
nication, such as in machine translation (MT);
aiding human-machine communication, such as
with conversational agents; or benefiting both
humans and machines by analyzing and learn-
ing from the enormous quantity of human lan-
guage content that is now available online.
During the first several decades of work in
computational linguistics, scientists attempted
to write down for computers the vocabularies
and rules of human languages. This proved a
difficult task, owing to the variability, ambiguity,
and context-dependent interpretation of human
languages. For instance, a star can be either an
astronomical object or a person, and “star” can
be a noun or a verb. In another example, two in-
terpretations are possible for the headline “Teacher
strikes idle kids,” depending on the noun, verb, and
adjective assignments of the words in the sentence,
as well as grammatical structure. Beginning in the
1980s, but more widely in the 1990s, NLP was
transformed by researchers starting to build mod-
els over large quantities of empirical language
data. Statistical or corpus (“body of words”)–based
NLP was one of the first notable successes of
the use of big data, long before the power of
ML was more generally recognized or the term
“big data” even introduced.
A central finding of this statistical approach to
NLP has been that simple methods using words,
part-of-speech (POS) sequences (such as whether
a word is a noun, verb, or preposition), or simple
templates can often achieve notable results when
trained on large quantities of data. Many text
and sentiment classifiers are still based solely on
the different sets of words (“bag of words”)that
documents contain, without regard to sentence
and discourse structure or meaning. Achieving
improvements over these simple baseli ne s can be
quite difficult. Nevertheless, the best-performing
systems now use sophisticated ML approaches
and a rich understanding of linguistic structure.
High-performance tools that identify syntactic
and semantic information as well as information
about discourse context are now available. One
example is Stanford CoreNLP (1), which provides
a standard NLP preprocessing pipeline that in-
cludes POS tagging (with tags such as noun, verb,
and preposition); identification of named entities,
such as people , places, and organizations; parsing
of sentences into their grammatical structures ;
and identifying co-references between noun
phrase mentions (Fig. 1).
Historically, two developments enabled the
initial transformation of NLP into a big data field.
The first was the early availability to researchers
of linguistic data in digital form, particularly
through the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)
(2), established in 1992. Today, large amounts
of digital text can easily be downloaded from
the Web. Available as linguistically annotated
data are large speech and text corpora anno-
tated with POS tags, syntactic parses, semantic
labels, annotations of named entities (persons,
places, organizations), dialogue acts (statement,
question, request), emotions and positive or neg-
ative sentiment, and discourse structure (topic
or rhetorical structure). Second, performance im-
provements in NLP were spurred on by shared
task competitions. Originally, these competitions
were largely funded and organized by the U.S.
Department of Defense, but they were later or-
ganized by the research community itself, such
as the CoNLL Shared Tasks (3). These tasks were
a precursor of modern ML predictive modeling
and analytics competitions, such as on Kaggle (4),
in which companies and researchers post their
data and statisticians and data miners from all over
A major limitation of NLP today is the fact that
most NLP resources and systems are available
only for high-resource languages (HRLs), such as
English, French, Spanish, German, and Chinese.
In contrast, many low-resource languages (LRLs)—
such as Bengali, Indonesian, Punjabi, Cebuano,
and Swahili—s pok en and wri t ten by millions of
people have no such resources or systems avail-
nity is how to develop resources and tools for
hundreds or thousands of languages, not just a few.
Machine translation
Proficiency in languages was traditionally a hall-
mark of a learned person. Although the social
standing of this human skill has declined in the
modern age of science and machines, translation
between human languages remains crucially im-
portant, and MT is perhaps the most substantial
way in which computers could aid human-human
communication. Moreover, the ability of com-
puters to translate between human languages
remains a consummate test of machine intel-
ligence: Correct translation requires not only
the ability to analyze and generate sentences in
human languages but also a humanlike under-
standing of world knowledge and context, de-
spite the ambiguities of languages. For example,
the French word “bordel” st raightforwardly means
“brothel”; but if someone says “My room is un
bordel,” then a translating machine has to know
enough to suspect that this person is probably not
running a brothel in his or her room but rather is
saying “My room is a complete mess.”
Machine translation was one of the first non-
numeric applications of computers and was studied
intensively starting in the late 1950s. However , the
hand-built grammar-basedsystemsofearlydec-
ades achieved very limited success. The field was
transformed in the early 1990s when researchers
at IBM acquired a large quantity of English and
French sentences that weretranslationsofeach
other (known as parallel text), produced as the
proceedings of the bilingual Canadian Parliament.
These data allowed them to collect statistics of
word translations and word sequences and to
build a probabilistic model of MT (5).
Following a quiet period in the late 1990s,
the new millennium brought the potent combina-
tion of ample online text, including considerable
quantities of parallel text, much more abundant
and inexpensive computing, and a new idea
for building statistical phrase-based MT systems
SCIENCE 17 J ULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 261
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York,
NY 10027, USA.
Department of Linguistics, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-2150, USA.
Department of Computer
Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
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