app_ysh Executable
1. Prerequisites for Deployment
Verify that version 9.9 (R2020b) of the MATLAB Runtime is installed.
If not, you can run the MATLAB Runtime installer.
To find its location, enter
at the MATLAB prompt.
NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run the MATLAB Runtime installer.
Alternatively, download and install the Windows version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2020b
from the following link on the MathWorks website:
For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see
"Distribute Applications" in the MATLAB Compiler documentation
in the MathWorks Documentation Center.
2. Files to Deploy and Package
Files to Package for Standalone
Note: if end users are unable to download the MATLAB Runtime using the
instructions in the previous section, include it when building your
component by clicking the "Runtime included in package" link in the
Deployment Tool.
-This readme file
3. Definitions
For information on deployment terminology, go to and select MATLAB Compiler >
Getting Started > About Application Deployment >
Deployment Product Terms in the MathWorks Documentation
- 粉丝: 540
- 资源: 6
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