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The "Internet of Things" IoT Gateway is an optional feature that allows system and device tags to be published to third-party endpoints through industry standard IP based protocols. When the value for a configured tag changes or when a publish rate is met, an update is sent to the corresponding third-party endpoint with a configurable payload of tag ID, value, quality and timestamp in a standard JSON format. The IoT Gateway offers the following features:
IoT Gateway
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IoT Gateway
Table of Contents
IoT Gateway
Table of Contents
IoT Gateway
Architectural Summary
External Dependencies 8
General Operation
Configure the Gateway
Configuring a Gateway Certificate 11
Importing an MQTT Client Certificate 12
Configuring a Self-Signed Certificate 13
Command Line Steps 13
Windows Console Steps 13
User Interface
Configuring an Agent
Agent Properties - General 20
Agent Properties - MQTT Client Connection 21
Agent Properties - Message 22
Agent Properties - Security 23
Agent Properties - Last Will 24
Agent Properties - Subscriptions 25
Agent Properties - REST Client Connection 26
Agent Properties - Header 27
Agent Properties - Message 27
Agent Properties - Security 28
Agent Properties - REST Server Connection 29
Working with a REST Server 30
Agent Properties - ThingWorx Connection 32
Agent Properties - Licensing 33
Standard Template Data Format
Advanced Template Data Format
Adding Tags to an Agent
Add a Single Tag to a Publishing Agent 37
Add Multiple Tags to a Publishing Agent 38
Add a Single Tag to a Non-Publishing Agent 40
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IoT Gateway
Add Multiple Tags to a Non-Publishing Agent 41
System Tags
Importing / Exporting CSV Files
Event Log Messages
Browse rejected: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous requests are
currently disabled. 48
Browse rejected: the credentials for user <user> are invalid. 48
Connection restored to server: <gateway>. Reinitializing server configuration. 48
Data change event buffer overrun; dropping updates. Ensure that the gateway service is running
or reduce the volume of data collected. 48
Error adding item <tag> to connection <agent name>. 49
Error adding item <tag>. This item already exists in connection <agent name>. 49
Error importing CSV data. Invalid CSV header. 49
Error importing CSV data. No item records found in CSV file. 50
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. Update rate <update rate> is out of range, setting to
<valid update>. 50
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. No update rate found, setting to <update rate>. 50
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. Deadband <deadband rate> is invalid. Deadband set to
<valid deadband>. 51
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. No deadband value found, setting to <valid deadband>. 51
Failed to connect to server: <gateway>. Please verify this connection information is correct and
that the host can be reached. 51
Failed to connect to server: <URL and port>. Please verify this connection information is correct
and that the host can be reached. 52
Failed to create JVM using JRE at <path to JRE>. 52
Failed to define property <name> on ThingWorx agent <name>. 52
Failed to import MQTT client certificate: <certificate path>. Use the Server Administration utility to
import a valid certificate. 53
Failed to import server instance cert: <agent name>. Please use the Administration utility to re-
issue the certificate. 53
Failed to initialize the JVM: insufficient memory available (requested initial=<MB>, max. =<MB>). 53
Failed to initialize the JVM: JNI error <error>. 53
Failed to initialize the IoT Gateway. 54
Failed to launch IoT Gateway: no suitable 32-bit JRE was configured or found. 54
Failed to load agent <agent name>: invalid payload specification. 54
Failed to load project: <agent URL> is not a valid address. 55
Failed to load XML project. Item <tag> already exists in connection <agent name>. 55
Failed to start IoT Gateway service. 55
Failed to start IoT Gateway service. Please ensure arguments <Java variables> are valid. 56
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IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway using JRE at <path to JRE>. 56
IoT Gateway failed to start. Failed to bind to port <port>. 56
Item <tag> on connection <agent name> is now licensed and sending data. 56
Missing MQTT client certificate <certificate path>. Use the Administration utility to import a valid
certificate. 57
Missing server instance certificate <certificate path>. Re-issue the certificate using the Admin-
istration utility. 57
MQTT agent <agent name> disconnected. Reason - Connection lost. 57
MQTT agent <agent name> dropped data change events. 57
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to connect. Reason - Unable to find valid certificate path to
requested target. 58
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to parse payload. 58
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to parse payload template. 58
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to process write request on topic <MQTT topic>. Reason -
<JSON error>. 59
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - <broker URL>. 59
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - Connection reset. 59
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - Unable to connect to server. 60
MQTT agent <agent name> publish failed. Reason: <reason>. 60
MQTT agent <agent name> publish failed. Reason - The template is invalid. 60
MQTT agent <agent name> is connected to broker <broker URL>. 61
The MQTT client certificate is expired. Use the Administration utility to import a valid certificate. 61
Property <name> is receiving incompatible data updates of type <data type> -defined as type
<data type>. 61
Property <name> was successfully updated and is no longer in an error state. 61
Read rejected for item <tag>: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous
requests are currently disabled. 62
Read rejected for item <tag>: the credentials for user <user> are invalid. 62
Read rejected for item <tag>. The tag is disabled. 62
Read rejected for item <tag>. The tag has not been added to the plug-in. 62
REST client <agent name> dropped data change events. 63
REST client <agent name> failed to parse payload. 63
REST client <agent name> failed to parse payload template. 63
REST client <agent name> processing update. 64
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Connection refused: connect. 64
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Read timed out. 64
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason: <reason>. 64
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - SSL configuration error. 65
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - The template is invalid. 65
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Unexpected EOF. 65
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IoT Gateway
REST client <agent name> returned HTTP error <HTTP error>, buffering records. 66
REST client <agent name> started publishing to <REST server URL>. 66
REST server <agent name> started at <URL and port>. 66
REST server <agent name> - failed to start on <URL and port>. Reason - Address already in use:
bind. 66
Running with Java <full Java version>. 67
Template error on line <number>: found: <string>. 67
The REST server certificate has been reissued. 67
The REST server certificate has been imported. 67
The REST server certificate has expired. Please use the Administration utility to re-issue the cer-
tificate. 68
ThingWorx agent <name> connected to ThingWorx platform. 68
ThingWorx agent <name> dropped data-change events. 68
ThingWorx agent <name> failed to publish - reason: <reason>. 68
Unable to send data for item <tag> on connection <agent name>. The licensed item count of
<license count> items has been reached. 69
Unable to start secure REST server <agent name> at <URL and port>: missing or invalid cer-
tificate. 69
Unable to use network adapter <network adapter> for REST server <agent name>. Binding to loc-
alhost only. 69
Unsupported JVM: please install or configure a 32-bit Java 1.7 or higher JRE or JDK. 70
Write request failed on item <tag>. The write data type <data type> cannot be converted to the
tag data type <data type>. 70
Write rejected for item <tag>; invalid write format. 70
Write rejected for item <tag>: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous
requests are currently disabled. 71
Write rejected for item <tag>: the credentials for user <user> are invalid. 71
Write rejected for item <tag>; unsupported data type <type>. 71
Write rejected for item <tag>. The tag is disabled. 71
Write rejected for item <tag>. The tag has not been added to the plug-in. 72
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