Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Public Interface to the HID parsing library.
Kernel & user mode
#ifndef __HIDPI_H__
#define __HIDPI_H__
#include <pshpack4.h>
// Please include "hidsdi.h" to use the user space (dll / parser)
// Please include "hidpddi.h" to use the kernel space parser
// Special Link collection values for using the query functions
// Root collection references the collection at the base of the link
// collection tree.
// Unspecifies, references all collections in the link collection tree.
typedef enum _HIDP_REPORT_TYPE
typedef struct _USAGE_AND_PAGE
USAGE Usage;
USAGE UsagePage;
#define HidP_IsSameUsageAndPage(u1, u2) ((* (PULONG) &u1) == (* (PULONG) &u2))
typedef struct _HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS
USAGE UsagePage;
USHORT BitField;
USHORT LinkCollection; // A unique internal index pointer
USAGE LinkUsage;
USAGE LinkUsagePage;
BOOLEAN IsStringRange;
BOOLEAN IsDesignatorRange;
BOOLEAN IsAbsolute;
ULONG Reserved[10];
union {
struct {
USAGE UsageMin, UsageMax;
USHORT StringMin, StringMax;
USHORT DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax;
USHORT DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax;
} Range;
struct {
USAGE Usage, Reserved1;
USHORT StringIndex, Reserved2;
USHORT DesignatorIndex, Reserved3;
USHORT DataIndex, Reserved4;
} NotRange;
typedef struct _HIDP_VALUE_CAPS
USAGE UsagePage;
USHORT BitField;
USHORT LinkCollection; // A unique internal index pointer
USAGE LinkUsage;
USAGE LinkUsagePage;
BOOLEAN IsStringRange;
BOOLEAN IsDesignatorRange;
BOOLEAN IsAbsolute;
BOOLEAN HasNull; // Does this channel have a null report union
UCHAR Reserved;
USHORT BitSize; // How many bits are devoted to this value?
USHORT ReportCount; // See Note below. Usually set to 1.
USHORT Reserved2[5];
ULONG UnitsExp;
ULONG Units;
LONG LogicalMin, LogicalMax;
LONG PhysicalMin, PhysicalMax;
union {
struct {
USAGE UsageMin, UsageMax;
USHORT StringMin, StringMax;
USHORT DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax;
USHORT DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax;
} Range;
struct {
USAGE Usage, Reserved1;
USHORT StringIndex, Reserved2;
USHORT DesignatorIndex, Reserved3;
USHORT DataIndex, Reserved4;
} NotRange;
// Notes:
// ReportCount: When a report descriptor declares an Input, Output, or
// Feature main item with fewer usage declarations than the report count, then
// the last usage applies to all remaining unspecified count in that main item.
// (As an example you might have data that required many fields to describe,
// possibly buffered bytes.) In this case, only one value cap structure is
// allocated for these associtated fields, all with the same usage, and Report
// Count reflects the number of fields involved. Normally ReportCount is 1.
// To access all of the fields in such a value structure would require using
// HidP_GetUsageValueArray and HidP_SetUsageValueArray. HidP_GetUsageValue/
// HidP_SetScaledUsageValue will also work, however, these functions will only
// work with the first field of the structure.
// The link collection tree consists of an array of LINK_COLLECTION_NODES
// where the index into this array is the same as the collection number.
// Given a collection A which contains a subcollection B, A is defined to be
// the parent B, and B is defined to be the child.
// Given collections A, B, and C where B and C are children of A, and B was
// encountered before C in the report descriptor, B is defined as a sibling of
// C. (This implies, of course, that if B is a sibling of C, then C is NOT a
// sibling of B).
// B is defined as the NextSibling of C if and only if there exists NO
// child collection of A, call it D, such that B is a sibling of D and D
// is a sibling of C.
// E is defined to be the FirstChild of A if and only if for all children of A,
// F, that are not equivalent to E, F is a sibling of E.
// (This implies, of course, that the does not exist a child of A, call it G,
// where E is a sibling of G). In other words the first sibling is the last
// link collection found in the list.
// In other words, if a collection B is defined within the definition of another
// collection A, B becomes a child of A. All collections with the same parent
// are considered siblings. The FirstChild of the parent collection, A, will be
// last collection defined that has A as a parent. The order of sibling pointers
// is similarly determined. When a collection B is defined, it becomes the
// FirstChild of it's parent collection. The previously defined FirstChild of the
// parent collection becomes the NextSibling of the new collection. As new
// collections with the same parent are discovered, the chain of sibling is built.
// With that in mind, the following describes conclusively a data structure
// that provides direct traversal up, down, and accross the link collection
// tree.
USAGE LinkUsage;
USAGE LinkUsagePage;
USHORT Parent;
USHORT NumberOfChildren;
USHORT NextSibling;
USHORT FirstChild;
ULONG CollectionType: 8; // As defined in of HID spec
ULONG IsAlias : 1; // This link node is an allias of the next link node.
ULONG Reserved: 23;
PVOID UserContext; // The user can hang his coat here.
// When a link collection is described by a delimiter, alias link collection
// nodes are created. (One for each usage within the delimiter).
// The parser assigns each capability description listed above only one
// link collection.
// If a control is defined within a collection defined by
// delimited usages, then that control is said to be within multiple link
// collections, one for each usage within the open and close delimiter tokens.
// Such multiple link collecions are said to be aliases. The first N-1 such
// collections, listed in the link collection node array, have their IsAlias
// bit set. The last such link collection is the link collection index used
// in the capabilities described above.
// Clients wishing to set a control in an aliased collection, should walk the
// collection array once for each time they see the IsAlias flag set, and use
// the last link collection as the index for the below accessor functions.
// NB: if IsAlias is set, then NextSibling should be one more than the current
// link collection node index.
typedef struct _HIDP_CAPS
USAGE Usage;
USAGE UsagePage;
USHORT InputReportByteLength;
USHORT OutputReportByteLength;
USHORT FeatureRe