Vitamio for Android
Upgrade from 3.0
You don't need to change anything once 4.x is finally released. But if you want to use it right now, warnnings below:
1. If you use RGBA\_8888 surface to render video, you use the VideoView from Vitamio, nothing to do. Otherwise, you must add `getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBA_8888)` to your own VideoView. If you use RGB\_565 surface render video, you must add `getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGB_565)` and `setVideoChroma(MediaPlayer.VIDEOCHROMA_RGB565)`
New features
Only few important features are listed here, we have fix many bugs and may introduce some new bugs.
1. The latest FFmpeg 2.0 git version, which should fix most playback issues, or bring some issues.
2. Support most FFmpeg AVOptions, which enables custom HTTP headers support.
3. Support more hardwares, e.g. X86 or MIPS.
4. Improve streaming, especially support adaptive bitrate streaming, you need open manually.
5. OpenSSL included, so some SSL related protocols, such as https, tls, rtmps, rtmpts, are supported.
6. Playback speed control from 0.5x to 2.0x.
7. Audio amplify to 2x volume.
8. Improved subtitle support, including external bitmap subtitles.
9. Cache online video to local storage and can be reused until you delete the cache file.
10. More MediaPlayer API, e.g. `getMetadata`, `getVideoTrack`.
11. The full Java code is open to all developers, modify and contribute is welcome.
12. Support RGBA\_8888 rendering, spport switching RGB\_565 or RGBA\_8888 to video rendering.
13. Enhance the hardware decoding in Android 16+.
14. Support ARMV6 CPU, may have some bugs.
Please refer [License](
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
2.支持大多数FFmepg的AVOption选项,支持可定制的HTTP头。 3.支持更多CPU架构硬件支持,例如ARM6,X86和MIPS。 4.改善对流媒体支持,支持HLS自适应码率,需要手动开启。 5.支持OpenSSL,以及一些与SSL相关的协议,如HTTPS/TLS/RTMPS/RTMPTS。 6.支持播放速度控制,从0.5倍到2.0倍。(可实现快进快退) 7.音频音量放大2倍。 8.改进字幕支持,支持外部的图片字幕。 9.支持在线缓存功能,即边下边播。(文件下载setdataSouce的使用形式 Uri.parse("cache:/sdcard/download.mp4:" + uri))
Vitamio缓冲代码 (223个子文件)
MediaPlayer.class 25KB
VideoView.class 21KB
MediaController.class 12KB
MediaScanner$MyMediaScannerClient.class 8KB
MediaScanner.class 8KB
MediaPlayerDemo_Video.class 8KB
MiniThumbFile.class 8KB
Vitamio.class 7KB
Metadata.class 7KB
MediaStore$InternalThumbnails.class 6KB
EGL.class 6KB
MediaPlayer$EventHandler.class 5KB
MediaFile.class 5KB
OutlineTextView.class 5KB
ThumbnailUtils.class 5KB
CPU.class 4KB
Crypto.class 4KB
Device.class 4KB
VideoViewDemo.class 4KB
MediaPlayerDemo_Audio.class 4KB
MediaMetadataRetriever.class 4KB
CenterLayout.class 3KB
ScreenObserver.class 3KB
MediaStore$Video$Thumbnails.class 3KB
StringUtils.class 3KB
VideoView$2.class 3KB
FileUtils.class 3KB
MediaController$3.class 3KB
VideoView$5.class 3KB
VitamioListActivity.class 3KB
EGL$ComponentSizeChooser.class 2KB
VideoView$3.class 2KB
EGL$EGLContextFactory.class 2KB
MediaMetadataRetrieverDemo.class 2KB
InitActivity$1.class 2KB
EGL$EGLConfigChooser.class 2KB
ContextUtils.class 2KB
InitActivity$UIHandler.class 2KB
MediaStore$Video$Media.class 2KB
VideoViewDemo$2.class 2KB
MediaPlayerDemo.class 2KB
EGL$EGLWindowSurfaceFactory.class 2KB
MediaStore.class 2KB
InitActivity.class 2KB
VideoView$1.class 2KB
LibsChecker.class 2KB
ScreenObserver$ScreenBroadcastReceiver.class 2KB
Log.class 1KB
VideoView$5$1.class 1KB
VideoView$4.class 1KB
VideoView$9.class 1KB
VideoView$7.class 1KB
R$string.class 1KB
IOUtils.class 1KB
R$string.class 1KB
MediaPlayer$TrackInfo.class 1KB
MediaController$1.class 1KB
MediaPlayerDemo$1.class 1KB
MediaPlayerDemo$2.class 1KB
R$drawable.class 1KB
MediaPlayerDemo$3.class 1KB
MediaPlayerDemo$4.class 1KB
R$string.class 1KB
VideoView$6.class 1KB
VideoView$8.class 1KB
MediaStore$Video$VideoColumns.class 1KB
R$drawable.class 957B
MediaPlayerDemo_Video$1.class 944B
R$drawable.class 939B
MediaScanner$FileCacheEntry.class 926B
MediaStore$Audio$Media.class 915B
VideoViewDemo$3.class 896B
VideoViewDemo$1.class 880B
R$id.class 877B
MediaController$2.class 831B
MediaStore$MediaColumns.class 830B
CenterLayout$LayoutParams.class 792B
VIntent.class 729B
R$id.class 716B
R.class 686B
MediaStore$Audio$AudioColumns.class 670B
R.class 633B
R.class 632B
R$id.class 623B
MediaStore$Video.class 622B
EGL$SimpleEGLConfigChooser.class 567B
R$layout.class 553B
MediaStore$Audio.class 544B
MediaFile$MediaFileType.class 537B
R$style.class 535B
MediaController$MediaPlayerControl.class 498B
R$style.class 492B
R$style.class 475B
R$layout.class 475B
VitamioLicense.class 465B
R$raw.class 457B
R$layout.class 426B
R$raw.class 422B
R$raw.class 408B
MediaPlayer$OnCachingUpdateListener.class 385B
共 223 条
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