# Yolo v4 and Yolo v3 Tiny
Yolo v4 & Yolo v3 Tiny using TensorFlow 2.x
This Tensorflow adaptation of the release 4 of the famous deep network Yolo is based on the original Yolo source code in C++ that you can find here: https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet and https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet + the WIKI https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/wiki
The method to adapt this deep network is based on the method used by *Jason Brownlee* for the previous release v3 and presented here https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-perform-object-detection-with-yolov3-in-keras/
But I have made several changes due to the new features added by the release 4 of Yolo.
All the steps are included in the jupyter notebook **YoloV4_tf.ipynb**
In addition, I have defined the **loss function** so you can train the model as described later. The corresponding steps are included in the jupyter notebook **YoloV4_Train_tf.ipynb**
The release numbers are:
- TensorFlow version: 2.1.0
- Keras version: 2.2.4-tf
# The steps to use Yolo-V4 with TensorFlow 2.x are the following
## 1. Build the TensorFlow model
The model is composed of 161 layers.
Most of them are *Conv2D*, there are also 3 *MaxPool2D* and one *UpSampling2D*.
In addtion there are few shorcuts with some concatenate.
Two activation methods are used, *LeakyReLU* with alpha=0.1 and *Mish* with a threshold = 20.0. I have defined Mish as a custom object as Mish is not included in the core TF release yet.
The specifc Yolo output layers *yolo_139*, *yolo_150* and *yolo_161* are not defined in my Tensorflow model because they handle cutomized processing. So I have defined no activation for these layers but I have built the corresponding processing in a specifig python function run after the model prediction.
## 2. Get and compute the weights
The yolo weight have been retreived from https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.weights.
The file contain the kernel weights but also the biases and the Batch Normalisation parameters scale, mean and var.
Instead of using Batch normalisation layers into the model, I have directly normalized the weights and biases with the values of scale, mean and var.
- bias = bias - scale * mean / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001)
- weights = weights* scale / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001))
I have kept the Batch normalisation layers in the model for training purpose. By defaut, the corresponding parameters are not applicable (weight = 1 and bias = 0) but they are updated if you train the model.
As these parameters as stored in the Caffe mode, I have applied several transformation to map the TF requirements.
## 3. Save the model
The model is saved in a h5 file after building it and computing the weights.
## 4. Load the model
The model previously saved is loaded from the h5 file and then ready to be used.
## 5. Pre-processing
During the pre-processing the 80 labels and the image to predict are loaded.
The labels are in the file *coco_classes.txt*.
The image is resized in the Yolo format 608*608 using interpolation = 'bilinear'.
As usual, the values of the pixels are divided by 255.
## 6. Run the model
The model is run with the resized image as input with a shape=(1,608,608,3).
The model provides 3 output layers 139, 150 and 161 with the shapes respectively (1, 76, 76, 255), (1, 38, 38, 255), (1, 19, 19, 255).
The number of channels is 255 = ( bx,by,bh,bw,pc + 80 classes ) * 3 anchor boxes, where *(bx,by,bh,bw)* define the position and size of the box, and *pc* is the probability to find an object in the box.
3 anchor boxes per Yolo output layers are defined:
- output layer 139 (76,76,255): (12, 16), (19, 36), (40, 28)
- output layer 150 (38,38,255): (36, 75), (76, 55), (72, 146)
- output layer 161 (19,19,255): (142, 110), (192, 243), (459, 40)
## 7. Compute the Yolo layers
As explained before, the 3 final Yolo layers are computed outside the TF model by the python function *decode_netout*.
The steps of this function are the following:
- apply the sigmoid activation on everything except bh and bw.
- scale bx and by using the factor *scales_x_y* 1.2, 1.1, 1.05 defined for each Yolo layer.
- (bx,by)=(bx,by)scales_x_y - 0.5(scales_x_y - 1.0)
- get the boxes parameters for prediction *pc* > 0.25
- x = (col + x) / grid_w (=76, 38 or 19)
- y = (row + y) / grid_h (=76, 38 or 19)
- w = anchors_w * exp(w) / network width (=608)
- h = anchors_h * exp(h) / network height (=608)
- classes = classes*pc
## 8. Correct the boxes according the inital size of the image
## 9. Suppress the non Maximal boxes
## 10. Get the details of the detected objects for a threshold > 0.6
## 11. Draw the result
# The steps to train Yolo-V4 with TensorFlow 2.x are the following
## 1. Build the TensorFlow model
The model is composed of 161 layers.
Most of them are *Conv2D*, there are also 3 *MaxPool2D* and one *UpSampling2D*.
In addtion there are few shorcuts with some concatenate.
Two activation methods are used, *LeakyReLU* with alpha=0.1 and *Mish* with a threshold = 20.0. I have defined Mish as a custom object as Mish is not included in the core TF release yet.
The specifc Yolo output layers *yolo_139*, *yolo_150* and *yolo_161* are not defined in my Tensorflow model because they handle cutomized processing. So I have defined no activation for these layers but I have built the corresponding processing in a specifig python function run after the model prediction.
## 2. Get and compute the weights (you can skip this part if you want to train a empty model)
The yolo weight have been retreived from https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.weights.
The file contain the kernel weights but also the biases and the Batch Normalisation parameters scale, mean and var.
Instead of using Batch normalisation layers into the model, I have directly normalized the weights and biases with the values of scale, mean and var.
- bias = bias - scale * mean / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001)
- weights = weights* scale / (np.sqrt(var + 0.00001))
I have kept the Batch normalisation layers in the model for training purpose. By defaut, the corresponding parameters are not applicable (weight = 1 and bias = 0) but they are updated if you train the model.
As these parameters as stored in the Caffe mode, I have applied several transformation to map the TF requirements.
## 3. Save the model
The model is saved in a h5 file after building it and computing the weights.
## 4. Load the model
The model previously saved is loaded from the h5 file.
## 5. Freeze the backbone
You need to define until which layer you want to freese the model. To free the backbone Yolo v4, set fine_tune_at = "convn_136"
## 6. Get the Pascal VOC dataset
I have used the Pascal VOC dataset to train the model.
You can find the dataset here: https://pjreddie.com/projects/pascal-voc-dataset-mirror/ in order to get the images and the corresponding annotations in xml format.
## 7. Build the labels files for VOC train dataset
One label file per image and per box is created (3 boxes are defined in Yolo4).
The label file contains the position and the size of the box, the probability to find an object in the box and the class id of the object.
This file contains one line per object in the image.
## 8. Build the labels files for VOC validate dataset
Same thing than above but for the dataset used to validate the training.
## 9. Compute the data for training
Train data are created based on the Label files previously created and the images.
You can define how many data do you want to train.
## 10. Compute the data for validation
Same thing than above but for the data used to validate the training.
## 11. Choose the optimizer
Several optimizers are available in Tensorflow: SGD, RMSprop, Adam...
## 12. Fit the model including validation data
Fit the model using all the Tensorflow features you w
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Yolo v4 和 Yolo v3 Tiny使用 TensorFlow 2.x 的 Yolo v4 和 Yolo v3 Tiny这个 Tensorflow 改编自著名深度网络 Yolo 的第 4 版,基于 C++ 中的原始 Yolo 源代码,您可以在此处找到https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet和https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet + WIKI https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/wiki适应这个深度网络的方法基于Jason Brownlee在之前的版本 v3 中使用方法,并在此处介绍https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-perform-object-detection-with-yolov3-in-keras/但由于 Yolo 4 版新增的功能,我做了一些更改。所有步骤都包含在 jupyter 笔记本YoloV4_tf.ipynb中此外,我定义了损失函数,以便您可以按照后面所述训练模型。相应的步骤包含在 jupy
使用 TensorFlow 2.x 的 Yolo v4.zip (112个子文件)
test.512.512.bmp 257KB
setup.cfg 97B
.gitignore 250B
.gitignore 108B
.gitignore 9B
app.icns 8B
YoloV4_tf.ipynb 1.92MB
YoloV3-tiny_tf.ipynb 553KB
YoloV4_Train_tf.ipynb 248KB
YoloV3-tiny_Train_tf.ipynb 79KB
create_own_data.ipynb 7KB
demo3.jpg 89KB
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臉書.jpg 747B
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demo4.png 2.71MB
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labels.png 2KB
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done.png 2KB
cancel.png 2KB
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quit.png 2KB
help.png 2KB
delete.png 1KB
color.png 1KB
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eye.png 1KB
save.png 1KB
zoom.png 1KB
objects.png 1KB
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zoom-in.png 1KB
edit.png 1KB
zoom-out.png 1KB
new.png 977B
format_voc.png 786B
file.png 765B
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copy.png 646B
expert2.png 335B
expert1.png 278B
strings.properties 2KB
strings-zh-CN.properties 2KB
strings-zh-TW.properties 2KB
labelImg.py 63KB
canvas.py 25KB
shape.py 6KB
labelFile.py 6KB
pascal_voc_io.py 6KB
yolo_io.py 5KB
test_io.py 4KB
create_ml_io.py 4KB
setup.py 3KB
labelDialog.py 3KB
utils.py 3KB
stringBundle.py 2KB
colorDialog.py 1KB
settings.py 1KB
toolBar.py 1KB
test_stringBundle.py 1KB
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zoomWidget.py 780B
test_utils.py 713B
constants.py 668B
ustr.py 532B
test_qt.py 310B
__init__.py 76B
__init__.py 0B
resources.qrc 2KB
envsetup.sh 2KB
build-windows-binary.sh 882B
build-for-macos.sh 724B
build-for-pypi.sh 680B
build-ubuntu-binary.sh 656B
run-in-container.sh 383B
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