(1. 大学, 225002; 2. 中国移动通信集团 , 210029;
3. 广播电视总台 技术传输中心, 225009
摘 要:针对目前工业现场对交流电机缺乏有效监控的问题, 为实现对交流电机
的参数采集和智能监控, 设计了基于 物联网技术的多电机监控系统。该系统通过
传感器测量电机与其所处环境的相关参数, 利用无线自组织网络技术将数据传 输
至以 S3C2440 为核心的控制中心, 采用 SimpliciTI 协议进行网络通信, 并通过
GSM 模块进行远程数据传输。实验表明, 该 系统能够准确测量相关参数, 与时发
现电机的堵转、 缺相、 三相不平衡等问题, 有效保护电机。
关键词:物联网; 自组织网络技术; S3C2440; SimpliciTI 协议
中图分类号:TN99⁃34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004⁃373X (2015 15⁃0136⁃03
Design of multi ⁃ motor monitoring system based on Internet of Things
technology DING Jun 1, WANG Maoxiang 1, 2, LI Duogui 3, WANG Bin 1, ZHU
Jinrong 1
(1. Yangzhou University , Yangzhou 225002, China ; 2. Jiangsu
Limited Company of China Mobile Group , Nanjing 210029;
3. Technology Transfer Center , Yangzhou Radio and Television
Station , Yangzhou 225009, China
Abstract :Since industry field is lack of effective monitoring to AC
motor , multi⁃motor monitoring system based on Internet of Things was
designed to realize parameter acquisition and intelligent control for AC
motor. In this system , the motor′s relevant parameters and its
surrounding environment are measured by the sensor. By using wireless
self⁃organized network technology , data are transmitted to control
center , which takes S3C2440as control core. SimpliciTI protocol is
applied to proceeding network ⁃ munication , and remote data