# Smoke Detection Matting Methods:
Currently this is the storage space for the Matlab code and the paper and source code for matting photos containing smoke with a linear assumption.
I hope to be able to in the next couple weeks update this with an iPython notebook which will include the code explicitly and well as incorporate all of the theory in the paper. My hope in this would be that people who are working on this problem would easily be able to extend the work we have presented.
This work was originally for STATS 757 with visiting professor Dr. Raul Rojas.
Great thanks to both Dr. Rojas for the wonderful semester as well as Tian, Li et al for the clearly written paper and being gracious enough to share their dataset with us to perform PCA.
If you're interested in working on this and desire more of the data than what I've posted here, please email me! (duncanscottwilson@ymail.com) the seismology lab gave us more data than we could handle!
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 2
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- 机器学习大作业-Python实现基于线性回归的PM2.5预测项目源码(高分期末大作业)
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- 数据结构--实验报告2.docx
- 基于python的开源文本到语音转换项目+小白使用教程(支持批量英语、中文、多情感语音合成,web界面).zip
- 本软件包是用于Windows下往云端上传代码的工具
- MySQL-server-5.6.22-1.linux_glibc2.5.x86_64.rpm