### 自适应控制技术详解 #### 一、概述 自适应控制系统是一种能够根据系统运行环境的变化自动调整控制器参数的控制方法。这种系统通过实时监测过程变量(PV)与设定值(SP)之间的偏差,并据此调整控制策略,从而实现对被控对象的精确控制。自适应控制在工业自动化领域有着广泛的应用,尤其是在那些过程条件复杂多变的场合。 #### 二、自适应控制的关键参数 自适应控制涉及到多个关键参数,这些参数决定了控制系统的性能和响应速度。下面详细介绍各个参数的作用及其设置原则: 1. **过程变量 (PV)**:表示被控制或调节的过程变量名称。通常为LAI(模拟输入)点,但也可能为LAO(模拟输出)点,例如代表供气温度。其值应在-50.0到150.0之间。 2. **控制变量 (CV)**:表示输出信号的点名或局部变量名,该信号为0.0到100.0%的直接作用信号,并计划用于转至表格语句;每种输出执行器点(如加热、风门、冷却等)一个。 3. **设定值 (SP)**:环路的设定值,与过程变量进行比较。此参数可以是点名、十进制数或局部变量。设定值应代表与过程变量相同的工程单位。 4. **采样时间 (ST)**:两次连续执行ADAPTS算法之间的时间间隔,也是数据采集的时间间隔。最小允许采样时间为1秒,且必须小于等于控制回路中最短时间常数的三分之一。该参数可作为整数、点名或局部变量输入。 5. **控制增益 (KC)**:控制增益的值必须大于0,通常推荐设置为3。此参数可以是点名、局部变量或十进制数。 6. **时间常数 (TC)**:时间常数(秒),应设置为控制回路传感器、执行器及线圈(如果适用)的时间约束之和。此值必须大于等于三倍的采样时间。此参数可以是点名、局部变量或十进制数。 7. **反向作用标志 (RA)**:表示控制器的动作方式(1=反向作用;0=正向作用)。反向作用意味着当过程变量增加时,环路输出(CV)点名或局部变量减少。此参数可以是点名、局部变量或整数。 8. **过程变量低限 (LLPV)**:过程变量的下限,其值必须小于高限。此参数可以是点名、局部变量或十进制数。LLPV的典型值通常是过程变量预期能达到的最低值。 9. **过程变量高限 (HLPV)**:过程变量的上限。 10. **输出数据库 (EDB)**:输出数据库,通常用于存储控制输出的数据。 11. **非过程变量 (NPV)**:非过程变量,用于存储额外的信息或状态。 12. **误差 (ERR)**:误差值,表示设定值与过程变量之间的偏差。 #### 三、应用示例 1. **静态压力控制**:对于静态压力控制,可以将LLPV设置为一个小的负值(如-0.1),以覆盖可能出现的传感器校准不准确或风扇关闭时的小负压情况。 2. **供气温度控制**:在供气温度控制中,PV通常代表供气温度。根据实际应用场景的不同,设定合适的PV范围以及其他的控制参数。 #### 四、自适应控制的优势 1. **灵活性**:自适应控制可以根据环境变化自动调整参数,提高系统的适应性和灵活性。 2. **鲁棒性**:即使在未知或不确定的条件下,自适应控制也能保持良好的性能。 3. **高效性**:通过对控制参数的优化调整,可以显著提高控制效率。 #### 五、总结 自适应控制是一种重要的控制策略,在许多工业控制领域都有着不可替代的作用。通过合理设置各项参数,可以实现对复杂系统的有效控制,提高生产效率并降低能耗。掌握自适应控制的相关知识和技术对于工程师来说是非常重要的。
PV. Point name of the process variable being controlled or regulated. Process Var is usually an LAI point, but can be an LAO point, which represents supply air temperature. It's value should be between -50.0 and 150.0.
CV. Point name or local varable name for the output signal (controlled variable). This signal is 0.0 to 100.0 percent, direct acting, and is intedted to go to TABLE statements; one for each output actuator point (example, heating, dampers, and cooling).
Set Point. Set point for the loop against which the process variable is compared. This parameter can be a point name, decimal number, or local variable. Set point should represent the same engineering units as the process variable.
ST. Sample Time. This is the time, in seconds, between two successive starts of execution of the ADAPTS algorithm. It is also the time interval between two samples of data by ADAPTS. The minimum Sample Time allowed is 1 second. The Sample Time must be entered as an integer, point name or local variable. The Sample Time must be smaller than or equal to one-third of the smallest Time Constant.
KC. Control Gain. Its value must be greater than 0. KC should be set to 3. This parameter can be enetered as a point name, local variable, or decimal.
TC. Time Constant, in seconds. TC should be set to the sum of the time constraints of the control loops sensor, actuator, and coil (if applicable). This value must be greater than or equal to 3 times the Sample Time (ST). This parameter can be entered as a point name, local variable, or decimal.
RA. Reverse Acting flag (1 = reverse acting; 0 = direct acting) This defines the action of the ADAPTS controller. Reverse acting means the (output) point name or local variable name of the loop output (CV)decreases as the (input) process variable (PV) increases. This parameter can be entered as a point name, local variable, or an integer.
LLPV. Low Limit of Process Variable. Its value must be less than (HLPV). This parameter can be entered as a point name, local variable, or decimal. The LLPV value is typically the lowest value that the process variable (PV) is expected to achieve.
Example 1: For static pressure control, enter a small negative value (-0.1) to cover the possibility of a miscalibrated sensor or small negative air pressures when the fan is off.
Example 2: For supply air temperature control with mixed air dampers, use 30°F. The mixed air dampers should prevent any lower temperatures from entering the supply duct even if the heating coil is not operating or hot water is absent.
HLPV. High Limit of Process Variable. Its value must be greater than llpv. This parameter can be entered as a point name, local variable, or decimal. The hlpv value is typically the highest value that the process variable (PV) is expected to achieve.
Example 1: For static pressure control, enter the highest pressure that will occur in the supply duct. The highest pressures occur on startup and when there are large upsets.
Example 2: For supply air temperature control use 130°F.
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