Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
Microsoft Windows 9x, NT, 2000, ME, XP
Version 4.20.0006 (12.5.0/P-EBF11210 ESD#12/04.10.0006)
June 2003
Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
Problems Fixed
Installation Instructions
Driver Options
Notes and Known Problems
Installed Files
Technical Support
Sybase ASE ODBC Driver, TDS Version
IMPORTANT: You must have at least version 2.60 of the Microsoft Data
Access Components (MDAC) installed to use the Sybase ASE ODBC Driver 4.10.0049.
The current version at the time of DataDirect Technologies's original release
of this driver was 2.7. You can download a utility that determines the version
of your currently installed MDAC from the following Microsoft site:
You can download the latest MDAC from the Microsoft site:
This Driver is ODBC 3.51 compliant. If you are using MDAC 2.10 and
MDAC 2.50, and encounter problems, please upgrade to the current
MDAC level and test for resolution. If problem persists please
contact Sybase Technical Support.
*** PLEASE NOTE - The following is a known issue, and has been ***
*** addressed by the following Sybase ASE releases: ***
*** ***
*** Sybase ASE IR (Interim Release) ***
*** Sybase ASE IR (Interim Release) ***
*** ***
*** Currently, multiple components in an MTS/DTC application ***
*** (using OLE-DB or ODBC via the XA interface) cannot share ***
*** the same 'lock space' on ASE. These applications may hang ***
*** if they have multiple components or connections attempting ***
*** to access the same data simultaneously; even within a ***
*** single MTS/DTC transaction. ***
*** This problem does NOT affect ASE on NT using the Native-OLE ***
*** distributed transaction interface, nor will it affect ***
*** components that access separate data and do not need to ***
*** share locks. ***
*** This problem is caused by the way MTS/DTC generates XA ***
*** transaction Ids and these issues are being addressed under ***
*** CR 259265. ***
Problems Fixed
Version 4.20.0006 (12.5.0/P-EBF11210 ESD#12/04.10.0006)
CR 314726: ODBC: Output parameter not displayed when raiserror is involved
in a stored procedure.
CR 291178: ODBC: Support for Password Encryption, as found in the Client
Library based ODBC Drivers.
CR 301187: ODBC: Driver fails for SQLBindCol with SQL_C_NUMERIC for a
particular number when it had 17 digits. However since the ODBC
specification limits maximum digits of Numeric values to 16, any value
greater than 16 will now fail with a numeric overflow error message.
For exmaple, this query will fail:
select convert(numeric(17,0), 10000000000000001) with error message:
"Numeric overflow. Error in column 1."
Version 4.10.0049 (12.5.0/P-EBF11113 ESD#11/04.10.0049)
CR 303369: ODBC: Fractional truncation on NUMERIC datatypes when the data
is involved in a stored procedure/insert.
CR 304589: ODBC: The host_id() ASE function was returning value in
hexidecimal format, when in earlier releases of ODBC driver the data
returned in decimal format.
CR 307251: ODBC: SQLExecDirect() returns SQL_ERROR on stored procedure call
that sends message through a PRINT T-SQL statement. Now it returns
CR 307874: ODBC: GPF when using Parameter set size.
CR 312953: ODBC: Numeric parameters preceded by char parameters would display
as char datatypes when the metadata information for the parameters was
not provided in an ADO application. What happend was the ODBC Driver
would call SQLProcedureColumns to gather datatype information, but was
not indicating NUMERIC for the NUMERIC datatypes. It would indicate
their types as CHAR.
CR 314065: ODBC: Using the "execute" keyword to execute stored procedures
in ADO or ODBC applications causes the CommandTimeout to fail. Instead
of timing out the driver will cause an infinite loop based on the timeout
Version 4.10.0041 (12.5.0/P-EBF10969/04.10.0041)
CR 300563: ODBC: Unable to connect to ASE using interfaces file through MS
Excel application.
CR 288181: ODBC: Connection behavior using MS Access with attribute DRIVER
fails to link table MS Access can not handle DSN-less connections.
Work around is to use DNS connections.
Version 4.10.0040 (12.5.0/P-EBF10929/04.10.0040)
CR 292372: ODBC: client connection cannot fail over when ASE HA is on NT
CR 296436: ODBC: Stored procedure with a raiserror returned a warning
(SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) instead of SQL_ERROR on execute.
CR 295709: ODBC: Unable to get a message returned from a raiserror that was
inside a trigger.
CR 295867: ODBC: LDAP feature does not unbind the url session. When request
is made to retrieve the SybaseAddress the connection from ODBC driver to
ldap server remains OPEN until the odbc application terminates. The session
now UNBINDs immediately after request to provide information has occurred.
CR 297342: ODBC: Error 2601, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object
'tableName' with unique index 'indexName'", was a warning with the
ctlib-based driver and was returned as an error with the TDS-based driver.
CR 298282: ODBC: Stored procedures did not return empty result sets.
CR 299893: ODBC: Stored procedures executed as language commands returned
errors as separate result sets instead of in the same result set. For example,
if using the proc_role() function in a stored procedure, and if you pass an
invalid role as a parameter, you received one message about the invalid role.
You did not receive the other message indicating that you do not have the right
Version 4.10.0028 (12.5.0/P-EBF10719/04.10.0028)
CR 293132: On connecting to an Open Server application the ODBC Driver
would cause "Catastrophic Failure" in an ADO application. It was discovered
the failure occurred on the API call, SQLGetInfo, when retrieving the value
for the SQL_DATABASE_NAME attribute. This problem is now resolved, but it
is REQUIRED to include the database name in the connection string. This
is required when using Open Server applications such as Sybase OpenSwitch
only when the Open Server application is connecting to Sybase ASE.
CR 295539: Default parameters are not supported by the ODBC Driver since
ASE does not provide this information in the Catalog Stored Proceudures.
Instead, if you try to use default parameters you will receive this error
message: "Default parameters are not supported by this database."
CR 295783: Odbc driver would close the network socket after TDS_LOGOUT,
without waiting for the TDS_DONE acknowledgement from the ASE. This could
potentially cause "1608" network errors to appear in the Sybase ASE error
log. This has been resolved.
CR 296725: The ODBC driver now supports using the Sybase OCS SQL.INI